Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1950: Unfavorable news

Undoubtedly, the news on TV this morning was completely occupied by the news that Zhou Yun interviewed Lin Feng yesterday.

Earlier news reports, many TV stations used the theme of "Genius Youth". After all, even the radio and television side issued a clear notice saying that they should report and encourage this young genius to enhance the nation's innovative enthusiasm and scientific atmosphere.

And as this piece of news went viral, the author of the natural interview and report, Zhou Yun.

At around nine o'clock, as soon as Zhou Yun arrived in the office, with a bang, the colleagues of the TV station all opened her champagne for a small celebration.

It was early in the morning, and everyone started celebrating so brazenly.

Don't be afraid anyway, this is what the director personally said, to celebrate this young and promising Director Zhou.

Moreover, the colleagues in the office, after reading the interviews and reports written by Zhou Yun, were also very convinced of Zhou Yun's ability, but Zhou Yun felt a little embarrassed.

Because she didn't feel how great she was, her abilities were at most mid-level, and there was nothing special about her.

This interview was only possible because of the blessing of knowing Lin Feng.

Moreover, Zhou Yun never expected that it was just an interview report, which would bring her such a great honor and gain, including the director of Beijing TV Station, who also rushed over to celebrate her.

"How? Director Zhou, now you are a big hit in our Beijing media circle..."

After the celebration party, Sister Rao said with a smile.

"Sister Rao, don't exaggerate me. I know how many catties I have, and if I don't know Lin Feng, I won't be able to interview him. So it's not my talent..." Zhou Yun said modestly.

But Sister Rao laughed and patted her on the back and said, "Director Zhou, you don’t know. Huaxia Kingdom is actually a society of human relations! Look at those really awesome reporters, they don’t And most of them are able to get some news and interviews quickly by relying on the contacts that have been in business for many years?"

Having said this, Rao Yu saw Zhou Yun's puzzled expression again, and simply put it more bluntly: "You know Lin Feng, this itself is actually part of your ability. It is something you can use as a reporter. Resources! So... you don’t have any guilty conscience. In short, the manuscript of the interview you posted yesterday almost made our editing department’s forwarding performance in the past two months to reach... "


After being said by Sister Rao, Zhou Yun felt that it was indeed like this.

Therefore, this time she was able to achieve such a huge success, all thanks to Lin Feng. If Lin Feng hadn't accepted her interview so straightforwardly, she could only remain the little intern who sorted out the manuscript.

Therefore, during the lunch break, Zhou Yun called Lin Feng to express his gratitude.

"Sister Yun, I read the report, and you wrote very well! You also beautified me a bit, but I want to thank you! Now... Everyone thinks that I am the hope of the future medical profession in China. But... I just found a good method from our original Chinese medicine formula..."

Lin Feng smiled and said to Zhou Yun on the other end of the phone, because since Zhou Yun came to him yesterday, he knew that Zhou Yun had also come to the capital, so he immediately asked people from the Dasheng Group to investigate Zhou Yun's current situation. I also know that Director Pan made things difficult for Zhou Yun before, and what happened to Zhou Yun's promotion to the director.

Not only Zhou Yun, but also Liu Yanru is the same. Lin Feng also arranged for people from the Dasheng Group to be by their side and took certain protective measures.

Of course, this does not involve the two of them and their free lives.

"Lin Feng, really... this time I really want to thank you. When I have time, I... I will invite you to dinner!"

On the phone, Zhou Yun didn't know why, and became a little polite.

"Yes! Sister Yun, anyway, all my interviews in the future...I'll just leave you alone! I don't worry about the messy writing of other reporters, but what you write...I definitely don't worry." Lin Feng said Nodded, and after a few more conversations, he hung up.

At this time, Li Yutong also came back from Zhi'an City and reported the development progress of Tianmufeng, which was basically over.

Tianmufeng was originally a pure tourism development project, but in the past two months, there have been some changes due to the development of the heroic restaurant Aiqingtang and Meiyandan. In addition, the spiritual environment of Tianmufeng is very good. Therefore, Li Yutong developed a large factory area here as a base for the production of Aiqing Tang and Meiyan Dan, as well as a series of subsequent elixirs.

"Lin Feng, I read the report this morning~www.wuxiaspot.com~Miss Zhou is a very good reporter!"

Li Yutong smiled and said, in fact, she already knew in her heart the inexplicable relationship between Zhou Yun and Lin Feng, so she deliberately asked, "You are also a public figure now. How many eyes are there in China? Staring at you, even how many paparazzi want to find some of your scandals to write about, you should have someone dedicated to writing positive interviews and articles for you, I think Miss Zhou is pretty good..."

"Sister Tongtong, did you also see this interview? Then according to your opinion... agree to my news interview in the future, let Sister Yun write?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"That's right! Including the Meiyan Dan that we may announce next, and the global release plan of Meiyan Dan and Ai Qingtang, we must definitely need the help of a character like Miss Zhou..." Li Yutong nodded and said.

"Okay! It would be easier if not, I'll say hello to Sister Yun in a moment..."

While Lin Feng and Li Yutong were talking about work, suddenly Zhou Yun hurriedly called and shouted in a very anxious voice: "Lin Feng, please turn on the TV and watch the news on cctv1. There is news that is not good for you. Appeared……"

"News against me?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng immediately turned on the TV and watched the news that was being broadcast on it with Li Yutong.

I saw that on the TV screen, there was a blond-haired American scientist saying in English disdainfully: "This time the Nobel Prize in Medicine will nominate a Chinese teenager who is less than 20 years old. I think This is simply ridiculous..."

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