Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1797: Robbery (Part 2)

"Hahaha! Right, right, right... Sanshugong, why didn't I think of this? That Lin Feng doesn't even have a C-level badge. Where can I speak to his superiors? Sanshugong, you are A-level, this action you Team leader again. By then, won't most of the credit be ours? Haha..."

Hearing what Liu Qingshi said, then Liu Botao immediately laughed. As a young man in the Liu family, he did not use this method less often. Take the previous school, he often bullied those classmates from poor families who had excellent grades, turning their excellent homework into his own, and grabbing some of their gadgets or essays that could add points.

Grab credit!

This is grabbing power!

Just now, Liu Botao was shocked by Lin Feng's magical heroic fish soup, but now he doesn't put Lin Feng in his eyes at all. How about his personal ability? What if he can use fish soup to treat illnesses and save people? Anyway, didn't the final credit fall into the pockets of myself and the third uncle?

"Hey! Xiaotao, do you understand now? So, don't be afraid of Lin Feng's strength. The more powerful he is, the more the disease here will be solved, and the more credit we will get in the end. Do you know? For status and status like ours, most of the contributions and credits are earned by the people below."

The corner of Liu Qingshi's mouth turned slightly, and then he pretended to walk to Lin Feng's side with enthusiasm, thanking him very much: "Lin Feng, great! Thank you very much, our Dragon Team has such an outstanding elite as you, really. Great luck for the Dragon Group!"

"Leader Liu, you are welcome. This is what I should do. After all, everyone is working together."

Lin Feng smiled slightly. He still didn't know what the **** was Liu Qingshi's sudden coming, but he glanced at the smug smile of Liu Botao next to him, and knew that he must be ill-intentioned.

"Yes! Lin Feng, you said it well. This time the mission was done together by us. Don't worry! Lin Feng, when I write the mission report, I will definitely reflect your credit and contribution. But this time After all, our task team is the main task. With our joint efforts, you played a part of the role. Under the main leadership of my team leader, we solved the epidemic..."

His eyes narrowed slightly, Liu Qingshi said with a smile.

"Leader Liu, what do you mean? You mean...this time, most of the credit for completing the task is yours? Lin Feng and I have only a small part of the credit?"

Hearing that there was something in Liu Qingshi's words, Xiao Nishang didn't understand what he meant, so he asked bluntly.

"What do you mean? Sister Nishang, can't you hear it? Yes! Lin Feng has done a lot this time. It is true that he alone saved so many patients with hero fish soup and cured this disease. But, haha... …He is just a member of the Dragon Team without a C-level badge, and he is not qualified to report to the headquarters at all."

At this time, Liu Botao triumphantly stood up and said, "My third uncle is A-level and the highest person in charge of this mission. Whoever contributes to this mission is up to him, Nishang Sister, I'll ask Third Uncle to give you more credit for the task at that time. As for the stinky boy Lin Feng, it would be nice to give it to him..."

"You...you! It turns out that in the Dragon Team, you are also operating in the dark, invading the contributions of the credit members?"

Hearing these words of Liu Botao, Xiao Nishang was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and he shouted, "Do you know who Lin Feng is? Lin Feng is..."

"crazy girl!"

Just when Xiao Nishang was about to reveal Lin Feng's S-level elder status, Lin Feng called her in time and smiled, "Since they like to grab credit so much, then take it!"

As far as Lin Feng is concerned, he doesn't care about this point of credit and contribution, and it belongs to him. Then Liu Qingshi's only A-level dragon team grabbed it?

However, Lin Feng’s words were mistaken by Liu Botao as Lin Feng’s fear of Liu Qingshi’s A-level status, so he became even more proud, and said cheerfully, "Lin Feng, this is right! The so-called current affairs are the one who knows the current affairs. Junjie, you know you can’t offend me and my third uncle! Besides, if you are a member who doesn’t have a C-level emblem, you should keep a low profile. My third-uncle is A-level. As long as he says a word, he can chase you off immediately. Get out of the dragon team and let you stay in a cell for a lifetime..."

"Okay! Xiaotao, since Lin Feng is so acquainted, let's be more magnanimous. When I report the task result later, I will count him too, hehe...After all, people have worked so hard to give so many heroic fish soups. We eat. What do we write? Just write about Lin Feng, a member of the Dragon Team. Although he did not perform well in other things, he invited people to cook delicious fish soup afterwards, which rewarded us Dragon Team who worked hard to perform the task. Members...hahaha..."

As Liu Qingshi was talking, he couldn't help laughing.

"Yes, yes, yes... Sanshugong, just write like this, and the facts are like this, but we are protecting those experts and doctors all the way safely to here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I also invited the famous Smith in the international medical community. Liu, Lin Feng just asked some cooks to make some fish soup...Haha..."

Liu Botao also laughed and said, including the other members of the Dragon Group, who are also Liu Qingshi's confidants, and this kind of scene has long been commonplace. Although most of the members of the Dragon Group are loyal to the entire country and organization, there are still a small number of family members who join them, with great selfishness and various means of grabbing merit.

"Liu Botao, you guys are really too much."

Xiao Nishang was so angry that he saw the two blatantly grabbing the credit that belonged to Lin Feng. Regardless of whether Lin Feng cared about this contribution, but the despicable and shameless behavior of the two Liu Botao made her wish to beat them immediately.

However, Lin Feng just smiled faintly, didn't care, and said, "Crazy girl, aren't they trying to grab credit? Let them take it! The real good show will start soon. We are just the audience. Come on to the protagonists of them!"

"Really good show? What good show?"

Xiao Nishang asked incomprehensibly, and immediately his nerves were tense. The spiritual sense scanned the surroundings and understood, his face suddenly changed: "Tian Ren! It is the bloodthirsty Gu Tian Ren who we are going to wait for the rabbit to come to the door Up?"

Say it! Xiao Nishang's gaze couldn't help but look towards the entrance of the hospital. After a while, a Waguo Tianren in a Waguo warrior uniform appeared so blatantly here, and a samurai sword shone at everyone. come out……

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