Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1722: Are there ghosts in the villa? (under)

The other villa is Villa No. 18 in Kyoto Garden sent by the Jingcheng Chang's family. Although the market value is not as high as that of the previous Wansheng Imperial Court, it is very close to Qingbei University and the geographical conditions are also very good. .

However, when Wang Zhongjun and the others drove to the entire Kyoto Garden Community, they found something unusual.

This Kyoto Garden is also one of the most luxurious residential complexes in the entire capital, although it is not as good as the Wansheng imperial court where there are many children from large families. However, it is basically a place where some aristocratic children and wealthy people live. After all, ordinary people can't afford to buy hundreds of millions of luxury villas here.

The entire Kyoto community is divided into three areas. No. 1 to No. 6 are the outermost areas, the middle is No. 7 to No. 12, and the last is No. 13 to 18.

In other words, what Chang's family gave to Lin Feng was the last house No. 18 located in the innermost part of the entire community. However, don't think that No. 1 is the best in Feng Shui position, and No. 1 is bad.

This Kyoto community is the other way around. The location of Villa No. 1 is a bit awkward. There is too much sunlight throughout the day, and it's right next to the downtown area. It is very noisy and not suitable for living.

On the contrary, it is the villa No. 18 inside, which is close to the back door of the community, with easy access and quiet environment. It is even next to a hill in the community. The scenery is unique and can be said to be the most livable villa in the whole community.

However, when their car drove over to the 18th side, they found that the farther inside, there were fewer people. Especially when it came to the fifteenth and sixteenth, it was found that the two villas seemed to have been vacant for a long time, as if no one had ever lived.

There were some pedestrians in the small area. When they discovered that they were going to Villa No. 18, they all showed horrified expressions.

"Xiao Feng, what's going on? Why do I feel that compared to the previous one, this community feels a little bit gloomy?"

Mother Lin often wandered around in the streets, so she was more sensitive. From the expressions of the pedestrians in the community, something was wrong.

"Bah, baah! Guizhu, what are you talking about? This kind of high-end residential area, of course, is better to be quieter. Rich people don't like the bustle." Father Lin said quickly.

"No! There seems to be something wrong, Uncle Wang, you stop the car and let's ask about the situation?" Lin Feng frowned, because his spiritual sense swept over, and he did find that this community was a little unusual. Especially the few villas in the last row, except for the front 13th and 14th, the others are vacant all year round.

"it is good!"

Wang Zhongjun stopped the convoy, and a gray-haired old man came over by the side of the road. Wang Zhongjun stepped forward and asked, "Old man, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with the villas behind here? Why does it seem like No one lives at all? We are going to move to Villa 18 soon."

"Ah? What? Are you going to live in Villa 18? Are you dying? It's because that villa is haunted, so no one dares to live in the next few villas. Now they can't be sold. What's the matter with you? Before you buy a house, you won't come to see it on the spot. Is the investigation clear?"

When the white-haired old man heard that Wang Zhongjun said that he was going to live in Villa No. 18, his face became pale and he hurriedly waved his hand to persuade, "I persuade you to return the house as soon as possible! These villas All haunted! Don't live here..."

"Haunted? Old man, it's the 21st century now. Where is the word of haunted? If there are real ghosts, you dare to live in this community?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Zhongjun frowned first, then smiled and said to the old man. When he said this, he actually wanted to dispel the doubts of Lin Feng's family in the car, but unexpectedly the old man was even more excited when he heard him say this.

"Huh! What's going on in the 21st century? The ghost will still retire like the old man and me because it is the 21st century? I tell you, don't believe in evil, this ghost is very strange. It’s around these eighteen buildings, so we don’t dare to come here at night, so please ask yourself! Move out early..."

After the old man finished speaking, he waved his hand and left. However, Wang Zhongjun looked embarrassed and turned around to look at Lin Feng, but in his heart he complained helplessly against the Chang family. How could he give Lin Feng the haunted house? Isn't this a pitfall? Is this kind of haunted house still a treat?

At the same time, Wang Zhongjun also blamed himself for not doing the preparation work yesterday, and basically focused his mind on the villa that Li Xiangui sent. Because he felt that Lin Feng would definitely choose this villa to live in in the end. As for the one given by Changyu, he simply looked at the approximate location and price of the entire community, and where would he come to learn about the troubles of this villa? Isn't it haunted?

Besides, it's impossible to find things like haunting in the community on the Internet. Developers have already spent money to delete it for the housing price of the community.

"Ah! Xiaofeng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The villa we live in is haunted! This, this... how does this live?"

As soon as he heard what the old man said, the Lin mother in the car called out and said hurriedly.

"It must be all imaginary things, where is the ghost in this world?" As a soldier, Father Lin naturally didn't believe this.

"Yeah! Mom, didn't the uncle just said that? It's the 21st century, and ghosts are probably retired. Hey!"

Lin Feng smiled and said to Wang Zhongjun at the same time, "Uncle Wang! Let's go ahead! Let's go to Villa 18..."

"But, Lin Feng, that villa is haunted!"

Although Wang Zhongjun was very skeptical of what the old man said just now, things like ghosts are more or less superstitious, especially for the children of their business families.

Look at the gloomy looks of the nearby villas. There are no people living all year round, even if there are no ghosts, they are not popular, and they seem empty and gloomy.

"Uncle Wang, haven't I seen a ghost in my life? Wouldn't it be better if there are ghosts in this villa? I can just see it!"

Lin Feng smiled slightly, but still did not change his mind, and ordered Wang Zhongjun to get in the car and continue to drive to the so-called ghost house villa on the 18th.

(Five changes are over! Good night, everyone! Let me emphasize that you can add more strategy, and reward Huo’s book "The Peak of School Flowers" for 10,000 book coins. Here, the old book stewardess will add one more! But everyone does what we can, no Don’t be too cruel, or you’ll be exhausted, brother Huo!)

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