Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1799: Catch Tian Ren alive (Part 1)

"Sister Nishang, you'd better stand a little farther away, better follow me. You are only at the beginning of the day after tomorrow, so don't be affected."

After Liu Botao gave Lin Feng a fierce look, he said flatteringly to Xiao Nishang.

"Brother Tao, thank you for your kindness. I just need to stay with Lin Feng. You should help your third uncle quickly!" Xiao Nishang smiled slightly.

"No! No! No need at all, that little devil ninja is not my third uncle's opponent at all. My third uncle is a master at the peak of the day after tomorrow. The last few days we met were easily taken by me. Uncle cleaned up..."

In Liu Botao's life as a warrior, the most powerful warrior I have ever seen is his third uncle Liu Qingshi. Even if he was besieged by two or three Shangren, he was still able to defeat them one by one, so Liu Botao was very confident in Liu Qingshi.

And at this time, when Shinobu saw that the white-bearded old man who was finally going to face him that day, he grinned and said, "Haha! Today, I will avenge Ozawa-kun and Fujiwara..."

Say it! Shinobu shook his figure that day, and immediately rushed to Liu Qingshi with a samurai sword. Tian Ren's repair was originally equivalent to the innate warrior, and the ninja was best at speed and hiding, so almost in the blink of an eye, the katana of the ninja had already arrived in front of Liu Qingshi that day.

"So fast!"

Liu Qingshi was stunned for a moment, his eyes glared, the cold sweat all over his body was about to shed, and he immediately picked up the sword in his hand and slammed forward.


The katana and the saber collided between the sparks and flints, and the blade and the blade collided. Liu Qingshi's hands were shocked, his blood rolled up and down, and he cried out inconceivably, "Why? How can this ninja's speed and power be so powerful? What level of ninja is this? Even me. The most powerful Shangren I have ever seen can't reach this level?"

"Haha! I thought you were a great character! It turned out to be just a warrior at the pinnacle of the day after tomorrow! I am really surprised, depending on you, how did you kill Ozawa-kun and Fujiwara?"

As soon as the Japanese Ninja and Liu Qingshi fought, they immediately figured out his depth, knowing that he is not a warrior of the innate realm, but only a warrior of the acquired peak.

"Damn it! Little devil, don't be proud, look at it!"

Being so despised by the Japanese ninja, Liu Qingshi of course couldn't swallow the breath. He drew his sword abruptly, then rushed out his body's vitality, grasping the hilt, and slashed down to the sky.


The speed has also been played to the limit, Liu Qingshi's decades of skill really are not inferior to this Tian Ren, the sword blade almost directly pierced Tian Ren's eyebrows in an instant.

"Huh? I really have some skill..."

Tian Ren also gave a stunned sound, very surprised. However, with this kind of speed attack, he still easily dodged and dodged past, and then a black gu worm flew out of his palm, tweeting and shooting towards Liu Qingshi's body.

"This is my son's flesh-eating Gu. Today, let me feed him the old bacon of your old fellow?" Shinobu is really good at Gu worms this day, and at the same time he possesses powerful strength. Carnivorous Gu, half the size of the palm of the hand, with black and shiny black hair, swished into Liu Qingshi's belly.

"Ah! My belly... belly..."

As a martial artist, Liu Qingshi had never seen such a terrifying gu worm. He was not at all precautionary. The flesh-eating gu bite a big hole in his stomach and screamed in fright.

"Tsk tusk tusk... even my Carnivorous Gu can't handle it. It seems that you are not the powerful character who killed Ozawa-kun and Fujiwara at all..."

He clapped his hands and shook his head. The Tennin put down the samurai sword, and then swished his gaze.

"San Shu Gong!"

Liu Botao on the side was completely silly. He originally had his hands on his hips, waiting to see how the little devil ninja was captured alive by his third uncle, but in a blink of an eye, the third uncle, who was in his severely invincible image, was completely suppressed by Tennin, and even finally put by Tennin. A black gu worm that came out bit his stomach and lay on the ground babbling and struggling.

"Is that you?"

Hearing Liu Botao's yelling, General Tian Ren looked at him playfully, and then stared at Liu Botao with evil eyes and asked.

"No, no, no... it's not me, I... I know nothing? I and him... they have nothing to do, you... don't look at me..."

Liu Botao, who was still prestigious and threatened to capture Tian Ren alive, was so stunned that he immediately sat down on the ground with his hands in fright and cried.

Although Liu Botao is a B-level member of the Dragon Team, how many missions did he have? Congratulations only came up after the third uncle Liu Qingshi’s ass. The only two missions to deal with the Japanese ninjas, he also stood at the back, watching Liu Qingshi kill two Japanese soldiers with one enemy and two. endure.

However, now, Tian Ren, who had been defeated by Liu Qingshi's several tricks, walked over, and Liu Botao was immediately shocked. Even in my mind, I recalled the horror images in the anti-Japanese movies and TV series of the Japanese army killing people and arson.

"Xiaotao, hurry...Run! Ask the dragon elders for help... this ninja is... at the level of heaven..."

Liu Qingshi, struggling on the ground, hurriedly shouted at Liu Botao.

However, when Liu Botao understood it, it was too late. Tian Ren had already brushed it and came to him, kicking him down.

"Ouch... don't... don't kill me! I really don't know anything, please, let me go..."

With a clang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When Shinobu pressed the samurai sword on Liu Botao’s neck that day, he was already scared to pee, his crotch was wet, and he was begging for mercy.

"Say, who is the mastermind of your dragon team this time? Where are the others?"

Shinobu saw Liu Botao's appearance that he was afraid of death that day, which was exactly what he wanted, and immediately asked.

"Mastermind? The leader of the team is my third uncle, please don't kill me..."

Both of Liu Botao's legs were already frightened, and his whole body was trembling, and he did not dare to move casually, for fear that Shinobu would wipe his neck with a missed hand that day.

"He? He is too weak, it can't be. Since you dare to lie to me? Then...Go to death!" Anyway, there are several members of the dragon group here, and Shinobu stated that he wanted to kill the chicken that day. Looking at the monkey, or wanting to draw the head of the dragon group behind the scenes, he swung the samurai sword abruptly, preparing to chop off Liu Botao's head.


Liu Botao was almost fainted from fear. The sharp blade had touched his neck, and he even felt the hair on his neck stand up.

Just when he felt that he was bound to die, he suddenly banged, and Tian Ren, who was almost invincible in his eyes, was actually kicked into the air.


The incredible Liu Botao hurriedly rubbed his eyes to see clearly. The person who suddenly rushed to him and kicked him that day was not someone else. It was Lin Feng, who he looked down upon before, who didn't even have a C-level dragon badge.

(Recommend the super beautiful fantasy "Eternal God King" to my friends, and book friends who like to watch fantasy to see it! You will not be disappointed!)

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