Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1725: Yin Gu

The wind blew up suddenly, and the villa, which had already looked very normal, suddenly became a little ghostly again.

Just now, Father Lin and Mother Lin, who thought this villa was more satisfactory, were also taken aback by the breath, and the lights in the living room were also dangling, strangely scary.

"My god! What...what's going on?"

Mother Lin was so scared that he hurriedly grabbed her husband's arm, but Father Lin carefully stared around, comforting his wife, "Guizhu! Don't be afraid!"

"Lin Feng, this villa seems to be really haunted."

Ever since Wang Zhongjun walked into this villa, he has been stunned. So when this yin wind blew over again, he immediately screamed.

"Don't worry! Uncle Wang, it's just a little trick to make axe. Just leave it to my sister Qingqing..."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and shouted at Luo Qingqing.

"It's just such a small matter, do I still need to go out?"

However, Luo Qingqing seemed to have seen through everything a long time ago, and said calmly, "Let these monsters and ghosts use all their methods. We are also going to have a good show!"

Without intending to do it immediately, Luo Qingqing looked relaxed on the surface, but in fact she was carefully scanning the surroundings with her spiritual sense. Although she could feel that this was some kind of Gu worm at work, but for a while, she would not have a goal.

"Listen to Sister Qingqing, Mom and Dad! Don't be afraid, we are here!"

To comfort his parents, Lin Feng's spiritual sense discovered that there were as many as dozens of cameras in the villa. He knew that Sanyu must be looking at the computer at this time, watching everything that happened in the villa through the camera.

Lin Feng could easily destroy all of these cameras, but he didn't. Instead, he inadvertently pointed at the camera facing him in the living room and waved his hand as if he was saying hello to someone, laughing. Laughed.

"Miss, look! This Lin Feng, what is he doing? Is he saying hello to us? Impossible! Our cameras are all pinhole cameras, no matter how good his eyesight is, he will never find the camera. Location.

Moreover, we adopt the latest international technology. With the function of signal shielding and emission, it is absolutely impossible to be detected by some testing machines with a camera? "

Seeing Lin Feng's smile and greeting in the surveillance video, Kui Gu's heart sank and said.

"Don't worry about him, let the Yin Gu come out! I want to see how Lin Feng will deal with our Yin Gu. Yin Gu is invisible and invisible, just like the ghosts in the legend, the more Yin Qi is absorbed , The stronger..."

Chang Yu stared at the monitoring screen, watching Lin Feng let Lin father and Lin mother sit on the sofa, and then drew a circle around them with his feet.

At this time, Kui Gu who was on the side had already fully awakened that Yin Gu with blood control.

Yin wind, keep blowing!


In the entire villa, all the lights went out.

The tables and chairs began to vibrate involuntarily, making a gurgling sound, and then I didn't know where it came from, whether it was the corridor or the stairs, and there were waves of footsteps.

Not only that, but the howling of the yin wind seemed to be mixed with the cry of a woman. The sound made people’s scalp numb, and they could immediately make up a horrible rotting red dress in the brain. The female ghost comes.

"Damn! What's this sound? Xiao Feng, this villa is so evil, it's really a ghost! Let's leave now?"

Mother Lin screamed at the sound, got up from the sofa and wanted to run outside.

However, Lin Feng held it down and told her: "Mom! Don't be afraid, you will be fine if you sit on this sofa. Don't worry about this kind of pretending thing... Sister Qingqing and I will take care of it. ."

Lin Feng drew a circle around the sofa where his parents were sitting, using the formation method to isolate ordinary Gu worm ghosts, preventing them from getting close.

"Guizhu, listen to Xiaofeng! To be honest, I don't believe there are any ghosts. Someone must be making a ghost in all of this." Father Lin squinted his eyes and said.

"Elder Lin... I think we should go?"

The frightened Wang Zhongjun, even if he was a warrior in the late post-acquired period, was extremely frightened by the insignificant ghosts.

"No need!"

After waving his hand, Lin Feng had just finished speaking. Suddenly, the dining room table squeaked and slid over, as if someone was pushing hard at the back, but everyone could clearly see that there was nothing behind the table. No one!

"Ghost ghost ghost... Xiao Feng, the ghost is pushing the table! Let's run away!"

Seeing this, Mother Lin screamed loudly, and she was about to faint from shock. Father Lin was also stunned, not knowing what to do, but Wang Zhongjun quickly stepped away and wanted to escape to that door.

However, at this time, the table and chair that he could move suddenly slammed at the Wang Zhongjun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Bang!

Wang Zhongjun was careless, and with the skill and speed of a warrior in the late acquired stage, he couldn't avoid the dining table that had hit him.

"I see, brat, this is just a Yin Gu. It is an ancient Yin worm, but the skill is still too bad. Although it looks invisible, but our spiritual consciousness is condensed into one point. The one who can find it...Look, it just wants to lean towards the sofa area..."

Because of the action of Yin Gu hitting the king's army just now, Luo Qingqing used his spiritual sense to lock its position.

"Sure enough, it's just such a small bug that can create such a weird scene. No wonder people think it's haunted."

Hearing what Luo Qingqing said, Lin Feng also followed her, condensing the spiritual sense into one point, and swept it towards the sofa. As expected, a small red bug was swept immediately. This was the ghostly ghost.

Yin Gu is a Gu worm that has been fed by Yin Qi and corpses since childhood. It has a certain psychic physique. It is invisible and invisible. It can be transformed into a red ghost. It is absolutely invisible to ordinary people. Even the general spiritual sense of a cultivator can't detect its true form. Only by condensing the spiritual sense to a single point and strengthening the strength can it be possible to discover the true body of Yin Gu.

However, all things have their advantages and disadvantages. Although Yin Gu is very good at hiding and is not easy to be discovered, their destructive power and power are much less. Most of the time, they can only pretend to be like this, and they cannot cause much. Destructive.

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