Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1638: Relay race spike (Part 2)





  &Nb "Quickly, quickly... the 4x400 relay race is about to begin! I'm so nervous! I don't know which class can win!"


&nb "The favorite to win this time is the International Trade (1) class. The monitor of their class Fu Yangxu is so handsome! I have been following for several days, and basically he can get the ranking in the running competition. Stable level two athletes!"


  &Nb "Huh? Didn't it mean that Lin Feng was also on the court? He is so powerful, he can definitely get the first place, right?"


  &Nb "This is a relay race! The overall strength of the China World Trade Center (1) class is the strongest, basically the champion belongs to them..."




The   &nb players were already standing in their positions, and even the audience became nervous. Everyone is discussing which class will win this relay race.


"Teacher Wang, the freshmen of your School of Economics this year are amazing! The two classes that are now tied for the first place in the sports meet are from your School of Economics! This relay race is also the favorite for the International Trade (1) class to win the championship. what!"


  &Nb In the audience, the freshman counselors and teachers of several other departments all looked at Wang Yajun with envy and congratulated.


  &Nb "It's all students' hard work, but isn't the spirit of sports games always the first in friendship and second in games?"


  &Nb Wang Yajun was also slightly happy in her heart. She looked at it, and Lin Feng, who was standing in the last position, couldn't help but yelled below: "Lin Feng, come on!"


  &Nb beep!


  &Nb The referee blew the whistle for the beginning of the relay race. A total of twenty classmates who participated in the competition shot out like an arrow.


  &Nb Because this is a 400-meter relay, each runner is only responsible for running a 400-meter lap, so everyone did not retain their physical strength and sprinted forward.


  &Nb "Come on! Economy (2) class will win!"


  &Nb "Guomao (1) class is number one... Come on!"


  &Nb "Come on! Come on..."




On the   &nb playground, the cheerleaders and cheering of each class were full, and the atmosphere was very good. All the players sweated like rain and rushed forward under the big sun.


&nb However, the players in this first club seem to be about the same strength. Except for the players in the China World Trade Center (1) who are slightly ahead of about ten meters, the first clubs of other classes are in the same position, forming the players in the China World Trade Center (1). Bear the brunt of the situation, and the others can be regarded as a big force situation.


  &Nb "Good job! International Trade (1) class, always strive for the first!"


  &Nb "Economy (2) class, come on! Fight for the first place..."




  &Nb Economics (2) class's first stick was the deputy squad leader Zhao Zhong. His original explosiveness is considered good, but it is still a bit worse than the player in China World Trade (1) class.


The lap of   &nb was about to finish. The first shot of the China World Trade Center (1) widened the gap. Compared with the big team, it was almost fifty meters ahead.


&nb However, Zhao Zhong also held his breath today and must win, so when there was about a hundred meters left, he slammed forward and stood out from the big army and tried to shorten the class (1). The distance of the players.


  &Nb "Asshole! Hurry up! Hurry up... Zhao Zhong is about to catch up..."


  &Nb was about to be handed over, and Zhao Zhong could not be allowed to rush forward. The second shot of the International Trade (1) class hurriedly urged the first shot. Looking back on the first shot, Zhao Zhong was struggling to close the gap and speeding up again. Finally, he took the first shot with a distance of almost forty meters.


  &Nb "Okay! Great! The first shot was 40 meters ahead of Lin Feng and his class. Following this trend, when I came here, even if they were less than 200 meters ahead of them, there would be 100 meters."


&nb Fu Yangxu, who was always watching the situation, looked triumphant, looked at Lin Feng, who was standing not far away, and said with a smile: "Lin Feng, this time your class will lose. Did you see it first? The stick is 40 meters behind, and it depends on how you can catch it back... I tell you, this gap will continue to widen in the future!"


  &Nb "Oh? Then let's just wait and see!"


  &Nb Lin Feng sneered, and didn't take it seriously. As long as his class's three shots were not behind a full circle, he would have a way to turn the tide. Let Fu Yangxu be proud of this silly fork for a while, and how proud he is now, will be more confused in a while.


  &Nb "Oh! Gou Sheng,… rely on… rely on you… rush! rush rush..."


&nb's explosive power is fairly good among the three, Zhao Zhong has fallen behind by 40 meters. Although it seems that he is second, the other classes are slower, but Gou Sheng and Fang Wei behind Zhao Zhong ran better There are quite a lot of them, and the players in the International Trade (1) class and even the other classes have relatively good second and third bars.


&nb "What should I do? It's over! This time, when the fourth stick is passed to the squad leader, isn't it going to be half a turn?" Zhao Zhong panted and bent over, but his heart was already cold. This time it is estimated that the relay race will be lost.


  &Nb In his opinion, even if Lin Feng is great, can he reverse the situation with so much backwardness?


  &Nb "Go! China World Trade (1) class, first! First..."


  &Nb Sure enough, the situation of the next two clubs did not exceed Zhao Zhong's expectations. Even though Gou Sheng and Fang Wei both took out the strength of feeding, they ran almost the slowest among all the players. Even Zhao Zhong's advantage at the beginning was not maintained.


&nb Gou Sheng is 50 meters behind the second bar of the International Trade (1) class, Fang Wei is more behind, and he is about to take over the bar. It is a full 70 meters away from the first International Trade (1) class. It was 40 meters behind Zhong Zhong, and the Economics (2) class fell behind by a total of 160 meters, which is almost the last of the entire team.


  &Nb "Wow! It's the third best, Huh... Isn't Lin Feng's Economy (2) the favorite to win the championship? How come Economy (2) is second to last?"


  &Nb "Really! I didn't pay attention just now! When the economics (2) class reached the third bar, it was already the countdown!"


  &Nb "Oh! The first place in International Trade (1) class is about to hand over the fourth bar, then the third bar of the economics (2) class has just run shortly, the gap is too big..."


  &Nb "It seems that this time, the first place must be from the International Trade (1) class. I am also looking forward to seeing Lin Feng counterattack! It is unlikely that this time..."




  &Nb The 400-meter relay race is too fast, everyone has not seen the addiction, it is about to handover to the fourth. At this time, the China World Trade Center (1) class was leading too much, almost 70 meters ahead of the second-placed class, and Fang Wei, who was leading the economy class (2), was almost half a lap.


  &Nb There is no way, who let them participate in the competition are all professional athletes! It is absolutely second to none in explosive power. Soon, the fourth bar of the International Trade (1) class is coming.


&nb "Haha! Lin Feng, have you seen it? The strength of our class is absolutely overwhelming. My fourth shot is about to start. And you...I guess when I reach the end, you will pay No start yet!"


  &Nb Seeing that the fourth bar of his class was coming right away, Fu Yangxu exclaimed triumphantly. In his opinion, his class is already guaranteed to win this game.


  &Nb "Squad leader! It's up to you, we must be the first!"


The third bar of   &nb International Trade (1) class ran over and handed over the baton to Fu Yangxu. Fu Yangxu turned around in a cool manner, and then ran out quickly. Although he thinks he is set to win, he still doesn't care about it until he reaches the end, but he is always paying attention to the situation behind him.


  &Nb "Oh! I didn't look at it, look at it... the last leg of the fastest-running International Trade (1) class has already started, and Lin Feng is still half a lap short of it!"


  &Nb "It seems that this time, Lin Feng has no way to turn the tide..."


  &Nb "I thought it would be a fierce competition! It was an overwhelming victory for Class 1 of China World Trade Center!"


  &Nb"It’s no wonder that the China World Trade Center (1) class is really strong! I hope you don’t meet them during the school sports games..."




  &Nb After Fu Yangxu set off for the fourth bar, all the spectators in the stands and on the playground felt that the China World Trade Center (1) class was set, after all, Lin Feng and his class were so much behind.


  &Nb And then, other players also handed over the last baton to sprint, but Fang Wei from the Economics (2) class was late in coming, and almost crying with apologetic expression, handed the baton to Lin Feng.


  &Nb "Squad leader! Sorry, I...we ran too slow..."


  &Nb "It's okay! Fang Wei, isn't this game over yet? It doesn't necessarily matter who wins and who loses! You have done a good job, so let's look at me!"


&nb At this time, the handover was in the hands of Lin Feng, but Fu Yangxu, who was the first place, had almost finished half a lap, and only the last two hundred meters were left. Sprint, that is, less than half a minute. It's up.


  &Nb "Haha! I'm finally going to win Lin Feng's boy once, see if he is still convinced this time..."


  &Nb Just when Fu Yangxu was proud to make the final sprint, he suddenly heard the exclamation of the audience.


  &Nb "Fuck! So fast... look! It's Lin Feng, how can he run so fast..."


  &Nb "Nima! Is this still a human? An afterimage! This speed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ completely slaughter the professional athletes in the 100-meter race..."


  &Nb "Catch up... catch up, this is only ten seconds!"




The end of   &nb was right in front of him. Fu Yangxu felt the surprised eyes of the audience, and suddenly felt something was wrong. When he turned his head slightly, he was shocked.


  &Nb "Lin Feng, he actually... has caught up?"


&nb At this moment, Lin Feng had already chased up from behind Fu Yangxu. When Fu Yangxu realized it, it was too late. The key point was still more than ten meters away, but his speed was no longer able to rise. He watched Lin Feng really rushed up like a crush.


  &Nb one second, Lin Feng passed him from behind.


  &Nb In the second second, Lin Feng broke through the end!

  ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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