Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1771: Offend me Chinese! punish! (on)

"What the **** is going on? Ozawa, why does a huge whirlpool suddenly appear at the bottom of this reservoir? You immediately go to the bottom of the water to check, is it because the Chinese people made a big hole in the water?"

Onmyoji Fujiwara frowned, and couldn't figure out why such a whirlpool appeared in the Outingless Reservoir? There is no trace of people around, can it be said that this is a whirlpool loophole caused by nature?

In fact, the onmyoji Fujiwara's yin and yang magic is not authentic enough, so he can only vaguely use the yin and yang near the reservoir to restore part of the scene at the time. However, every time Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang act, in order to avoid being caught Seeing that they all used invisibility techniques.

Therefore, Onmyoji Fujiwara couldn't see any figure at all, and he felt extremely strange.

"Okay, fairy master, look at me. As long as you are in the water, any slight change will not escape my eyes..."

Shui Zhitian Ninja Ozawa smiled slightly, and then jumped into the reservoir, which is only a dozen meters deep, with a thud.

As if a fish enters the sea, Ozawa, as the Tennin of Water, is the young Tennin who was promoted by the mysterious power of the altar this time. He possesses the powerful Tennin power, but because it is a special method to stimulate breakthroughs. , So the strength of cultivation is impossible to increase.

Therefore, Ozawa found Onmyoji Fujiwara, hoping that he could use the mysterious magic of Onmyoji to help him break through the realm. As the oldest onmyoji in the Japanese country, the only way Fujiwara thought of was to gather many spirits of ghosts who lost their lives in the water disaster to refine the water energy pill, and take enough of this water energy pill. It may help Ozawa break through to the realm of Saint Ninja, above Heaven.

And the best way to collect the souls who died because of the water disaster is to come to China to cause a flood. Anyway, it is the people of the potential enemy country. In their opinion, the more dead the better.

"Holy Ninja! The great Great Wa Kingdom hasn't been out of the holy side for many years, and even the number of Tennins is not large. This time, because of the blessings of the gods, let us have so many Tennins at once, for sure! Sheng-nin must appear again. In this way, whether it is sweeping Asia or conquering the world, our great widow country will be nothing to say..."

Staring at the calm water surface, Onmyoji Fujiwara frowned. He is almost 110 years old this year. He even participated in the war against China and led some cruel experiments to study his Onmyoji magic.

Therefore, the Onmyoji Fujiwara was able to live for so long. At that time, he researched some results related to the human soul through a large number of corpses. He discovered that the soul after the death of humans actually possesses powerful energy.

Especially those who die more miserably, the more powerful the energy that erupts after death. He used the souls of these tragic deaths to make a variety of energy pills, which enabled him to live until now.

And now, for the ambitions and plans of the entire Japanese nation, he has united many Onmyojis to help these newly promoted Heavenly Ninjas, collect the tragic souls to make an energy pill, in order to break through to the Shengren's cultivation.

However, Onmyoji Fujiwara couldn't think that this time the action that should have been very smooth, unexpectedly was about to succeed at the last moment, the water level suddenly dropped so inexplicably. Where did all the rain that had fallen for days and nights go?


In the reservoir, Shinobu Ozawa, who had been exploring the bottom of the water for a long time, poked out his head suddenly, and said with a puzzled expression: "Master! Didn't find any abnormalities? Everything under the reservoir is normal, and nothing Any signs of cracks in the ground, in this way, it is impossible to form such a huge vortex to swallow rainwater!"

"There are no cracks in the ground? What the **** is going on? Rain! Where did the rain we worked so hard to attract?"

Unable to find out the reason, the Onmyoji Fujiwara almost went mad, and made a terrifying voice.

"Or, Xianshi! Let's go to several other water storage locations to see? Maybe there are other discoveries, even those Chinese people who made ghosts?" Tianren Ozawa stood on the water using the power of water , Suggested.

"It seems that nothing can be found here, let's go! Go and see elsewhere..."

Just as Onmyoji Fujiwara and Tennin Ozawa were about to leave the reservoir and head to the next location to check, suddenly a gust of wind came in the air.


Lin Feng drove the flying sword and hurried over with Xiao Nishang.

"Want to leave? Now I look at you Japanese devils, no one can leave!"

In the middle of the air, Lin Feng shouted sharply, his eyes had completely locked the two Japanese devils. At this time, he finally understood, who was behind the scenes, it turned out to be these unpredictable Japanese devils. It seems that they will kill my heart.

"Master, it's them! They can fly in the air with a sword~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These two Chinese people...it must be the vortex they created and swallowed all the rain."

Seeing Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang suddenly appearing while driving a flying sword, Shinobu Ozawa was also taken aback that day, and immediately shouted at Onmyoji Fujiwara.

"Huh! Two little dolls, Huaxia Pigs, they came just right, lest the immortal master still runs around looking for you..."

Seeing the appearance of Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang, the Onmyoji Fujiwara was not afraid. A black and white mist rose under his feet. Like a fairy in the legend, Tengyun flew up and stood there. Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang were opposite in midair.

"God! Lin Feng, look at it...what's the matter with this widow devil? He can even fly? Could it be that he is also a cultivator?"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Nishang's eyes widened, and he said in an unbelievable manner, "Moreover, the aura around him is very strange, and my spiritual sense can't detect it."

"It's Xie Xiu! Crazy girl, do you feel it? His body is full of murderous spirit and resentment, which can be compared to the mass grave on Tianma Peak. So much resentment and death have gathered on him. , From this we can see how many unjust souls under his hands..."

Lin Feng’s face was cold, and his heart was cold. He stared at the Onmyoji Fujiwara, from his body, Lin Feng felt countless souls with Chinese blood snarling, the black robe Japanese ghost in front of him, It is simply intolerable to kill so many Chinese people.

"Those who offend China will be punishable even if they are far away! Japanese devils, today, I, Lin Feng, will let you pay back your blood!"

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