Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1742: Go to an exciting place

I carefully turned over the materials handed over by the elder Wang. There were basically detailed photos and some transcripts of the parties involved at the time, which the outside world would never see.

"Worker Chen Dazhu: It's terrible! At that time, I saw a lot of soldiers fighting desperately. It was night, but it felt like daytime. Many people around me saw it. We got down and didn't dare to show up. Those. The soldiers walked past us. They seemed to have seen us, but they ignored us, but they stripped out the female workers..."

"Worker Zhang Tie: The female workers were caught by those soldiers and tortured in all manners. It was terrible. Later, they seemed to look at us, and we ran and ran out of life! It was so easy to ran out, and it turned out that the female workers were all Died, so some of us went crazy..."


The verbal statements of the workers who escaped at the time were almost the same, and there was no possibility of collective lying.

Even Lin Feng, a cultivator, had a shuddering feeling when he saw these contents and filled up the scenes in his mind.

"What's going on? Could it be that it is really haunted, and is it still a ghost?"

Lin Feng also remembered what Li Kai had said in the previous dormitory, more than two years ago, Xiao Xuan also took them to explore the forbidden area. Many students died at that time, and almost all of them seemed to be female students.

"Right! Elder Wang, do you have a record of what happened two years ago when some students from Qingbei University broke into the forbidden area by mistake?" Lin Feng asked again.

"That incident? No! All records were later destroyed, and I was not in the capital at the time. I am afraid, except for the person involved, no one would know what happened at that time."

Shaking his head, Elder Wang continued, "Lin Feng, have you figured it out clearly? You really want this piece of land?"

"Sure! Elder Wang, within the Fifth Ring, this piece of land best meets my needs." Lin Feng nodded.

"But, it's really haunted!" Elder Wang said.

"Humph! No matter what the demon or ghost, dare to make a fuss on my territory, then I will let him fly away!"

With a snap, Lin Feng closed the file, and almost all the information on it had been firmly recorded in his mind.

"Hey! Now that you have decided, then I will take back the right to use this piece of land at Qingbei University in the branch, and then transfer it to your Dasheng Group through formal channels."

Seeing Lin Feng's stubbornness, Elder Wang knew he couldn't persuade him. Moreover, because men entering the forbidden area generally do not have major problems, Elder Wang did not worry too much about Lin Feng's safety.

"Okay! Elder Wang, then you will help me complete the delivery of the ownership of this land. As for the evil spirits in the forbidden land, leave it to me!"

After speaking, looking at the weather late, after Lin Feng got out of the Dragon Group's base, he directly hit his body with a stealth technique, and then he drove the flying sword and whizzed, and soon returned to Qingbei University. Here comes it.

"Yo-yo-yo... Boss! Your Maybach is really cool, I can't bear to drive it down, it's so cool!"

Muronghui drove Lin Feng's Maybach for a drive in the school these past two days, and it was very easy to find a few girls. He was driving the car and saw from a distance Lin Feng, who had just lifted his invisibility and returned to Qingbei University, immediately drove over and smiled cheerfully.

"Ahui, park the car and go back to the dormitory. I have important things to look for you."

Just seeing Muronghui, Lin Feng asked him to call back several people in the dormitory.

"Boss, what's the matter? Such a mysterious look? Shouldn't it... Hey! Are you optimistic about a place and want to take our brothers to the general health care group?

After stopping the car, Murong Hui followed Lin Feng and said with a smirk.

"Ahui, where do you want to go? A full-bellied male thief and female prostitute..." Lin Feng gave him a white look, and then whispered, "However, tonight, I really want to take you to a super exciting local."

"Oh! I'll just say it! Boss, it's still interesting for you, I like exciting places. Hehe! Fortunately, I didn't go out with my sister to open the room today, otherwise I would miss it..."

Muronghui thought that what Lin Feng was going to take them to was the kind of fun and exciting place, so he looked forward to it. When he walked to the dormitory, he would call first to open up the other two members who were not in the dormitory all the time. Called back with Xiao Xuan.

After a while, Lin Feng and Muronghui returned to the devil's dormitory. Zhang Miaoyi and Xiao Xuan have not yet come back. Only Li Kai and Ye Bowei are there. They are playing CF online!

"Boss, hehe! You've been at home these days! Are you sleeping in the dormitory tonight?"

When Li Kai saw Lin Feng and Muronghui coming back, he stopped the game in his hands and asked cheerfully.

"Brother Kai, let me tell you, the boss is going to give us benefits tonight!"

Muronghui rushed in and exclaimed excitedly.

"Welfare? What welfare?" Ye Bowei was also excited, and put down the game in his hands.

"Boss, what benefits are you planning to give us?" Li Kai also looked forward to it.

"Kay, Viagra, the boss is going to take our entire dormitory to such an exciting and fun place tonight! How about? Even Brother Xuan has not taken us there!"

Muronghui said triumphantly with a dog-legged look.

"Really? Boss, you are really interesting. Don't worry, we will keep it secret, and will not let your... a few girlfriends know. Hehe..." Ye Bowei said with an "I understand" expression.

"This... where to go to play? We are still students~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not so good?"

Li Kai was a little timid and said hesitantly.

"What's so bad! Brother Kai, we are all grown-ups. What's so bad about going to that kind of place? Really, there is a boss who pays the bill, so you can see and know, such a good thing... Don't cherish it, and still want to refuse? You are really a wooden head!" Muronghui glared at Li Kai hastily, said.

After speaking, Muronghui looked back longingly at Lin Feng and asked, "Boss, where are you going to take us tonight? Where is the heaven on earth? Or the Sixth Courtyard? These two houses are the whole city of Beijing. The service is the best...Of course! Don’t get me wrong, I really haven’t been there. However, those elders in my family often go there, and I have heard of it too? I’ve always wanted to go, but I’m not too embarrassed by myself. ..."


Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, and said, "This place I want to take you to is definitely more exciting than the Heaven and Earth and the Sixth Courtyard."

"Huh? There is a new high-end club in Beijing again? Why have I never heard of it? Boss, hurry up and talk about it, where is it?" When Muronghui heard this, both ears were about to stand up.

Ye Bowei and Li Kai, who were on the sidelines, inevitably licked their lips and looked over curiously, wanting to know what exciting places Lin Feng would take them to play tonight.

"That place is... the forbidden area next to our school, how is it? Exciting enough! Moreover, we will go in after dark for a while." Lin Feng smiled and pointed in the direction of the forbidden area.

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