Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 194: Half face

"Hey...how? Tongtong, what are you talking about? This is a favor, can you help me? I believe that with your makeup level, you can definitely help me get through..."

After Xu Minjing finished speaking, there was no voice from the other side, and she hurriedly asked again.

"This story is a bit more exciting, right? Minjing, I knew I wouldn't open any ghost girl health clubs after graduation. How nice it would be to be a high school teacher like you! There is such a handsome and heroic boy, how do you say in current words? Here, that's little fresh meat! Hehe..." Li Yutong said with a smile.

"Okay! Tongtong, don't make fun of me. I haven't told anyone about these things... and, I doubt..."

The sad Xu Minjing took a close look at no one passing by outside the office, and then whispered, "I suspect that I have a baby, and it is Lin Feng's."

"Ah? No? Minjing, is it because you slept with Lin Feng the night before? He is your student? You, a head teacher, have a baby with your student. If this is exposed, Is it a curious social news to be placed in the whole country?"

Hearing this, Li Yutong was even more surprised, and she was a little gloating.

"I just said it might be possible! I don't have any experience in pregnancy, how can I know? Okay...Don't talk about it, Tongtong, say yes, I will take Lin Feng around four o'clock in the afternoon. In your club, you help him make up."

With that said, Xu Minjing seemed to think of something again, and hurriedly added, "By the way, I just forgot to say that Lin Feng still doesn't know about this! I just lied to him and said thank him for saving me, so I invited him home for dinner. , I didn’t say that he would pretend to be my boyfriend to see my mother, so don’t let it go..."

"Ah? Xu Minjing, you didn't even tell that little classmate, did you dare to take him home? Aren't you afraid that you might end up playing it?"

Li Yutong froze again and asked in surprise.

"If I say it now, Lin Feng would definitely not dare to go home with me! I can only deceive him back and say it again, take one step and count one step, and then...I have to think of an excuse to take him to you! What a headache... …Um! Let’s talk about it then... Let’s do this first! Let’s talk about it, see you around four o’clock in the afternoon!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Minjing put both hands on the desk, rubbed her temples, and muttered to herself: "Think of a reason? Just say... well... just let Lin Feng be a model , Experiment with Tongtong’s makeup techniques. And, hee hee... I believe that a young boy like Lin Feng must really hope to see what’s going on in this women’s health club for women only?"

As Xu Minjing’s close friend and close friend in the same dormitory room of Xu Minjing, Li Yutong’s family is in the capital, and he is also the family of the famous consortium businessman in the capital. However, after graduation, Li Yutong chose to find a small city to stay, so he finally followed Xu Minjing to Zhi'an City, and opened a women's health club, named "Meiyuan Women's Health Club."

It's not that Li Yutong doesn't want to stay in a big city, but that she has her unspeakable secrets. At this moment, in the Meiyuan Women’s Health Club on Zhongshan Road, the most prosperous city center in Zhi’an City, Li Yutong, dressed in a mature and charming costume, has a devil-like figure, but his face is like a woman in ancient costume with a thin layer. The gauze covers the beautiful face.

"Hey! Unknowingly, it's been almost three years since I followed Minjing to the small mountain town of Zhi'an, but...how can there be no way to condense the kind of beauty pill that Master said? Could it be Zhi'an? Isn’t the yin qi of the women in a mountain city like the city pure enough? Can’t meet the requirements of a cohesive beauty pill?”

Standing in front of the full-length mirror in the office, Li Yutong looked at his curvy and charming figure in the mirror, but then touched his face. On the right is the bright white skin, but when he touched the left, it was embarrassing and uneven. Birthmark.

That’s right, the reason why Li Yutong wanted to cover her face with light gauze was not that she deliberately dressed up in a classical style, but that she had a dark brown birthmark the size of a palm and a half on her left face. Light yarn is not used to hide beauty, but to hide ugliness.

Growing up in the circle of aristocratic families in Beijing, Li Yutong, as the daughter of the Li family, has always been jokingly called "half-faced Xi Shi", meaning that Li Yutong only has half of his face to see people. Although her figure and appearance are all first-class national beauty, but the birthmark on half of her face ruined her.

Rao is the other half of her face and how beautiful her figure is. As long as people see the birthmark on the other half of her face, they won't be shocked. The Li family spent a lot of money to invite various plastic surgery experts at home and abroad to come to the house for diagnosis, but because Li Yutong's birthmark was too large, it penetrated too much into the surface of the skin and there was no cure at all.

Even if one of the top cosmetic surgery hospitals in Bangzi Country was willing to accept the operation, the Li family refused because the operation was too risky. Such a huge birthmark that is deeply ingrained and born with it, basically, it grows with the whole face, and it is almost impossible to get rid of it. Experts from Bangziguo have also said that the probability of failure is as high as 90%. Once it fails, not only will you lose your face, but your life will be in danger.

Therefore, when Li Yutong was about to graduate from her senior year, she carried her bag and covered her scary birthmark face with tulle, and traveled all over the country to relax. At the same time, she was also looking forward to When encountering the legendary **** or someone from outside the world or a folk expert, he helped him heal the birthmark.

During the travel for more than a year, she really met an old nun who was traveling everywhere. When Li Yutong met this old nun, he felt that the other party was quite extraordinary~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in terms of temperament, it was not comparable to that of a nun like an ordinary nun. So Li Yutong was chasing after him, and he must worship Lao Ni as his teacher. After chasing for hundreds of kilometers, Lao Ni was moved by her sincerity and accepted her as a disciple.

It turned out that this old nun was called Jingxin, and she was the descendant of Cihangzhai of the ancient martial arts school. She was over 80 years old this year, but she looked about 40 or 50 years old, and her cultivation level was the day after tomorrow. She has been traveling around for more than ten years, in order to find a way to break through to the innate.

This time I met Li Yutong, which was also a coincidence, so she accepted her as a disciple, used a month's work to help Li Yutong temper her muscles and bones, and taught her the ancient martial arts of Ci Hangzhai, so that she really started to become an acquired martial artist. However, for Li Yutong’s proposal to treat the birthmarks on her face, Master Meditation had no good secret formula, and could only use the type of "beauty pill" passed down from ancient times by Ci Hangzhai to collect women's yin energy. The method was taught to her.

Ever since, after Li Yutong graduated, he followed Xu Minjing to the beautiful city of Zhi'an and opened a Meiyuan Women’s Health Club. On the surface, it was a women’s health care business, but in fact, they used this club to collect. The Yin Qi on the women who keep in good health.

(Ps: Thanks to local tyrant Xiaodong for the 10,000 book coin reward! Inspired, this is the fourth update! There is also the fifth update! You can go to bed after finishing writing! You can get up tomorrow morning to watch!)

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