Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1756: Dilemma

"This...what are these? Why, why do you have to pay so many generals for the nation and the country, so you will suffer such a capital punishment?"

Xiao Xuan also saw these murals on the side, and was indignant for the general in the painting.

"Yes! In ancient times, it seemed that the court was like a cloud of muddy water. The general galloped outside and could take the head of the general among the army, but returned to the court, but was favored by those treacherous courtiers and concubines favored by the harem. We lied about right and wrong and died tragically without power..."

Ye Bowei, who has studied history quite a bit, said with emotion, "The famous General Yue Fei, isn’t it the same? If I don’t expect that, the general on the mural now should be named Yuan! It’s a very controversial one. The great general..."

"Damn it! No wonder the Ming Dynasty will be annihilated by the Qing army..."

After Li Kai helped Chen Wenli up, he shouted angrily when he saw these murals.

"Ancient feudal society was so unreasonable. The emperor's power ruled the world, and the kings and ministers had to die. Moreover, those ninth-five lords were especially easy to be fooled by traitorous officials."

With a sigh, Xiao Nishang also said helplessly, "It is estimated that this is the place where General Yuan was buried. So many ghost soldiers should be those who lost their lives on the battlefield, refused to reincarnate and followed Yuan. The general's soul that has been occupying this extremely cold place..."

"En! It should be like this. No wonder this General Yuan will only hate women, and the more beautiful women are, the more hateful he thinks."

Lin Feng couldn't help but smiled bitterly, "However, he is still a loyal and righteous man after all. He didn't kill those who broke into here, but sent them all into this extremely cold place. Woke up."

"That's hateful! For nothing, I froze my Wenli, making me think Wenli is dead! Even if this general is so pitiful, these things he did are unforgivable." Li Kay still said angrily.

"Okay! Li Kai, am I okay now? This general is really pitiful enough. He is imprisoned in this place and will never be superborn..." Chen Wenli said in a weak voice.

"Then what do we do now? How do we get out of this ghost place? Boss, it's really cold here! If this continues, we might all be frozen and become ice men."

Xiao Xuan looked around for a while, and then said, "This seems to be a closed space, there is no exit at all?"

"Yes! Lin Feng, my spiritual sense can't detect any exits. I guess this is the space that General Yuan specially created through the extremely cold place. It's somewhere underground. Dig your Fengtong sword out, right?" Xiao Nishang asked from the side.

"Okay! Let me see..."

Summoning the Fengtong sword, Lin Feng slammed it towards the surrounding ice wall.


Even if Lin Feng's Fengtong sword is the best spiritual weapon, it only cuts out a little ice ball on the ice wall of that extremely cold place, and it has no effect at all. If you want to dig it out with the Fengtong Sword, I'm afraid I don't know how long it will be.

"No? Lin Feng, even your Fengtong sword can't help it. Then how are we going out?"

In Xiao Nishang's view, the destructive power of Lin Feng's Fengtong sword is already very powerful, but it still can't move these ice walls, and other methods are even more futile.

"What a mighty ice wall, it's worthy of being an extremely cold place. But don't forget, I know how to control water..."

As soon as Lin Feng's thought moved, his spiritual consciousness tried to communicate with those ice walls. These ice are also formed by condensation of water, so it is also applicable to Lin Feng's water control ability.


However, when Lin Feng's spiritual sense touched those ice walls, he suddenly felt an extremely cold air that followed the spiritual sense into his body.

"It's cold!"

With a shiver all over, Lin Feng hurriedly cut the connection with those ice walls. He can be sure that although he should be able to control those ice walls, before he can control the melting of the ice walls, I am afraid that enough extreme cold air has already entered his body.

"Try again to see the stagnant water?"

As the existence corresponding to the divine water, the stagnant water has always been Lin Feng's magic weapon to win. Even when he faced the powerful red master leader last time, Lin Feng immediately counterattacked when he sacrificed the stagnant water, and the stagnant water could erode. The nature of destroying everything is indeed extremely powerful.

However, when Lin Feng whizzed out a large piece of stagnant water from the Shenshui space, he found that the stagnant water could not corrode the ice walls at all, because the stagnant water was completely exposed to the extreme cold when it just touched those ice walls. Invaded and frozen into ice.

Click! Click!

The stagnant water released by Lin Feng turned into a hard block of ice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and fell to the ground, breaking into two halves, but the corrosive properties of the stagnant water were not brought into play.

Looking at the pieces of black solid that had frozen into ice, Lin Feng gave a wry smile. It was the first time he encountered a situation where even stagnant water had come home.

"What? Lin Feng, even your stagnant water is defeated? How is this possible?"

Xiao Nishang was also taken aback when he saw this scene. Others didn't know the power of the black stagnant water that Lin Feng had made, but Xiao Nishang knew the power of stagnant water more clearly. In almost this world, there were few things that stagnant water could not melt.

"Hmm! It seems that if we want to go out in this extremely cold place, we really cannot rely on brute force. We can only rely on outsmart..." Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and thought carefully.

"Outsmart? In this situation, the ghost general does not confront us at all, how can we outsmart? And, what does he want to do when he shut us in here? Could it be that he wants to fight? Will all of us freeze to death, and then become like that iceman?"

Xiao Nishang said with some incomprehension. She looked around for a while, but she didn't see any breakthrough at all. This is completely a dilemma, a dilemma that is completely impossible to break through!

"Boss! Come and see, here... how come there are four treasures of the study, pen, ink, paper and inkstone?"

Suddenly, Murong Hui, who was wandering around in this extremely cold place, suddenly yelled, playing with Yifang Yantai with a smile and said, "This inkstone should look like an antique? And you see, in such a cold place, The ink inside didn't even freeze..."

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