Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1958: Miller's troubles

It can be said that "the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet." This blond uncle is no one else, it is the Dr. Miller who nominated the Nobel Prize in Medicine with Lin Feng this time.

He also just got off the plane, but it was a coincidence that he saw Lin Feng.

Although in the eyes of the Westerners, the Easterners look the same, but the appearance of Lin Feng has been carved into Dr. Miller's bones, even if Lin Feng turned into ashes, I am afraid he would recognize it.

Besides, there are not many Orientals nominated for the Nobel Prize this time, and there is only Lin Feng at such a young age.

On the contrary, it was Lin Feng. Looking at the western uncles with blond hair, they thought they were similar. Lin Feng didn't recognize Miller. He just thought the blond uncle was a little weird. Why did he keep staring at himself with fire?

"Lin Feng, it's Miller!"

Li Yutong recognized Miller and immediately reminded Lin Feng.

"Miller? By the way! I remembered. It is said that the bridge of his nose was interrupted by his wife some time ago. So... it turns out that he is Miller?"

Taking a closer look, Lin Feng found a band-aid on the bridge of the blonde's nose, and said with a smile.

"Dongfang Kid! Hello!"

Miller walked forward very directly, stretched out his hand arrogantly, and said to Lin Feng, "Come here all the way, I'm afraid you will have to go for nothing this time."

The hostility is obvious. During this period, Miller was disgraced because of Ai Qingtang's loss of sight, so as soon as he met Lin Feng, he began to provoke.

"Oh? Dr. Miller, I'm afraid you are the one who will run for nothing?"

Lin Feng did not show any weakness, shook his hand with Miller lightly, and said.

"What is your Aiqing soup, even if it is true, how can it compare with my great discovery? I have synthesized a special enzyme that can delay aging and repair human cells."

Finally, there was an opportunity to show off in front of Lin Feng. Of course, Miller wouldn't let it go. He used a lot of terms to describe how great his invention was and how cross-century it was.

"...Under such circumstances, the enzymes I discovered can synthesize thirteen trace elements and two proteins by using the natural heat release of the human body... Now, do you know? Your invention, and Compared to mine, there is no comparability at all."

With his head held high, Miller arrogantly showed off to Lin Feng.

The scientists around, hearing Miller's description, all gave their thumbs up one by one, praising Miller's discovery as having epoch-making significance.

However, Lin Feng apologized and said directly: "Sorry! Dr. Miller, what did you just say? Why can't I understand a word?"

"What? You... don't you understand? I... invented... a... very powerful enzyme, its principle is..."

Miller thought that Lin Feng would be surprised. After all, this is a big barrier that any scientist involved in the field of biochemistry knows!

However, Lin Feng didn't know anything about this. His biology and chemistry were both at the level of high school, let alone such profound professional content.

Therefore, no matter how Miller wants to explain, Lin Feng is just three words: "I don't understand!"

This made Miller angry enough, and in the end he completely gave up and explained to Lin Feng, it was simply that Yumu's head couldn't tell.

In other words, Miller pretended to fail in front of Lin Feng, because Lin Feng simply didn't understand!

"I'm so angry! I'm so angry... How can this kind of person be nominated for the Nobel Prize? He doesn't even know the basics? How could I be nominated with such an ignorant idiot? It's my shame! Shame!"

Angrily Miller returned to the hotel alone.

As soon as he arrived at the hotel, he immediately picked up his cell phone and dialed his daughter's number: "Alice, are you in Sweden?"

"My business, don't care about you!"

On the other side of the phone, there was a cold and nice voice.

"Why can't I care? You are my daughter after all! Moreover, you also nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics this time. If we father and daughter win together, it will be a good story in the history of the world Nobel Prize. Up."

Hearing her daughter's voice, Miller's mood became slightly better.

"I'm not your daughter, and I don't have a father like you. I'm sorry, I have something else, Dr. Miller, if you have nothing else, I will hang up."

"Alice, you can't do this..."

When Miller wanted to talk to his daughter Alice more, the phone was already hung up.


Hearing this beep, Miller couldn't think about it in his heart.

Alice is indeed his daughter, but only his illegitimate daughter. Thirty-five years ago, he was just a kid who had just been admitted to Harvard University. He followed his mentor to Sweden to attend the Nobel Prize award ceremony.

But here, I met a beautiful German female scientist Petunia ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the two, Petunia became pregnant, but Miller resolutely asked Pei because of her statement and academic prospects. Ni went to kill the child and cut off the relationship with Petunia.

Penny was heartbroken, and the last person returned to Germany. She did not kill the child. Instead, she gave birth to Alice. However, Miller knew nothing about it. Until five years ago, Petunia before her death suddenly contacted him and told him that there was a daughter like Alice.

At that time, Miller was shocked, but what made him even more pleasantly surprised was that under Petunia's training, Alice became the youngest and top science award in the world of physics, new energy and aerospace.

This time, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics because of the discovery of a new high flame retardant polymer material.

After knowing this news, Miller not only tried to contact his daughter once, persuade her to recognize him and make the relationship public. However, Alice is stubborn and always believes that Miller is a bad man who always gives up and refuses to recognize him as her father.

For the daughter of Alice, Miller had headaches and surprises, of course, at the same time, there was inevitably a trace of guilt for Petunia in his heart.

At the same time, Miller is also in a dilemma about how to deal with the relationship with Alice. On the one hand, out of vanity, he wanted to make his father-daughter relationship with Alice public. In this way, even if the two did not win the Nobel Prize at the same time, there are stories about the father and daughter being nominated at the same time.

But on the other hand, Miller is worried that he will expose his father-daughter relationship with Alice, which will expose his dark history of chaos and abandonment.

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