Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1967: Leave quietly

Because of the fierce collision and the high-intensity thunder light refining just now, Lin Feng's consciousness has fallen into a deep sleep with self-protection.

Although Alice was much better than Lin Feng, it was the first time she experienced such an impact, so she fell into a short sleep.

Only Li Yutong was awake at the scene, so she immediately picked up both Lin Feng and Alice by magic.


When Alice's flawless appearance was uncovered like a Barbie doll in front of Li Yutong, even her peerless beauty couldn't help but sighed: "The golden ratio of the body, Alice is really a beauty. Hehe... But this time, Lin Feng was also harmed!"

Speaking of this, Li Yutong has some weak imbalances in his heart, "How long have Alice and Lin Feng known each other! They have been like this for the two of them, but I... when should I give Lin Feng?"

This has always been a tangled question in Li Yutong's mind, but Li Yutong is very clear that he will never leave Lin Feng, and Lin Feng will never abandon himself.

She believed that Lin Feng was so unreasonable.

The two of them were brought indoors. This is Alice's secret garden. No outsiders came in at all. The rooms inside are all very warm and comfortable.

After putting Lin Feng and Alice on Alice’s big bed, watching them sleep so sweetly, Li Yutong couldn’t help but yawn, and then leaned against Lin Feng, feeling it Lin Feng fell asleep deeply with the powerful beating heart on Lin Feng's body.

Night, very quiet!

Outside, there was the sound of gurgling water.

This hot spring villa has more than fifty large and small springs, and there are as many as a dozen hot springs. However, only the one that Alice took them to today was Lingquan, and the others were just ordinary hot springs with a hint of spiritual energy.

Sweden in the winter is snowy, the temperature is very low, and there are often waves of goose feathers at night, but it is a touch of romance.

On this night, Alice had a dream, a very long dream, like a dream in a fairyland. In the dream, she chased, she ran, and she reviewed the past life again. All this, this Why is life like this for more than 20 years?

At the end of the dream, she saw Lin Feng, smiled at her, and sheltered her from the wind and rain. All the things that happened in the idol dramas, this strange man did all for her.

Very strange, why would I be moved?

Actually like those cowardly women!

But now, Alice has fallen, and she is painful and pleasantly surprised to find that she has turned into such an "ordinary" woman.

Early in the morning, Alice, who was awakened from her dream, suddenly sat up.

There is an indescribable soreness in my body, but it is more energetic than usual.

She turned her head and looked at it, shocked, Lin Feng just slept next to her, and beside him, there was the impossibly beautiful Li Yutong.

"Could it be that what happened last night...is it true?"

The moment I woke up, the memory recovered, and Alice's mind went through all the things of yesterday.

Hot springs, pools, thunder light.

Pain, tears, persistence.

Man, woman, love?

Picture by picture, and a little bit of movement, just flashed past like this.

"No... I don't want to be such a woman! I want to leave immediately and leave here..."

Alice hurriedly put on her clothes, a little frightened, before Lin Feng and Li Yutong awoke, she hurriedly escaped from the hot spring villa.

After a while, Lin Feng and Li Yutong woke up in a trance. Regardless of whether they are cultivators, but also when they are exhausted, and once a cultivator consumes a lot of attention, it is more difficult to wake up than ordinary people when they fall asleep, and they will almost completely shut down any communication and interaction with the outside world.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's consumption was not particularly large this time, and after a full night's rest, he had completely recovered.

He sat up from the bed and looked at the strange environment around him, only then did he remember what happened last night.

"Sister Tongtong, wake up! Are we... still in Alice's hot spring villa?"

Pushing Li Yutong beside him, Lin Feng yelled softly, "Where is Alice? What happened after being in Lingquan last night? Why don't I remember at all?"

"Huh? Lin Feng, you... are you finally awake?"

Li Yutong woke up, she immediately scanned the surroundings, and then frowned, "Why isn't Alice here? Did you leave already? Lin Feng, after you and Alice were both unconscious last night, I will kill you I picked it up from the water and put it on the bed. Then I fell asleep too..."

"This little blonde girl, could it be said... Did you go to the police to catch me?"

Seeing that Alice is not at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng smiled and said.

"That's not necessarily! Lin Feng, you can be said to be strong last night!" Li Yutong also said with a smirk.

"Isn't that strong? Sister Tongtong, I was a liar! It's not right, I'm a person who treats his body in a human way. Who would let her dare to seduce Lin Feng's woman? I'm ready to get revenge. Hey..."

Lin Feng immediately looked inside the divine water space, and after confirming that the thunder attribute breath had been absorbed by the chaotic lotus seed, he was satisfied, "but this time it can be said that the harvest is not small. The thunder attribute is collected, and the rest is Running out."

"How powerful is the body of chaos! Lin Feng, look at our single-attribute physique, we are already practicing hundreds of times as fast as ordinary cultivators, isn't the chaos-attributed body even more against the sky?"

Suddenly, Li Yutong seemed to think of something, and pointed to the Lingquan outside and said, "That's right! There is also that Lingquan, Lin Feng, if you can soak in it all the year round, it can be equivalent to standing by your side all the time. There are a circle of spirit stones! Don't we lack spirit stones for cultivation? Now that we have this spring of spirit, it is not a problem at all."

"Yes! It's just that I don't know the scale of this spiritual spring. It would be good if it were the top-level spiritual spring, even if we cultivate to the Yuan Ying stage, there is no problem at all."

Say it! Lin Feng's spiritual sense immediately followed the water veins of the spirit spring. After searching for it, he smiled and shook his head, "It's a pity! It's a basic spiritual spring, and the spiritual energy contained is relatively limited. But chat If there is victory, we can come here often to practice..."

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