Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1946: Do you like Lin Feng?

Zhou Yun didn't say a word since entering the office, so she could walk over in silence, sit down in silence, and turn on the computer in silence to start sorting out the interview manuscript.

On the contrary, the reporters and colleagues who were on the sidelines were all around her curiously, just watching her organize the contents of the interview one by one.

"There is a recording! Really... this interview is real! It's incredible! So many of our experienced reporters can't get Lin Feng's interview, Xiaoyun actually got it!"

"She saw Lin Feng? And she asked... Oh my god! More than 30 questions..."

"It's amazing! How did Xiaoyun do it!"


These reporters from Beijing TV Station looked at Zhou Yun inconceivably. They never expected Zhou Yun to go out and actually got the interview content.

Although Zhou Yun didn't say a word, they could already tell from Zhou Yun's notepad and the content on the recorder that Zhou Yun's interview was not groundless, but really and Lin Feng Face to face conversation and ask questions.

"Xiaoyun, you are so amazing. You really made Sister Rao admire! I take back what I said before, you are called a new born calf, not afraid of tigers, you are so famous in the first battle! Hehe, but those interviews are not dry. Famous reporters to Lin Feng."

Rao Yu changed his rhetoric now, and immediately praised Zhou Yun.

After all, Zhou Yun has shown her strength. Not only is she able to get Lin Feng’s interviews, but now she can quickly enter and organize these interviews on the computer. The literary is brilliant, and the speed is very fast. This must be at least Only professional journalists over five years can do it.

Everyone thought that Zhou Yun was a training reporter from a small local TV station, and didn’t take her seriously. In addition, Director Pan deliberately made things difficult for Zhou Yun to want to rule her out, so not many reporters dared to approach Zhou Yun. Even Sister Rao, who was sitting next to Zhou Yun, did not realize that Zhou Yun's professional ability was so strong.

And now, almost all the reporters and editors in the office gathered behind Zhou Yun, watching her quickly enter manuscripts like no one else, and everyone was shocked.

After all, at this speed, only a few people in the entire Beijing TV station can do it, and their writing is probably not as good as Zhou Yun's and so delicate.

"That's right! I found... What I said! How can Xiaoyun be so sure! It turns out... she and Lin Feng are from the same city..."

The reporters who found it strange went to check some content immediately, and finally found some reports that Zhou Yun had interviewed Lin Feng before, "Look at... some reports we found before, in fact, the reporter in charge of the interview is... Zhou Yun!"

"It turned out to be like this! Look, there are... there are so many interviews with Xiaoyun! God! Go to the black heart meat factory alone to interview, ask for wages for migrant workers, and go deep into the coal mine safety hazards... These are actually all Is it Xiaoyun reporting?"


Almost instantly, everyone saw Zhou Yun’s past achievements. Even if she came from a small place, she was not inferior to the ability of a reporter from any major TV station, and her job as a reporter. Obsession and professionalism.

Whether it is a black-hearted meat factory, or asking for wages for migrant workers, or coal mine safety issues, every interview task is full of danger and uncertainty.

In Beijing, a reporter from any TV station, even if he can make such an interview, is enough to prove his ability and professionalism, and can be counted as a very good qualification.

However, Zhou Yun did no less than ten interviews and reports like this, but because most of these reports were on small TV stations or newspapers, they had little influence.

But now, these reports have been turned over by the reporters of the TV station, and they are all gathered together, but they can give people a great shock and impact.

"It's amazing! I have been a reporter for almost ten years, but...not as good as Xiaoyun's interview manuscript for a year..."

"Is it still called Xiaoyun? It should be Director Zhou! Didn't the director say? Who can get the interview report about Lin Feng, no matter what format, will he be promoted to director?"

"But... but isn't Xiaoyun just an intern?"

"What's the matter with the intern? Look at Xiaoyun's ability and achievements. Compared with those cctv's ace reporters, it's not much more than that!"

"That's right! I think Xiaoyun deserves her name as our director..."


Rao Yu was also on the side and said with a smile: "Xiaoyun, Sister Rao underestimated you. You are much better than Sister Rao. Congratulations, you will be the director soon."

Congratulations from many colleagues, plus the possibility of becoming the director of the editorial department immediately, but Zhou Yun was not happy at all in her heart.


She just hit the keyboard so fiercely, and what was in the earphone was the content of the interview with Lin Feng in the recorder just now, but tears fell unknowingly.

"Xiaoyun, you... why are you crying!"

Sister Rao quickly took a piece of paper to help Zhou Yun wipe her tears~www.wuxiaspot.com~ asked.

"No... it's okay, Sister Rao, I'm okay... I will quickly sort out the manuscript and send it to the director..."

Wiping her tears, Zhou Yun, although sad in her heart, cheered up again, sorted out the manuscript of this interview with tears in her tears, and then immediately sent it to the director's mailbox.

Not surprisingly, before leaving work in the afternoon, the director sent a special group email and officially appointed Zhou Yun as the director of the editorial department. This interview report with Lin Feng was also published in the newspaper of Beijing TV Station as soon as possible. , And also selected several key issues and recordings on TV, and reported them simultaneously.

"Congratulations! Director Zhou, take care of us in the future!"

"Great! Xiaoyun will be our director from now on..."

"Shall we go out to celebrate in the evening? I wish Director Zhou a new officer!"


On the side of the editorial department, there was a voice of cheers and congratulations, and everyone even pulled her out to celebrate.

However, Zhou Yun was not at all in the mood to celebrate. Just now there are drafts to rush, and the discomfort in her heart can be suppressed, but now... her mind is full of a happy hug from Liu Yanru at Lin Feng’s house, a sweet kiss that conquered Lin Feng. Picture.

"I...what's wrong with me! Why does my heart hurt so much? Could it be said that Yanru has been with the person she likes and succeeded, shouldn't I be happy for her? Why is my heart Is my face so panicky? Could it be that I really...do I really like Lin Feng?" Zhou Yun couldn't help asking herself.

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