Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1938: Zhou Yun's lovesickness

"Cut! Sister Yun, I don't believe it! Could it be that you haven't been moved by any boy for so many years?"

The girl's innate gossip attribute made Liu Yanru asked with a smile.

"Also... there are!"

Zhou Yun is not good at lying, and when she talks about others, she becomes shy and shy when she talks about herself.

"Really? Then... Sister Yun, tell me too! What is the boy you like? Have you two been together?" Liu Yanru asked more curiously.

But Zhou Yun waved her hand and avoided talking: "Yanru, I...I still have work to do! I won't tell you for now, go to bed early!"

"Sister Yun, this is not interesting enough for you. I told you all the things in my heart, but you are tight-lipped. Wouldn't you...could it be that the boy broke my heart?"

Liu Yanru, who doesn't watch idol dramas less often, guessed.

"No...No, what are you thinking about! I...I have never been in a relationship before! Where did you get hurt?" Zhou Yun blushed and explained.

"Then just talk about it! What kind of situation is the boy you like? Sister Yun, are you not like me and never dared to confess?" Liu Yanru asked again.

Zhou Yun said with some embarrassment: "I...I am not sure if I like him, but I have...I don't know how to describe it! However, the gap between us is also very big. I don't want to think about it for now. Maybe we won't meet again in the next lifetime..."

Reminiscing about the news about Lin Feng that he had seen in the past few days, Zhou Yun felt that Lin Feng was already unattainable, which was beyond his reach.

Moreover, speaking of breaking the sky, he and Lin Feng only contacted him a few times because of a few interviews and news. Even if there were no feelings at all, why bother to care about him all the time?

"Ah? Sister Yun, it seems that your problem is more serious than mine! Forget it, you can't tell, I won't ask. You hurry up and go to bed early! Don't be caught by the bully director of your TV station again you are late……"

After speaking, Liu Yanru went back to wash and sleep.

It was Zhou Yun. After Liu Yanru seduced this topic, Lin Feng, who had been pressed deep in her mind, could no longer hide her. Lin Feng's figure remained in her mind. The unexpected encounters with Lin Feng, the fusion of heart and heart, the fusion of eyes and eyes.

There is also the sentence Lin Feng once said to her, let him help him realize his dream and be his own bodyguard.

All this made Zhou Yun's mood hard to calm down. Looking at the manuscript on the computer, she was no longer in the mood to sort it out.

Today's night seems to be very long.

Yes! In the night when Acacia is used as a flavoring agent, the cool breeze that blows brings a trace of loneliness.

Zhou Yun didn't know what was wrong with her. Why did she suddenly feel like Lin Feng came to him?

Do you really like him?

If so, do you have to confess it bravely like Liu Yanru?

If not, why is it so uncomfortable?


Almost sleepless all night, Zhou Yun just fell asleep and was awakened by the alarm clock, so she quickly got up and squeezed the subway to go to work at Beijing TV Station.

"That's too late……"

He ran out in a panic, and when Zhou Yun arrived at the TV station, almost everyone had arrived. Only her intern was late.

"Zhou Yun, what do you think you did? I don't do well at work, and I am still late for work? I really don't have a sense of time when I come to a small place!

Pan Jiande, the director of the editorial department in charge of Zhou Yun, sullied his face, and taught Zhou Yun in front of so many colleagues.

"Yes... I'm sorry, Director Pan, I promise I will never be late next time." Zhou Yun shouted unlucky in her heart, and quickly promised.

"Go! Submit all the materials you sorted out yesterday, and everyone is in a hurry to use it today!"

While Pan Jiande scolded Zhou Yun severely, his eyes were fascinatingly looking at Zhou Yun's body, and he began to ponder some bad thoughts in his heart.

"Yes, yes... Director, I have everything sorted out, and... I'll hand it in immediately."

Zhou Yun hurriedly took out the materials in the bag, and only returned to her workstation after finishing the materials.

"Xiao Yun, what did you do! Director Pan was already targeting you, and you are still late, let him get the handle?" Rao Yu, the editor reporter next to him, pulled Zhou Yun and reminded her.

Zhou Yun replied helplessly: "Sister Rao, I don't want to either! But... I had insomnia last night. I only slept for a few hours. Now my mind is still dizzy!"

"Hey! You are also unlucky. Director Pan is probably looking at you, and then makes things difficult for you, so that you can take the opportunity to plot against you. You have to be careful?" Rao Yu kindly reminded.

"Yeah! Sister Rao, thank you, I will pay attention myself."

Zhou Yun understands it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, she also feels it. Since the first few days when she joined the company, she has refused several invitations from Director Pan to invite dinner. Director Pan has sent her a lot of chores. There was no chance for her to go out for an interview.

Moreover, Pan Jiande Cha had several times suggested that she would go with him at night, but Zhou Yun simply refused each time.

Having been a TV reporter for so many years, even though she was in a small place like Zhi'an City, Zhou Yun knew everything about this. The TV station in the capital is even more muddy. She is unfamiliar with her place and has no backing, so she can only clean herself up and let no one take advantage of it.


The originally calm office suddenly sounded a stern reprimand, and it was Pan Jiande, the director of the editorial department, who was scolding: "Trash! You trash can't even make an interview? He is not a national leader and Big stars, how many of you can do nothing? How many days have it been?"

"Director, it's really not that we are useless! Don't look at that Lin Feng is just a freshman from Qingbei University, but the shelf is very big. Let alone our Beijing TV station, we also saw the cctv yesterday. A signature reporter touched his nose at the Hero's Restaurant!"

A male reporter said aggrievedly.

"That's right! Director, if others can get the interview and we can't, then we admit that we are useless. But this is impossible! The Hero Restaurant also said it publicly. Before the Nobel Prize was announced, Their Feng Shao never accepts interviews from any media, newspapers and TV stations..."

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