Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1786: Smith Liu

For doctors like Meng Xue who are engaged in infectious diseases on the front line, as long as there are any new trends in the world, they will generally pay attention to them immediately.

In particular, this Smith Liu has gained international fame in recent years. He is known as an international medical genius in the past ten years and is also the youngest medical postdoctoral fellow at Harvard. Achievements and research in infectious diseases and liver cancer are all at the forefront of the world.

At a meeting not long ago, Meng Xue was fortunate to have a few words with this young talent. From the dialogue between the two sides, she could clearly feel the other side’s efforts in suppressing the growth of germs and viruses. Attainments.

If you can really invite Smith Liu this time, maybe you can really overcome the virus problem this time.

"Sister Nishang, look! Even the senior Doctor Meng from the municipal hospital knows my cousin, this time you will follow me, it must be no problem. The contribution is absolutely indispensable."

At first, Liu Botao still didn't look down on the little doctors in municipal hospitals like Meng Xue, but when he saw that the other party had also heard of his cousin's famous name, he said more triumphantly.

"What? Is that Smith Liu coming over? It's fine now, we finally don't have a headache for the multiplication of these super viruses."

"I've heard of this Smith Liu a long time ago. In the international medical community, he seems to be a rising star!"

"Professor Zhang, in this way, can we temporarily stop the research on the propagation of the super virus? These will be completely solved after Smith Liu arrives!"

"Well! This part can be stopped, everyone has a rest, and then start to study how to effectively kill these viruses and prevent the rejection of patients."


All of a sudden, the expert groups including those from Beijing heard the news that Smith Liu was coming, and they suddenly became emotionally uplifted in an instant. In their view, with Smith Liu, an expert in virus reproduction, all problems will be solved.

"Did you see it? Brat, my cousin is well-known in the medical field of the whole world. The person you called wants to compare with him? I think you should go back honestly! You are even C Newcomers who don’t have any level badges are not useful here at all."

Liu Botao saw Lin Feng sitting there waiting with Erlang's legs upright, and couldn't help but laughed. At the same time, his heart swelled infinitely, especially when he saw Xiao Nishang's smile on his face, he immediately felt that he would be able to hug the beauties right away, or even go to the Xiao family, and from then on all the way down.

"Smith Liu? Why is this name so familiar?"

After hearing the name of this medical genius several times, Lin Feng shook his head, feeling a bit familiar. But for a while, he didn't seem to be able to remember who it was. After all, his memory was very strong, but he had to meet people to associate it accurately.

"How is it? Even you layman has heard of my cousin's name, right? Forget it! I think you should stay here to study and study, if you are willing to flatter me in front of Sister Nishang, say something about me If it’s a good thing, maybe... I can also give you such a small amount of credit and contribution, so that you will not run in vain this trip."

Although cousin Smith Liu has not come over, and the virus problem has not been solved, Liu Botao is full of confidence, but it is a disease caused after the flood recedes, and his cousin who is internationally renowned can still be solved. No more?

"Forget it! You should keep the credit for yourself! I really look down on it! Moreover, the person I called this time is really no worse than your cousin..."

Lin Feng smiled slightly when he heard the words, waved his hand, and then continued to close his eyes for a false sleep.

"Dead duck has a hard mouth! Just you, what kind of medical expert can you call! Besides, is there anyone in this world who is more professional than my cousin in this respect? I will let you know in a while..."

Say it! Liu Botao stopped paying attention to Lin Feng, but just to be on the safe side, he called his cousin again, urging his cousin: "Hey! Cousin, where are you now? The condition here is very critical! Everyone is waiting. Come and overcome the difficulties..."

"Tao! Don't worry! I have asked the driver to use the fastest speed, and in half an hour, I will be able to reach the municipal hospital on your side. Don't worry, as long as it is a problem of virus propagation, my method It must be possible to completely block their genetic material pairing..."

Smith Liu, who was on the way, said confidently. When he was a Ph.D. student, he was studying such a subject. By inhibiting the secretion of a protein common to all viruses, their genetic material was incomplete and unable to complete normal reproduction ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It can be said that, This method is universal, that is to say, as long as it is a virus, it must secrete this genetic material if it wants to reproduce, and without this special protein, it will definitely not be able to complete the complete reproduction process. .

It is precisely this way that Smith Liu can have such a great certainty that he does not...or that he has absolute confidence that he can inhibit the reproduction of all viruses. In fact, with this method, he has done many experiments, and he has written relevant papers, and he is short of the final publication.

"Haha! As long as this method is published, the global medical community will be shocked. It is the virus's nemesis. This was only discovered after I studied Chinese medicine for several months. Chinese medicine is really great, but it's a pity... I will never meet the guy named Lin Feng again. If I meet again, no matter what, even if I lower my head and confess my mistake and kneel and beg for mercy, I will definitely worship him as a teacher..."

The Chinese medical genius Smith Liu, who was originally arrogant and looked down upon China and Chinese medicine, has been completely amazed by the skills of Chinese medicine since he saw Lin Feng's mysterious Chinese medicine acupuncture and moxibustion in the old man Cai.

Although in the end he extremely implored Lin Feng to accept him as a disciple to teach Chinese medicine, Lin Feng ruthlessly refused. However, in the next few months, Smith and Liu wandered in various provinces in China, searching for the famous old Chinese doctors, letting go of his body and mentality, and devoted himself to learning many theories and prescriptions related to Chinese medicine.

Finally, more than a month ago, Smith Liu found a way to suppress 99% of the virus in an ancient Chinese medicine prescription that was about to disappear.

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