Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1706: reborn

What kind of feeling is this?

The chaotic mind suddenly became clear, and the aging body, from the inside to the outside, began to constantly renew, as if it was peeling away, allowing the body to regenerate little by little.

An itchy feeling, full of vitality, the breath of life with a trace of life in the past is gone forever.

Suddenly, Madam opened her eyes, with unprecedented aura, she seemed to see, what she looked like when she was in her twenties, she seemed to see again, that majestic gentleman standing above tens of thousands of people, The man who ordered the world, for the Chinese nation, to expel the Tartars, and to advocate freedom and democracy.

"I... Am I going to die? Is my body very relaxed, sir, did you come to me? But I, I haven't been able to completely fulfill your last wish!"

This feeling of rebirth made the lady feel like a glimpse before death, but the next second, when she truly felt her heart beating vigorously again, and the blood in her blood vessels became surging. Once again, she stood up suddenly from the ground.

"Madam, how are you?" the close maid exclaimed in surprise.

"Madam, your body cannot do such violent movements."

Doctor Fang was taken aback by his wife's actions, and hurried forward.

"Haha! Madam, you are young again. Congratulations, Madam, you are reborn."

The old man Cai, who has experienced this feeling once, can get it tangibly. The Madam's feeling at this time is absolutely unparalleled. This is the ultimate effect brought by the divine water. The vitality and vitality contained in it can reactivate the aging organs in the human body.

"This divine water turned out to be true. Under the world, there is such a magical baby..."

He looked at his hands incredulously, and then touched his beating heart pounding and pounding. Madam was completely shocked. She is now in the same state as the old man Cai, her physical appearance has not changed much, her face is still pale and white, but her mental state is very good, and the wrinkles on her face and hands are also lighter.

And the most important thing is that all the internal organs of the body have regained their vitality when they were in their 20s and 30s. This is the vitality contained in Shenshui and the effect of pre-existing breath, which is wonderful and incredible.

"Madam, your hand... and your mental state, I... I will give you a comprehensive physical examination right away."

Doctor Fang, who had witnessed this scene with his own eyes, opened his eyes wide and still couldn't believe it. He immediately arranged for him to move in all the machines for the physical examination, and then in this conference room, he made a very comprehensive plan for his wife. Physical examination.

About half an hour later, the results of the full physical examination came out. Doctor Fang was even more stunned and cried out in surprise: "Madam! Madam! The organs in your body are almost equivalent to the level of a young man in his 20s or 30s. , Even if the cell cycle is long enough, according to this vitality, there is absolutely no problem in surviving for another ten years..."


It is a miracle like a god!

Dr. Fang is the most comprehensive and professional doctor in the entire world. He has also encountered many incredible cases and recovery experiences all over the world, but his wife is almost reborn from the inside out within a few minutes. But it is unheard of, unseen.

"Is my body really young again? This feeling, for a long, long time, I haven't breathed so much."

The old lady used to control her breathing a little bit, but now, she can breathe in to the end, and then exhale for a long time. The major organs in the body did not feel any discomfort at all.

"Madam, this is the one I want to recommend, the divine water he brought. Of course, if you just rely on a treasure, it is not enough to become A. In this encrypted USB drive, I have collected and learned All the relevant information of Jia, and...according to my understanding, these are most likely just the tip of Jia's iceberg..."

Stop talking! Old man Cai handed over the encrypted USB flash drive. This is a special USB flash drive produced by Huaneng Group. The data in it is absolutely compelling. After the USB flash drive is powered on, no data can be copied, and only half Hours of browsing the content inside ensure that confidential content will not be easily lost.

"Okay! Zi, show me the contents of the USB flash drive immediately."

The lady who originally had doubts about "A", after the baptism of this bottle of divine water, is full of hope for him, eager to see the contents of the data in the USB disk, and want to know. What kind of character is the "A" recommended by this old man Cai.

And the Doctor Fang on the side picked up the half-bottle of Shenshui that was left. After asking his wife for instructions, like a treasure, he took it for research.

"Did he do this? He is just an eighteen-year-old boy! He has already achieved such an achievement? And you said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is suspected of being in a martial arts realm above innate and was Has the Dragon Group become an elder?"

Originally I saw it with curiosity. After more than a hundred years of baptism, what big scenes and legends have not seen the lady? But when she saw all the deeds and information about Lin Feng listed item by item on that information, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although the most intuitive demonstration of Lin Feng's ability was the crow mine incident, and it was not a big contribution. However, this incident, along with other Lin Feng’s deeds, can reflect Lin Feng’s overall ability, character, etc. For the wife who knows countless people, he can see this "A" at a glance. There is even the spirit of the "A" back then, and even more powerful strength and luck.

"Yes! Madam, according to our secret information, the Dragon Group has indeed added two more S-level elders recently. One has already been implemented. It is the old elder Xiao of the Xiao family among the five ancient martial arts families, but he has not yet completed S The level task officially became the elder of the dragon group.

On the other hand, the Dragon Group is strictly confidential and has not revealed too much information. According to our speculation and intelligence, this condition is met, and the recent frequent visitor to the capital... It is very likely that Lin Feng Lin Feng also resolved a world-class crisis that occurred in our city of Zhi'an a few days ago..."

Although during this period of time, Old Man Cai did not have much direct contact with Lin Feng, he silently followed Lin Feng and collected a lot of information that was suspected to be related to him. All these information were recorded in that one-time Confidential U disk.

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