Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1780: Post-disaster disease

Holding a flying sword in his hand, there is heaven and earth in his heart.

After so long of accumulation, Lin Feng's cultivation has been slow to break through, but this time, when he encountered the opportunity of the wishing power pearl, he naturally crossed the threshold of the foundation construction period.

Moreover, this did not stop there. The vitality that Lin Feng had accumulated before allowed his cultivation level to soar up for a while after the foundation building period, and finally stabilized at the third level of foundation building.

"Strength! Is this the strength of the base-building period? Compared to the peak of Qi training, it is more than ten times stronger. Today, even if I control the flying sword and fly back to the capital from here, it is no problem."

Feeling the aura of strength in his body, Lin Feng will not be able to adapt to the power increase effect brought by the foundation construction period for a while. In the previous period of his Qi training period, he was driving the flying sword, and it was already very reluctant to fly at most tens of hundreds of kilometers.

But now, Lin Feng felt the surging liquid vitality of his dantian, coupled with the blessing effect of those wishing beads, driving the flying sword, even with Xiao Nishang, I am afraid he can fly thousands of kilometers.

"Lin Feng, congratulations, you have broken through!"

Seeing that Lin Feng had finally broken through, Xiao Nishang stepped forward and smiled and congratulated.

"Crazy girl, thanks for your hard work. I stayed with me for a day and night..." Lin Feng nodded and thanked.

"Cut! I'll talk empty words, just give me some practical thanks! You have now reached the base-building period, go back and refine a flying sword for me! Otherwise, every time I see you flying around, my heart It's itchy..." Xiao Nishang stuck out his tongue and stretched out his hand.

"It's just a flying sword! No problem, now I should be able to refine a general magic weapon. This Fengtong sword should also be strengthened."

The Fengtong sword in his hand made a buzzing sound, and Lin Feng looked up again at the now clear weather, and asked: "When did the rain stop? How is the disaster now?"

"Don't worry! Lin Feng, after we killed the two Japanese devils yesterday, two or three hours later, the rain stopped. It should be that Onmyoji's demon method has failed! Look at the accumulation of this reservoir. The water has only risen ten meters, basically the rainwater in the city should be drained..."

Xiao Nishang stepped forward and took out the Dragon Team mission transmitter to show Lin Feng, "The Dragon Team also sent us a congratulatory message, and the mission was successfully completed!"

"Completed? That's good, but this time the flood disaster has brought a lot of losses to the people. The post-disaster reconstruction work is a long way to go!"

Shaking his head, Lin Fengqiang, driving the Fengtong sword, swam with Xiao Nishang on the blue sky, looking down, full of confusion.

In the countryside, many houses collapsed, and all the crops on the farmland have been washed away by the flood. Now the land is in a mess. The city was no better. After the flood subsided, there was filthy mud and garbage everywhere, and there was a stench everywhere.

"Abominable Japanese devils, all come to our land of China to destroy them."

Standing on top of Feijian and seeing the devastation below, Xiao Nishang said bitterly.

"In addition to this time, there are eleven Tennins who have invaded our China."

Lin Feng also frowned, clenched his fists, and said fiercely, "No matter where they hide, as long as they dare to make actions that harm our Chinese people, I, Lin Feng, will surely destroy them as soon as possible."

It slowly landed near the airport in Huizhou City, but Lin Feng was forced to find that the airport was still undergoing renovation after the flood, and there was no plane to fly to the capital.

"What should I do? Lin Feng, should we fly back directly? You are now in the base construction period, so you won't be able to hold on to this road, right?" Xiao Nishang said with a smile.

"What's the joke, how could I fail? A man can't say no, crazy girl, fly! Who is afraid of whom?"

Just as Lin Feng was about to summon Feijian again, and flew directly back to the capital with Xiao Nishang, the elder Wang from the dragon group made a satellite call again.

"Hey! Lin Feng, are you awake? Yesterday I called, but I heard Old Man Xiao's granddaughter say that you are practicing in retreat. Could it be that your cultivation level is about to break through again? Congratulations! Congratulations!" To say.

"Fortunately, I have made a little progress. Elder Wang, how is it? The crazy girl should have told you the specific task details? This flood was triggered by the Tianren invasion. Next, we have to look for eleven heavens. Forbearance, our dragon team's mission is not light!" Lin Feng nodded.

"Yeah! The elders have all discussed urgently here, but there is no good solution. These days, Nina is so cunning and hidden in our country. If they don’t do anything, it will be very difficult. Look for it. Our best way at present is to strengthen the intelligence network and wait for it! Once you find any abnormal phenomena or traces of Tian Ren, send someone there immediately..." said Elder Wang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Out? Will you send me again? "

Lin Feng twitched his mouth, and then said, "By the way, you are too much to cross the river to demolish the bridge. When you want to perform the task, send a special plane to send us over. Now the task is completed, there is no fart. Hurry up, Elder Wang, send one Come over by the fighter plane and pick me and the crazy girl back to the capital. I have to hurry back to class!"

"Hey! Lin Feng, that's why I called. You can't come back now..." Elder Wang snorted and said.

"What? Can't go back now? What's the matter? Tell me if you have something, let go of the fart." Lin Feng was annoyed, although he is willing to pay for this country, guard every inch of the country and every citizen. , However, this does not mean that he is willing to be called by the cheating Elder Wang!

"Everyone is also the elder of the dragon group, so why do you old guys hide in the training room all day long to enjoy the blessing? I, Lin Feng, have to come out for business all day?" Lin Feng couldn't help but complain.

"Shaoan don't worry! Shaoan don't worry! Lin Feng, aren't you young? Energetic and capable, the future of the Republic lies in you!"

Elder Wang continued with a smile, "Actually, there is nothing major. As you know, the losses caused by the flood this time are huge. The direct economic losses reached RMB 50 or 60 billion, and the indirect economic losses were at least hundreds of billions. But these are not the main points. According to the news from our Dragon Team, after the flood receded, many people have developed a disease, and it has spread rapidly among the crowd..."

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