Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1765: Something must be done

"Yes! Lin Feng, our task is very short and the situation is not optimistic!"

With that said, Xiao Nishang pointed to the main road in the city below, and it had become a vast ocean at this time. At the crossroads and the center of the island, the hundred-year-old big locust tree that was ten meters high could only see the top of the tree.

"First, we must solve the root cause of this heavy rainfall, and then find a way to dredge the stagnant water in these cities..."

Nodded, after Lin Feng saw all these situations, he began to think about the solution.

Even if Lin Feng is a water cultivator and can control water, he will not be able to think of a good way to deal with such a wide range of disasters for a while.

At this time, the height of the two was getting lower and lower, and finally landed on the roof of an unmanned tall building below.

"Lin Feng, the whole city is so big, how about...Should we split up to check the specific situation? When we find valuable clues, we will notify each other?"

As soon as he landed, Xiao Nishang unlocked the parachute, then looked around the surroundings, frowned, and said to Lin Feng.

"Yeah! Crazy girl, we must first eliminate some fatal dangers while looking for the black hands behind the scenes. Huizhou is the most severe place this time, and we are most likely to be able to find valuable clues in this place..."

With a loud sound, Lin Feng clenched the Fengtong sword, looked at Xiao Nishang again, and said, "However, crazy girl, I have the Fengtong sword in hand, so I can fly with the sword, and come and go freely in this flood. But What do you do? How do you act?"

"Hehe! Lin Feng, you can't help but worry about this. For this, I've already prepared for this. Now! Have you seen it?"

With that said, Xiao Nishang took out a bunch of yellow talismans from his body, on which some strange patterns were painted with black chicken blood.

"Yukong Talisman? That's enough! Crazy girl, I didn't expect you to be really smart. If you just rely on your own vitality, you can't fly for long, but if you add these Yukong Talisman, there should be no problem. Big.

Moreover, you only need to fly between buildings for a short time, which is not very expensive. Your Yukong Talisman uses the best black chicken blood. It seems that you are well prepared? "

Lin Feng was also quite surprised to see the imperial talisman made from black chicken blood taken out by Xiao Nishang. After all, Xiao Nishang has only recently become a cultivator, but he can already use some of the cultivators' spells and talisman so skillfully.

"That's not it! I don't have a flying sword like yours, so I can only find a way to prepare more life-saving things."

Xiao Nishang smiled, looked at Lin Feng's Fengtong sword with a bit of jealousy, and said with a stern word, "After I go back this time, you have to refine a flying sword for me. Otherwise, how inconvenient? "

"Okay! Crazy girl, when I go back this time, call Sister Tongtong, let her use Yinhuo to help you all refine a flying sword. In this way, you can be guaranteed no matter whether it is action or enemy. ."

Before Lin Feng’s ability was not enough to refine better flying swords, but now, after these hours of cultivation, he has reached the peak of Qi training, combined with Li Yutong’s powerful Yinhuo, enough to remove those profound iron Thoroughly smelt with Mithril materials, and even the level of the Fengtong Sword can be upgraded from the best spirit weapon to the magic weapon level.

"Then let's split up! Use Dragon Group's satellite phone to contact..."

After that, Xiao Nishang jumped out from the top of the rooftop in a vigorous step. Her movements were very vigorous. With a distance of more than ten meters between the two buildings, Xiao Nishang jumped over at once. There was no Yukong Talisman, which shows Xiao Nishang's physical fitness.

"Okay! If that's the case, I'll take a good look at what kind of monsters and ghosts are damaging my Chinese land."

Lin Feng didn't use the flying sword either, and he jumped in the other direction with a healthy step.

Because when they set off, to keep their identities secret, both Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang wore masks that conceal their identities. Lin Feng wore the mask of the Great Sage, while Xiao Nishang wore the mask of a Raksha girl. She was in the dragon group. The action code is also called "Raksha Girl".

Coupled with the heavy rain now, ordinary people can't see things far away at all, so Lin Feng is not afraid of being discovered where he is.

The heavy rain was still falling, and it was dumped in a very strange way. Lin Feng shuttled between the different floors, while the spiritual sense kept searching the surroundings.

"Ah! Help! Come here soon! Help my child..."

Suddenly, Lin Feng's spiritual sense discovered that in a street 600 meters away, more than a dozen people in disaster were hiding on the rooftop of a tall building. But at this moment, a naughty seven- or eight-year-old boy accidentally fell from the roof and fell into the huge waves below. He was struggling and shouting, and his mother was also shouting anxiously. Up.

"Gosh! Hurry up and save people!"

"The huge wave is so big~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how to save it?"

"If you don't save people, the little boy will be rushed downstream..."


The adults on the rooftop remembered yelling, but in the face of such a fierce wave, they wanted to save people, but they were powerless. Because, at this time, even a person with very good water quality fell into the peak of the flood, and a huge wave hits him, I am afraid that he will burp.

However, seeing that the little boy was struggling in the water and was about to be washed away, a middle-aged man on the roof couldn't help it. He immediately took off his clothes and took off his clothes and planned to jump into the water to save people. .

"Dad! You can't go! Is this too dangerous?"

Beside the man, a 13 or 14-year-old boy hurriedly grabbed his father.

"Old Yan, stop for me! What kind of hero are you doing? This is a huge wave, not a joke! Is it lifeless?" The man's wife sternly stopped him.

"Afang, I'm good at this place. If I don't go, who will go? If I don't go, the kid will drown!"

The man said, turning around to his son and said, "Xiaoguang! It's not that my father wants to be able to do it, nor is it that my father is not afraid of death. Sometimes there are things, although they know it is dangerous, but...someone must go. do……"

The flood is ruthless and people are affectionate. Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was also full of emotion. Who said that our Chinese people are becoming more and more indifferent and cold-blooded now? That father named Lao Yan said it well! Sometimes there are things, although they know it is dangerous, but someone must do it.

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