Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1752: Ghost General

"Ah? It's dead! It's over, this time it's absolutely dead..."

Only then did Muronghui react. This is not in the game. It is really dead when it hangs up. He pulled Li Kai and shouted, "What should I do? Brother Kai!"

"How do I know? My palms are all used up too, shit, I really can't escape this time..." Li Kai also had a calm face, not knowing what to do.

Seeing those ghost soldiers screaming and rushing forward, Li Kai and Muronghui were completely desperate. When they thought they were bound to die today, Lin Feng suddenly came in mid-air with a flying sword, just to spot them both. .

"Brother Kai, Ahui!"

Lin Feng, who was looking for them, discovered that they were being surrounded by ghost soldiers, and immediately yelled.

"It's the boss! Boss... you can fly! It's too good, save us?" Murong Hui hurriedly shouted.

"Ah! Boss, so many ghost soldiers, save us!" Li Kai also shouted toward the sky.

"Lots of ghost soldiers!"

Taking a closer look, Lin Feng found that there were hundreds of ghost soldiers surrounding them. He looked at a small sand pile in front of Li Kai and them, which was also anxious, and shouted to Li Kai below: "Kay. Brother! Hurry up pee..."

"Huh? Boss, are you kidding? Although I am about to be scared to pee now, what do you mean by letting me pee at this time?" Li Kai froze for a moment and shouted.

"That's right! Boss, what is that guy at your feet? It's so handsome and can fly! Hurry up and pick up the two of us too?" Murong Hui immediately shouted when he saw the ghost soldiers surrounded him again.

Lin Feng waved his hand and shouted: "You two are too heavy, I can't take you. The current dilemma, I am afraid that you can only break through it by yourself, Brother Kai, hurry up and pee! You are a boy pee. , You can ward off evil spirits. Sprinkle it in the small sand pile in front of you and mix it, and then use the sand to counterattack...

"Yeah! Boss, the palm thunder that you used to draw my boy's urine before is called a powerful one! No, it should be my boy's **** badly, hum! These monsters and ghosts, wait for me, I will pay for the guy ..."

While talking, Li Kai immediately took out the guy and squirted a big pee into the sand pile. Then, regardless of the smell of urine, he reached in and stirred it up.

"Fuck! Brother Kai, is this too disgusting?"

Seeing this scene, Muronghui was also a little stunned.

"Are you afraid of nausea, or do you want to save your life? Ahui, hurry up and stir..." Li Kai called.

"Come on! I'm going to give it up today, but I want to see how powerful the sand that has wrapped your boy's urine."

Squeezing his nose, Murong Hui also joined in.

After stirring a little, Murong Hui grabbed a handful of wet sand and threw it at them when seeing the ghost soldiers all around.


With a loud noise, neither Muronghui nor Li Kai expected that the sand contaminated with boy's urine could be so effective. When they hit the ghost soldiers, they were wiped out.

"Hey! It really works, in that case, I will come too..."

Grabbing a handful of sand, Li Kai also swept toward his surroundings, and also wiped out dozens of ghost soldiers.

"Haha! That's cooler than palm thunder. You don't even have to read the formula... Brother Kai, your boy peeing is really **** awesome!"

With the magic weapon to deal with the ghost soldiers, Murong Hui got up again, grabbed the sand and turned into a machine gun, and sprinkled the sand at the ghost soldiers suddenly.

"Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good, so many ghosts, I was killed by myself..."

Hundreds of ghost soldiers around were killed by Murong Hui, and Lin Feng watched him pretendingly underneath so quietly. And Li Kai smiled and said, "Ahui, you have to know, it’s not you who are awesome, but my boy pee...no! It’s our boss, if it’s not the boss, I wouldn’t I know that my boy pee is so awesome!"

"Yes, yes, yes... or our boss! By the way, boss, what shall we do next? This is obviously night, how can it become like daytime, or an ancient battlefield, I was confused at the beginning. "

After the battle, Muronghui, vigorous and vigorous, held a lot of sand in his hands with Li Kai boy's urine, and said loudly, "As long as this boy peeing in my hand, I won't be afraid of any ghosts! Haha..."

"Yeah! Boss, what about the others? You came to rescue us, what about the others?" Li Kai also became worried immediately.

"You come with me, they are all right, there is a crazy girl."

Seeing that all the ghost soldiers below had been resolved, Lin Feng stepped down from the flying sword, took the two of them, and drove towards the place where everyone was not far away.

However, at this moment, a pair of sharp eyes slowly opened, and he felt that hundreds of ghost soldiers under his banner had been wiped out, and he let out a surprise,

"Who is it? Killed my loyal soldier? Who is it?"


The sleeping ghost general let out a roar~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He shook the heavy armor on his body, which was covered with various swords, screamed to the sky, and suddenly the entire forbidden illusion was As if the sky broke and the earth broke.

"Let me go! Boss, what sound is this? It's terrifying! Is there a boss coming out? I remember when playing games, every time there is a boss coming out, there is such a prelude..."

Muronghui was shocked by the roar of the ghost general, and the sand in his hands was scattered a lot.

"Boss, this voice is still some distance away from us, but it seems... it's very close to Brother Xuan and the others..." Li Kai has the ability to listen to sounds, and immediately changed his expression.

"No! This is the ghost general, the biggest ghost king in this forbidden area, I'm afraid the crazy girl can't stand it..."

Say it! Lin Feng threw the Fengtong sword out again, and then carried Li Kai and Muronghui one by one, and hurried over there quickly.

"I'll go! Boss, didn't you lead us? I despise you... Wow! It feels so good to fly!"

In midair, Murong Hui yelled with excitement.

At this time, on the other side, Xiao Nishang, who was guarding everyone under Lin Feng's order, immediately hung up after hearing the ghost general's roar, because she felt the ghost general's The cultivation base is not low, the power is inferior, and that powerful force is coming here quickly...

(It is said that there is a big recommendation on 7.8-7-9. Brother Huo is thinking about putting it on the 7.10 number and breaking out! What do you think? When the time comes, I will rush to the sales rankings!)

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