Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1923: You are in trouble!

As soon as the auctioneer's voice fell, the audience was in an uproar again.

Especially the children of the aristocratic family in the Tianzi box box were amazed.

"Let me go! Is Qin Guangtao of the Qin family going to rebel? Just their Qin family, an ordinary family that is not influential, dare to challenge the Wang and Ouyang family?"

"Qin Guangtao seems to be really tired of life!"

"I have to call and ask Qin Guangtao what's going on. The play is getting better and better!"


Among those boxes, someone who knew Qin Guangtao quickly called.

"Hey! Taozai, are you crazy? Dare to fight with Tianzi No. 1 Box 2? Are you full? You Qin family can indeed get 2.5 billion, but is it worth it? Did you offend so many people?" A elder brother of the Zhou family, who has a good relationship with Qin Guangtao, immediately called to remind him.

"Brother Zhou, I...I don't know at all! It's really not the price I paid! This...This is a misunderstanding at all. I'll tell you later! I'll solve this trouble first !"

Qin Guangtao saw Lin Feng bid for the first time. He was really out of anger. After hanging up the phone, Qin Guangtao immediately rushed to Lin Feng, holding down the bidder and shouted hissing: " Stop it! Are you crazy? Two and a half billion! This is not your box. What price are you paying?"

This time, Qin Guangtao really couldn't sit still. If it is said that the first bid is a misunderstanding with other families, then the second price increase can be said to be completely provoking the ancient martial families present.

Even if Qin Guangtao is an ineffective dude in the family, he also knows who can provoke and who can't be offended by him at all!

But now, Lin Feng's two bidding behaviors helped Qin Guangtao provoke all the children of the aristocracy who could not provoke them.

This time, Qin Guangtao really cried and didn't know where to cry!

"Brother Tao, don't be nervous, Lin Feng did it on purpose."

When Qin Yanran saw this, she hurried forward and explained to her cousin.

"What? Deliberate? He did it deliberately!" Qin Guangtao was even more angry when he heard it.

"No! I mean, Lin Feng really wants to spend money to take that picture, but... we are not eligible for auction outside, so we just borrowed your box for use. You have been talking to me just now. Speaking, so I just...no chance to tell you about this." Qin Yanran quickly explained.

"Buy this painting? Sister Yanran, what are you kidding me! He, this stinky kid, can get 2.5 billion out?"

Qin Guangtao didn't believe it, and stared at Lin Feng, "You walk away and are not allowed to bid me anymore, don't you know? How much trouble have you caused me, even if you are really my brother-in-law, I will not forgive you either."

"Yan Ran has already said for me just now, this "Shanhe Sheji" must be ours. Your box, even if I borrow it temporarily."

Lin Feng said indifferently, and then stared at the bid number on the auction stage, which was still 2.5 billion yuan, and no one was bidding with him anymore.

"Yu Shao, the price is already 2.5 billion, exceeding our expectations. Are you still bidding?"

Wang Yu's butler asked carefully in the Wang family box.

"Forget it! Since there is a disruptive ordinary family, let the Ouyang family have a headache! Anyway, our Wang family is already too high, and we don't need any peerless techniques..." Wang Yu waved his hand, but smiled faintly. , "What a Qin family, I want to see how you left here with this picture of "Mountain, River and Sheji"."

In the Ouyang family box, Ouyang Feng was also so angry that he scolded his mother, clenched his fists and shouted: "There is a kind! Qin family is it! I have written down this painting by Ouyang Feng, and I will let you see this painting. With money to buy, do you have any orders to learn the peerless exercises? What's more, there may not be any exercises in this "Shanhe Sheji Tu"."

In the end, Ouyang's family also gave up this competition for "Shanhe Sheji Tu". After all, Lin Feng added a price of 400 to 500 million yuan, making it difficult for them to start shooting.

As for the other ancient martial arts families, it seems that even the Wang and Ouyang families are no longer called, and naturally they did not dare to move forward. Even if there were some medium ancient martial arts families who originally planned to spend three or four billion to fight for a chance, this time also Give up completely.

"2.5 billion! The first time!"

"2.5 billion! The second time!"

When the second call came, the auctioneer paused again and shouted to the surroundings, "Hurry up! Distinguished guests, if no one has bid a higher price yet, this "Shanhe Sheji" picture is Master Qin’s..."

Looking around, no one dared to offer a new price. The auctioneer could only slam the hammer down, and then pointed in the direction of the Qin family box and shouted, "2.5 billion! The third time! The deal! Congratulations! Young Master Qin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This "Scenery of Mountains and Rivers" belongs to you."

With a final word, this auction will come to a perfect end. An unheard-of-name "Shanhe Sheji Tu" was sold at a sky-high price of 2.5 billion, which was an eye-opener to the ordinary collectors who were present.

However, those family princes who are really in the Tianzi box are more interested in what kind of medicine Qin Guangtao of the Qin family took wrong, and dare to challenge the Wang family and Ouyang family?

Ever since, when the auction was all over, the Ouyang family, Wang’s family, etc. came out of the box, and they all went to the box No. 9 towards the Qin family. They wanted to see it face to face. This cost twenty How sacred is Qin Guangtao, who photographed the "Shanhe Sheji Tu" by 500 million.

At this time, in the Qin family box, Qin Guangtao was already anxiously overheated, and shouted vigorously: "It's a big disaster! Oh! This is a big trouble! You are in a big disaster! This time! It must be a breach of contract. The auction transaction price of 2.5 billion yuan will cost 250 million yuan in liquidated damages! I am afraid that all my cash is only so little, let alone offend the Wang family and the Ouyang family..."

However, just when Qin Guangtao didn’t know what to do, the auction house sent the "Mountain and River Sheji Tu" to Qin Guangtao and said to Qin Guangtao: "Mr. Qin, congratulations! The "Mountain and River Sheji Tu" is here for you. The total is 2.5 billion yuan, and there is a 5% handling fee."

"This... can I stop it now?" Qin Guangtao asked weakly when the person who saw the auction sent the "Shanhe Sheji Tu" so soon.

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