Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1792: Open the stove in front of the hospital

As soon as Lin Feng said this, the more than fifty chefs Li Yutong brought with him were taken aback. What are they going to do? Are they sent to this long-distance hospital today to make hero fish soup?

Even Xiao Nishang said in surprise, "Lin Feng, what use are you calling so many chefs over to make hero fish soup? Your hero fish soup is delicious, but it can't cure this super virus!"

"Neon, Lin Feng must have his own ideas."

Faced with Xiao Nishang's doubts, Li Yutong smiled instead, which made her feel at ease.

As for the others, Lin Feng felt extremely absurd.

Don't you need to find doctors and experts to treat diseases and save people, but to find these cooks to cook? Isn't this a big joke?

The older doctors present were so angry that they were blowing their beards and staring, shouting that this was a silly joke about the life of the patient, and they had such great expectations before!

"This...what the **** is going on? Leader Liu, is Lin Feng one of the people your dragon team escorted us over this time? What is he doing now? Is he helping or making trouble? what?"

The experts from Beijing couldn’t help but questioned Liu Qingshi, the leader of this dragon group operation. Liu Qingshi also said with embarrassment: "Experts, I don’t know the specific situation. This kid seems to be a dragon too. Group, but not with us."

If Lin Feng hadn’t come with Xiao Nishang, Liu Qingshi would have already blasted him out, but with Xiao Nishang, Liu Qingshi would still be jealous. After all, Xiao Nishang’s grandfather is now the S of the Dragon Group. The level elders.

Moreover, Liu Qingshi also has a little selfishness. He deliberately indulged this Lin Feng, who seemed to have a good relationship with Xiao Nishang, and finally let him ask for hardship and lose face in front of Xiao Nishang. Liu Botao from the side is easy to win a good impression in front of Xiao Nishang!

"Hahaha! Did you guys see it? Lin Feng, this kid actually let someone come to make fish soup, does he think the fish soup he made can cure all diseases? It's a laugh at me, but I always thought he was wrong. What kind of world-class man is here!" Liu Botao was already out of breath, especially after seeing Xiao Nishang also questioned Lin Feng, I felt that Lin Feng was simply sent to the stage. Helped and contrasted his teasing.

"Master Lin Feng, what are you doing? Although I know the dietary supplements in Chinese medicine, it is only an auxiliary conditioning for general physical conditions! Regarding diseases and viruses in this situation, whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, It must be carefully diagnosed and treated!"

Even Smith Liu, who has always regarded Lin Feng as a genius of Chinese medicine, can't understand Lin Feng's absurd behavior now.

However, Lin Feng ignored the doubts of these people, he was having fun! Directly took more than fifty chefs downstairs and shouted: "Everyone, come with me! Let's open fire at the entrance of this hospital!"


Lin Feng actually wanted to open fire at the entrance of the hospital?

There is indeed a large open space at the gate of the municipal hospital, but there is no water or electricity, and there is not even a stand. How can we open fire and cook?

However, Lin Feng had his own way. He asked more than 50 chefs to move tables from the municipal hospital, and then immediately bought dozens of iron pots from the store near the hospital, and Liquefied petroleum gas fuel, etc., plus the vegetable market next to the hospital, various accessories and knives, Lin Feng quickly provided them with them at a staggering speed.

Pedal Pedal...

Everyone came downstairs, stunned.

An hour ago, there was only a vacant lot in front of the hospital gate, but now, dozens of cauldrons have been erected out of thin air. Moreover, Lin Feng actually moved the inflatable small children’s swimming pool in the children’s playground next door. The water in it was introduced directly from the fire pipes, and he didn’t know when Lin Feng released the water storage pool. Hundreds of various fishes.

"Those fish?"

Seeing this, Xiao Nishang suddenly remembered, "That's right! These fish should be the fish that Lin Feng and I had been collecting in the Shenshui space yesterday when Lin Feng and I had been swallowing stagnant water in reservoirs everywhere? Unexpectedly, he actually took these fish out for use, and that's right, these fishes lived in the Shenshui space for a day and night, and they all became so big, presumably the meat is also full of the ingredients of Shenshui. If it is made into fish soup, it can indeed completely kill those super viruses..."

It wasn't until Lin Feng released the fish that Xiao Nishang fully understood Lin Feng's plan. She licked her lips and smiled at the corner of her mouth: "It just so happens that I haven't eaten the hero fish soup for a long time. I can taste it today. taste……"

As for the other people, it’s not like Xiao Nishang can see Lin Feng’s intentions at a glance, especially the doctors at the Huizhou Municipal Hospital, they can’t help but yell at them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this young man, How can this be? With so many pots in front of our municipal hospital, do you use our restaurant as the back kitchen? "

"No! You must call the police immediately and let the police drive him out!"

"He did it like this, our ambulance couldn't get in. Hurry up and report to the dean..."


There were also those patients who came to see the doctor, all curiously poking their heads, watching the chefs brought by Lin Feng, skillfully starting to kill and slaughter fish, and then oiled them to make a rich and tender heroic fish soup. .

Today, without cooking other dishes, I will make a hero fish soup, the signature hero fish soup, so relying on the assembly line work of more than 50 chefs, a pot of hero fish soup began to exude an attractive and rich fragrance.

"Wow! It smells so delicious! What kind of dishes do they cook? It's so delicious..."

"Look at them, where did they buy the fishes! They are all that big and look so delicious..."

"Wok! Look at it, there are so many iron pots and the fish soup is being cooked at the same time, the whole aroma is floating out, and my stomach begins to gurgle. It smells so good, I don’t know how good it will taste. Eat!"


Many patients in the hospital, as well as the nearby residents and newcomers, were all attracted by the incomparably rich and attractive scent of this heroic fish soup. Everyone was drooling and watching, staring at them. Looking at the heroic fish soup that was still boiling on the fire, his eyes were about to catch fire, and he could not wait to rush forward and pour the hot fish soup into his mouth.

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