Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1908: 1 way rolling! Raise our country!

Immediately afterwards, because ZERO and King, the ace spear gods of the two stick countries, lost their lives under the guns of Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang one after another, this led to more stick country players rushing to kill them.

"No! Quickly remind the two gun gods, Shawn, Scarlet Armor and Neon Clothes, that we can't stand it here. The sticks are coming..."

"This is my last life, I really can't hold it! If I hang up, I will be completely out..."

"The situation is not good, how many people do we have left to attack them?"

"There are only fifty-two people left. If it is fateful, there are only seventy-eight lives. But there are at least two hundred lives on the stick."


The Huaxia players who are blocking the stick players for Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang in the front, because they are banned in the game, cannot communicate in it, and can only open a special section on the forum for layout and tactical communication.

Because of the enthusiasm of Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang, their surviving master players also killed a lot of enemies in this half an hour or so.

It's just that, because they hadn't had many remaining numbers and lives, some of them couldn't hold back in the face of the menacing crowd.

However, at this time, on the cf forum, the spear **** of Huaxia Kingdom had posted such a post.

Scarlet and brow: Brothers! Hard work! It's okay, put those stick dogs in! Leave the following to us.

As soon as this post came out, the forum immediately boiled again.

"What? The brow-brow gun **** has spoken, and he and the heroine gun **** are actually going to single out more than two hundred players in the country?"

"What kind of stick country players! Didn't you hear the brow gun **** call them stick dogs?"

"Also, it's not that the two of them singled out more than two hundred stick dogs, but the two of them beat up more than two hundred stick dogs."


Two groups of people beat more than two hundred people. I'm afraid that only the shackles dare to say that, right?

Originally, the female costume was only the title of the gun king, but now, everyone has seen that she is not weaker than the strength of the beard and crimson armor, naturally also given the reputation of the gun god.

"Arrogant! Damn it! Are you kidding, two people want to kill us two hundred people?"

One minute later, the resurrected king was angry and rushed to the crown, and he actually replaced the sniper rifle he was good at, and picked up the submachine gun and said: "The world only knows that my king's sniper is invincible, but today I will let him You also opened your eyes, and my charge swept across the same."



King is completely crazy. Since his CF career, there has never been such a taint. With the help of so many cover, from the best angle, he could not kill the target, but was discovered. The position, in turn, was destroyed by two submachine guns.

What a shame!

What a shame!

Unwilling to reconcile King, he immediately called on all the surviving Bangzi Nation players to collectively kill Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang just now.


Because this is a special map for the China-Korea PK Gun God Contest, it is not known how many times larger than classic maps such as transport ships and arenas, and the server space is also expanded to accommodate more than one thousand people at the same time.

The mighty and mighty Bangzi players rushed toward this side with murderous aura, their purpose was only one, and that was revenge.

"Come on! Crazy girl, are you afraid?"

Lin Feng picked up the phone and instead initiated a text message with Xiao Nishang.

"Fear of wool! Have you ever seen my grandma, when have I been afraid? Isn't it just a group of stick dogs? Lin Feng, we will kill more than anyone else? Now your kill is 89, mine is 56, after a while. , Let's come to Bibi again?" Xiao Nishang replied.

Lin Feng: "Good!"

In the game, Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang turned their backs to their backs, and found a more favorable position, waiting for the first wave of players from Bangzi Country.

Soon, in the first wave, sixty people rushed up, and the second group of fifty people followed closely behind, which meant that Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang had to deal with more than 110 people at the same time. Everyone has to deal with fifty or sixty people.

After shaking the gun, Lin Feng looked at the number of bullets in the submachine gun. It happened to be 60 rounds. Then, together with Xiao Nishang, he picked up the gun and started doing it. Is there any kind of politeness to hit a stick dog?

Bang bang bang...

One shot and one headshot!


Although the spiritual consciousness of Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang cannot be used in the game, the spiritual consciousness can help them deal with the enemies and situation judgments they currently see. At the same time, they coordinate their body to control the characters in the game to dodge accordingly. And attack.

Fortunately, the location they chose has a relatively advantageous location. On the surface, it seems that the two of them have to deal with attacks from more than a hundred people at the same time, but in fact only about half of them can reach them. The others are behind, and they are constantly being added.

Therefore, Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang are only a bit more severe than the situation just now, and they are still sufficient to deal with them. However, the stick dogs were completely crazy, rushing forward one after another hysterically, but they fell under the merciless eye-catching of Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang.

In five minutes, the first wave is completely gone!

Ten minutes, there is not much left in the second wave.

In the third wave, ZERO personally led the team to rush up, but he has not yet shouted! Lin Feng had already recognized him from the vast sea of ​​sticks and dogs, banged a golden headshot, and once again harvested his life.

Without ZERO's guidance, the third wave of attacks had been wiped out by Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang within three or four minutes.

When the fourth wave arrived late, it was King who led this wave, holding a submachine gun and swept towards Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang in a burst of cover.

However, Xiao Nishang and Lin Feng had been prepared for a long time, hiding behind the stone and did not show up. After they swept over for a while, they immediately jumped out at an incredible angle, and then shot King to a headshot first~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then, they killed the fourth wave of stick dog army. Become a naked one-sided massacre.

At 11:50, there were originally more than 300 players from the Bangzi Country who survived, but now only a handful of more than 30 people survived.

As for the Huaxia Kingdom, besides Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang each had 10 visits, there were actually 50 or 60 visits alive.

In addition, the number of kills of Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang has risen to 265 and 234, and the gap between the two is not big.

Just when the two were planning to continue chasing and completely wipe out the remaining players from the League of Legends who were hiding, the computer screen went black, and then everyone exited. The server prompts that the time for the game has come, and they are counting each other. The record.

Obviously there are still ten minutes, but the game was forced to end ahead of schedule. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is the CF headquarters on the stick country, afraid that players from their country will be killed in the last ten minutes. There was no one left, and there was no face left, so I had to end the finals of the China-Korea pk gun **** contest early.

However, it is an iron fact that the beards and scarlet armors and women's clothes led the remaining Chinese players to crush and annihilate several waves of the stick country player corps. It is an iron-clad fact that greatly boosted the confidence of the domestic CF players and also frustrated those in the stick country. Players who don't know the heights of the sky, praise my Chinese national prestige!

(Ps: This is the third update! I wrote it a long time ago and put it in the background. The regular update is inaccurate! I checked it with my phone just before going to bed, only to find that it didn't send it out. Get up and start the computer and send it again! Sorry !)

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