Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1934: investment trends

The progress of several major undertakings is pretty good. In terms of big investment, Zhang Miaoyi is manipulating Lin Feng’s funds. He gave him 10 billion before. He invested in some energy and conducted some operations in the foreign exchange market. In just a few months, I made 5 billion back.

Although, this 50% profit is nothing compared to Zhang Miaoyi's previous return of several hundred%. However, this is 10 billion!

It's not a problem to make five or six million or even tens of millions with one million, but if you want to make hundreds of millions with 100 million, it's not that easy.

The greater the amount of funds, the overall control ability required to double the profitability cannot be underestimated. However, Zhang Miaoyi relied on his unique business vision. In the energy field and foreign exchange, he turned Lin Feng’s RMB 10 billion into 15 billion in just a few months. This is not something anyone can do. Arrived.

Therefore, after proving Zhang Miaoyi's ability, Lin Feng was relieved to give Zhang Miaoyi all his funding authority.

When Zhang Miaoyi saw that Lin Feng had hundreds of billions of cash in his current account, Lin Feng still remembered the surprised expression. Fortunately, he is still a business prodigy who has manipulated hundreds of billions of dollars. When he saw the 100 billion balance, he was almost like dreaming and not waking up.

A net worth of 100 billion is actually not a lot of top wealth in China. After all, although there are only a few rich people in the country, what a pharaoh, a pharaoh! But these people on the table are all private entrepreneurs, and they really accumulate wealth bit by bit.

Some took off with the help of mobile Internet, but some people rely on the efforts of several generations, the management and accumulation of countless industries, and some policy dividends, which have accumulated hundreds of billions or even tens of thousands. Billion wealth.

This part of the people is the ancient Chinese traditional family. Each family has intricate relationships and huge family wealth. In fact, even a second-rate ancient martial family, the combined family wealth is probably better than Lin Feng's. Hundreds of billions more.

However, most of these people's wealth is in the form of real estate, companies, antiques and securities, etc. If you really want to say that domestic cash can come up with 100 billion in one go, I am afraid there are really few.

So, it's no wonder that Zhang Miaoyi is so surprised, but surprise returns to surprise. For a business wizard like him, 100 billion is actually the same as 10 billion, or one million, in essence.

On the books, they are just a few figures, and they are just funds that he can manipulate at will.

In the next period of time, Zhang Miaoyi focused on the field of aerospace and aviation. In fact, he had also said to Lin Feng before that this field was almost exclusively covered by countries before.

But now, outer space has become the common guarantee of mankind. Many countries have opened up the field of aerospace and aviation, including domestically. Many private aerospace research companies have emerged. If this wave of craze is caught It is possible to build some large companies with a valuation of tens of billions or hundreds of billions.

I have to say that Zhang Miaoyi’s vision is indeed more vicious. The domestic Internet and mobile Internet are about to be played badly. Any messy app program dares to value hundreds of millions of dollars, and subsidize users to issue red envelopes at every turn. It is already completely entered. In a vicious circle.

Therefore, Zhang Miaoyi intends to jump out of Internet-related investments and choose the general trend of aerospace in the future, especially companies in the field of manned aerospace.

However, so far, Zhang Miaoyi is still collecting information and doing preliminary analysis. Only when he has identified some more valuable and cost-effective companies, will he come to discuss with Lin Feng again.

"Huh...Today, there are really enough things! Sure enough, the life of the rich is not easy, because the richer people, the more they want to be richer. So their money It will always exist in the form of companies and stocks, and continuous operation and investment means continuous development and exhaustion..."

Lying on the sofa, Lin Feng leaned on Li Yutong’s tender thigh, couldn’t help feeling it, and said with a grin, “Fortunately, Sister Tongtong, I have your capable helper, help I have handled so many things inside and out. Otherwise, even if I am a cultivator, I’m afraid my head will explode!"

Now Li Yutong basically lives in Lin Feng’s villa in the capital, helping Lin Feng to deal with all kinds of matters. When he is free, he will take care of Lin Feng. For example, like now, he will give Lin Feng a backlash. Pinch your feet.

"Lin Feng, don't you still have a good buddy Zhang Miaoyi? His ability is not below me, and even his project vision is stronger and sharper. Dealing with things vigorously and vigorously, you hand over those large sums It is indeed a good way to save effort."

Li Yutong said with a smile ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, he asked, "By the way, Lin Feng, has Yan Ran not come out of the painting yet? It's been almost two months now. Could it be the inheritance of that old god? Is it that hard?"

For Qin Yanran who has been studying in painting for so long, Li Yutong is also a little puzzled, because when she cultivates by herself, it takes almost a day or two to get it done, and then her physique will automatically circulate in her practice, even if she does not specifically meditate. There will also be large and small cycles in the body constantly circulating.

Lin Feng shook his head when he heard this, and said, "The ghost knows! That old **** is also true. He didn't tell me in advance how long Yan Ran will stay in it. I have to keep lying in front of Aunt Ping. In a few days, I really can't keep it secret."

"Don't worry! Lin Feng, maybe Yanran will come out in a few days? It stands to reason that Sister Yanran has been studying inside for so long, maybe after she comes out, her cultivation level will surpass ours?" Li Yutong smiled and said, "It has made you hard to practice well recently. If Yanran's cultivation level surpasses you, what will you do?"

"Hey! It's over! Sister Tongtong, hum! If Yanran's cultivation base surpasses me, I will immediately talk to you...hehehe...Then the bottleneck of my cultivation base will be able to break through immediately... …"

Lin Feng gave a smirk, then quietly stroked Li Yutong's smooth jade back with one hand, and said.

"Go and go...it's not serious again, Lin Feng, you'd better practice until you reach the top of the foundation building! Hehe, if you don't practice quickly, I will catch up first..." Li Yutong lowered his head and smiled, his entire face They are already glowing red shyly.

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