Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1624: The real and the virtual

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"What? Elder Song, it turned out that it was the Tian Ren of the Japanese Kingdom that harmed you? Isn't it the Bi An Sect?

Elder Yuan asked strangely, "But the Gu worm found in your body is obviously!"

"It's the Japanese kingdom! The Japanese kingdom... I'm running out of time, and the Huaxia kingdom... will leave it to you..."

Elder Song, who thought he was about to die, was full of sorrow and spoke intermittently, but at this time, Lin Feng stepped forward and pulled Elder Song up and slapped Elder Song on the back.


All the filthy blood remaining in Elder Song’s body was immediately forced out. Elder Song was also stunned for a long time. It took a long time before he came back to his senses, and said in amazement: "I...what's the matter with me? Just now. Obviously I feel like I'm going to die!"

"Elder Song, this is the elder Lin Fenglin that we told you before. This time you can walk back from the ghost gate, thanks to Elder Lin Feng." Elder Wang introduced.

"Lin Feng? Don't you only have the cultivation base of the late Xiantian? Why... the palm of the hand just now, the inner strength is extremely deep?"

Elder Song was also surprised. He looked at Lin Feng, who was obviously only eighteen or nine years old, but he showed more skill than his old antique.

"Elder Song, isn't the important thing now to tell the whole process of your murder? What's the matter with the Tianren of the Kingdom of Japan? Aren't they less than five Tianren? When will there be six or seven Tianren? "Lin Feng smiled and asked strangely.

"Yeah! Lao Song, what is going on? I know you are monitoring some activities in the Wa country recently, but it is a bit exaggerated to say that there are six or seven Tianren in the Wa country?" Elder Yuan also looked at him. Said in disbelief.

The other elders also stood aside, waiting to hear Elder Song's answer. The old man of the Xiao family, because he had just joined the dragon group, his status could be said to be the lowest, and he had always stood by and said nothing.

Of course, the gaze he looked at Lin Feng was even more envied and surprised. Obviously, Lin Feng joined the Dragon Team a little later than himself, but now Lin Feng has completed an S-level mission independently and became an official elder, not to mention just now Lin Feng’s great power to bring Elder Song back from the ghost gate. .

"Recently, I discovered that there was something unusual in the country of Japan, so I went deep into the country of Japan and conducted some investigations. It turned out that they were actually carrying out horrible sacrifice activities, using the souls of many boys and girls to perform evil sacrifices..."

Speaking of this experience, Elder Song inevitably talked about the change of color, “Through sacrifices, some incredible magical treasures were obtained, which enabled some of their ninjutsu disciples to quickly promote to become Tennins.”

"What? There is such a witchcraft? How could it be possible? Isn't this something that only exists in the legend in exchange for power?"

Hearing this, Elder Yuan immediately changed his face, "According to this method, doesn't it mean... Now that the Japanese nation has created a batch of Tian Ren? Then how could we still be their opponents! Tian Ren is equivalent to that? Our innate level master!"

"Yeah! This is too bad! The total number of innate warriors in our entire China Nation will not exceed twenty. Each innate warrior will have to go through most of his life's accumulation and luck before he can break through. It was successful. But now the dwarfs of the Japanese country... have found such an evil way."

Elder Wang was also worried, and his heart was very unbalanced. After all, for every person who practices martial arts, he can deeply experience the difficulty and pain of that kind of cultivation. When you find that there are other ways to justify your cultivation, you will certainly feel very depressed.

"Don't worry too much. Their method of sacrifice is not as powerful as we thought. I also discovered after many secret investigations that they used a hundred virgins and a hundred virgins to sacrifice to the evil god. , And finally get a drop of the heretical god’s blood."

Elder Song said slowly, "A drop of blood of the Heretic God can make a Shangren promote to Tianren. However, there is also the possibility of failure. Moreover, it seems that their method of offering sacrifices to the Heretic God has just been mastered, and they have not been promoted for many days. endure."

"That's terrible enough! The Japanese country is notoriously perverted and inhuman. He sacrificed two hundred lives in exchange for a chance for Shangren to be promoted to Tianren. It's over! It's over... Now they definitely want to kill all Shangren in the country. Transform into Tian Ren." Yuan sighed.

"Old Yuan, don't be too pessimistic. In fact, this method is just a mess. I found that all Tianren who are promoted through the blood of the evil **** only have the strength of the innate initial stage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and their strength is permanently fixed. Unable to improve. In other words, any Tennin who was promoted through the blood of the Heretic God lost the ability to continue to practice and improve. This time I escaped back, and I killed almost 20 early Tennin from them all the way, and destroyed them. I believe that they will not be able to sacrifice to the evil **** through this method in a short time..."

Speaking of this, Elder Song took another deep breath and said, "However, as far as I know, there are still six or seven Tianren who are said to have sneaked into our Huaxia Kingdom."

"Kill twenty Tennins by one person? Did you... destroy the Evil God altar of the Kingdom of Japan? This Elder Song is really fierce enough!"

When Lin Feng heard this, he couldn't help but put his thumbs up. Not to mention anything else, Elder Song went deep behind the enemy line and decisively destroyed the courage of the Japanese evil **** altar.

"Then what to do? Lao Song, forbearance to sneak into our China these days, isn't that going to cause great damage? Should we turn on the first level of alert and mobilize the national force to remove these malignant tumors?" Elder Yuan frowned and said, this But there are six or seven Japanese wives! Strength should not be underestimated.

"It's not necessary. Waguo Tianren is indeed a threat, but it seems that they have some conspiracy to unfold in our Huaxia Kingdom, plus ninjas are good at disguising, I am afraid that if they have the intention to hide, even if they appear in front of us, it will be difficult. Recognize them."

Elder Song pondered for a moment, and then said, "I think it's still the case! The art of war is clear, the imaginary is the real, and the real is imaginary. My existence is a huge threat to the gods of the Japanese nation. If they knew that I was not dead and brought this news back, they would surely let these heavens stay dormant and be careful. Then it would be difficult for us to find them. Why not do this, you can find a way to seriously wound me and die. The news leaked..."


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