Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1767: The real hero-the king

"Gosh! When did that person show up? He... how could he separate the giant waves?"

"I'm not dreaming, am I? That person raised the big locust tree that was uprooted by the huge waves with one hand?"

"Look! That person has a mask on his face. It's Sun Dasheng! It's Sun Dasheng's mask..."


When the people on the rooftop saw this scene, they were startled severely, and then immediately burst into huge cheers.

"Is he Superman? It's incredible, how much strength does it take?"

"Not Superman! He is Dasheng, Dasheng Sun, Dad... Dasheng Sun! It is Dasheng Ye who came to save you..."

When Lao Yan's son saw this scene, he jumped with excitement, especially when he saw Lin Feng who suddenly appeared with the mask of the Great Sage on his face, he cheered even more and shouted at Lin Feng: "Great Sage! Great Sage! Please, hurry up and save my father, right?"

"It's really Sun Dasheng? How is this possible? Sun Dasheng is just a mythical figure in the legend?"

"I didn't look at the dazzling eyes? That Sun Dasheng can really stand on the surface of the water and then separate the water?"


Looking at this scene blankly, everyone was stunned. They all thought that Lao Yan was dead, but who could have predicted that the miracle actually happened, and in such an absurd way, a man with a great mask suddenly resisted in front of the huge waves. , Separated the giant waves easily with one hand, and raised the huge and incomparable big locust tree with the other.

This person wearing the Great Sacred Mask is not someone else, but Lin Feng, who drove over from a few hundred meters away. As soon as he appeared, he immediately used the ability to control water to stop the rushing Hongfeng, and then raised the big locust tree with one hand, saving Lao Yan and the little boy who were in desperate situation.

"Get out of here!"


Lin Feng immediately threw the big locust tree in his hand to the side, and then the free hand immediately grabbed Lao Yan's prostration and thick palm, and then jumped again, bringing Lao Yan and that The little boy returned to the safe rooftop.

"Saved? Abao! Abao...Are you going to wake up soon?"

Upon seeing this, the mother of the drowning boy immediately laid the child flat on the ground and called out while giving him artificial respiration.

After a while, the little boy vomited a big mouthful of water, woke up, and started crying, obviously frightened by the huge wave just now.

"Stop crying! Stop crying! Abao, look at it soon...it was Sun Dasheng who saved you. By the way, there is also this Uncle Yan, please kowtow to Sun Dasheng and Yan Bobo!"

The little boy's mother was so excited that she cried, and pressed the little boy who woke up and asked him to knock his heads at Lin Feng and Lao Yan.

"Dasheng! It's Dasheng Sun, thank you! Dasheng Sun, you really are our superhero in China, thank you for saving my dad!"

Lao Yan's son Xiaoguang walked to Lin Feng's side and shouted excitedly.

"Xiaoguang! I am not a superhero, a real superhero..."

As he said, Lin Feng turned his head and pointed to Lao Yan, who was still pale, and said, "The real superhero is your dad! Your dad is great, do you know? In such a dangerous time, I would rather risk losing You have to save people from the danger of your life. Your father is the real superhero. It is precisely because there are countless people like your father that the spirit of our Chinese nation will not decay, and the backbone of our Chinese nation can support it. Get straight..."

"My dad is a hero? Of course my dad is a hero! My dad is the most powerful hero in my eyes!"

Xiaoguang froze for a moment, then immediately threw himself into his father's arms, and shouted proudly and proudly.

"Old Yan! Drink this bottle of water! It can restore your strength..."

Walking forward, Lin Feng took out a bottle of Divine Water and handed it to Lao Yan.


Lao Yan didn't doubt that he had him. After drinking the bottle of water that Lin Feng handed over, he immediately felt that his physical strength returned, and even his body became like it was in his twenties, full of strength. .

"My body really recovered. You...who are you? Is it really Sun Dasheng?"

Even if Lao Yan is an adult in his forties, he can't help but wonder if Lin Feng is the true legendary Sun Dasheng after seeing Lin Feng's various magical methods.

"You can call me the Great Sage, everyone, please stay on this safe rooftop. The huge waves will pass soon."

After saving Lao Yan, Lin Feng could not stay here for a long time, so he dropped a word, swished, and jumped directly to the rooftop of another building with Yukong Jue, and then swished... disappeared quickly. In the eyes of everyone.

"I... Am I dreaming? Does the Sun Dasheng just now really exist?"

"Yes! It must be, just like the Superman and Spider-Man in the United States. I dare say that Sun Dasheng must have always been our patron saint of China. As long as China is in danger, he will appear to save us~www.wuxiaspot. com~Yes! The King is our patron saint! Long live the King! Long live the King..."

"Long live the great saint! Long live..."


In the face of floods and natural disasters, everything about humans seemed so fragile. However, only the spirit could not collapse. Lin Feng was very happy to see a hero like Lao Yan who took the risk to save people during the disaster.

After all, in the major news in the past few years, Lin Feng has seen too many negative news about our Chinese nation, and many foreign media have also attacked the quality of our Chinese nation with a few examples.

However, when there is a real disaster, disasters in China Land, any region, can affect the hearts of our 1.3 billion people.

The people's soldiers dispatched for disaster relief!

The country, the leader, the guide and the people attach great importance to it, and personally rushed to the front line to condolences and guide the work!

People all over the country are watching through various channels and actively donating money and acting as disaster relief volunteers.


Lin Feng just turned around in the hardest hit area. Along the way, he saw too much of the spirit of our Chinese nation, just like the old Yan. When facing the test of life and death, many people gave up their lives. Forget about yourself, even if you risk your life, you will help others.

There are also our mighty people’s soldiers. Although the giant waves and peaks are strong, their determination to fight floods is stronger. Bags of sandbags transported over, assault boats, and slogans of victory...

Of course, while searching for clues in circles, Lin Feng wore the mask of the Great Sage and made frequent shots, saving countless people who might have been killed by the giant waves.

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