Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1778: May Lizhu

"God! Lin Feng, how many Tianren invaded our China?"

Xiao Nishang was also shocked when he heard what Tian Ren Ozawa said. After all, Tian Ren was equivalent to the innate realm of a warrior. Although the strength of these Tianren breakthroughs with the help of external forces can no longer be improved, every destructive power can not be underestimated.

Take this time as an example, Tian Ren Ozawa paired with the terrible Onmyoji Fujiwara, causing such a huge disaster, affecting millions of people in China, and causing direct and indirect economic losses of hundreds of billions. Up.

If it hadn't been for Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang to rush over in time and destroy the conspiracy of the two, the consequences would be disastrous, and it would really be possible for the Onmyoji Fujiwara to collect hundreds of thousands of wronged souls.

"En! For many years, the Japanese country has always been aiming to destroy our Chinese nation. This is absolutely unforgivable. Their heavenly forbearance even dared to invade our country, so let them come one by one. No reply."

A fist hit the ground, Lin Feng said angrily. Just think about it, this time it was such a serious flood, and the next time it might be another disaster or destruction. All the people who were hit by the disaster were innocent people of China.

I don’t know how many people were destroyed or died accidentally. These Japanese devils don’t regard the people of China as human beings at all. Lin Feng would never allow this to happen again, and he must have sneaked into Tian Rendu. Pull out one by one.

"But, Lin Feng, this Japanese devils also said that he doesn't even know where the other gods are. China is such a big country, they are hidden in our cities, as long as they don’t move, even with the help of the entire dragon group It is also difficult to find them on the intelligence network."

Xiao Nishang was also very angry, but looking for these infiltrating Tianren among the 1.3 billion people of China was no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

"That's right! What the widow devil said just now is to come to our China to investigate a secret matter, what is it?"

Lin Feng seized the other day that Shinobu Ozawa was planning to press him, but when he was just about to speak about it, a powerful force burst out of his body.

"No! Crazy girl, get out of the way..."

Feeling that there was something wrong with this power, Lin Feng hurriedly pulled Xiao Nishang, rushed forward, and then placed two or three defensive arrays around him.


Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang just fell to the ground when Shinobu Ozawa swelled and caused a violent explosion with a bang.

"Blode? Lin Feng, this Japanese devil blew himself up? Can a Tian Ren like him blew himself up?"

After the explosion, the dust was flying, Xiao Nichang spit out the soil that he had eaten in his mouth, looked at a big hole on the ground, and said with emotion. Fortunately, Lin Feng had arranged two or three defensive formations before he pounced, otherwise, the power of the explosion would directly bombard the two of them.

"No! Crazy girl, the blew up just now was definitely not caused by the Japanese devils."

Getting up from the sandpit, Lin Feng returned to the explosion site, closed his eyes and felt it carefully, and immediately opened his eyes and said, "There is a different power, very evil! Similar to the soul-controlling evil cultivation among practitioners, it seems It was a drop of blood that entered Tian Ren's body. He was able to break through Tian Ren's cultivation base, probably because of this drop of blood."

"What? A drop of blood, Lin Feng, is this person's blood with such power that can make a Shangren immediately become Tianren?" Xiao Nishang was also taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise.

"I don't know this, but I can clearly feel that it should be a drop of monk's blood. When I found out that Shinobu was about to disclose key information that day, he immediately exploded..."

Lin Feng frowned and analyzed.

"In that case, the important things that Ninja has invaded our China to investigate these days have something to do with this powerful drop of blood?" Xiao Nishang said thoughtfully.

"Yes! And, it can be said that it is very likely that it is the owner of this drop of blood, ordering those Tianren to come to our Huaxia country to investigate something. And this matter has a great relationship with this behind-the-scenes master... "

Faintly, Lin Feng felt that behind all this, there seemed to be a huge conspiracy and mystery. A dozen of Tianren can be dispatched to China, and they still sneak in without contact with each other. Who is behind this?

Moreover, even though that drop of blood had completely blew himself up, Lin Feng felt the aura above, but there was a strong sense of threat. The owner of this drop of blood is definitely a cultivator, and also a powerful evil cultivator.

"Then what should we do next? Lin Feng, where do we start investigating these invading Tian Ren? The country is so big, these Tian Ren will pretend to be our normal people in China, and it is impossible to find out..." Xiao Nishang is a little worried.

"Don't worry, the fox will always show its tail. When I return to the capital, I will discuss with the elders of the Dragon group to strengthen intelligence collection in major cities across the country. We must prevent the Ninjas from causing huge disasters these days. They pulled it out."

Lin Feng clenched his fists and said firmly. In his heart was always the sentence, "Those who violate China, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will be punishable even though they are far away." Huaxia's dignity cannot be desecrated, and China's territory cannot be occupied.


Just when Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang walked out of the big pit that exploded, they looked up. Above the water surface of the reservoir, the golden brilliance condensed from hundreds of thousands of souls had already taken shape, and they were emitting There was a buzzing sound.

"Crazy girl, what is this golden ball?"

Because Lin Feng had passed out completely just now, he had never seen hundreds of thousands of grievances kowtow to him.

"I don't know, Lin Feng, it's something that you helped hundreds of thousands of people vomit. Just now they have been gathering together, but I didn't expect to have gathered into a ball so quickly." Xiao Nishang shook his head and said , "Be careful, maybe this thing will explode too!"

"Those wronged souls spit it out?"

Lin Feng stared at the golden ball intently, and then he felt a strange feeling in his heart and waved at it.

call out!

The golden ball swished immediately and shot towards Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, be careful!" Xiao Nichang exclaimed in shock.

"Crazy girl, don't worry. Not only is this thing not at all dangerous, but it's also a very precious treasure. It's called a beacon." Lin Feng stretched out his hand, took the golden ball in his hand, and said with a smile.

(ps: I’m writing to the fifth update so far, let’s post it first! It’s still going to be written. As for how many changes can be written, it’s not necessarily! Everyone goes to bed early and you can get up tomorrow to see the update! Including tomorrow, there will be more updates. ...)

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