Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1969: How can you not like men

In the auditorium, because the formal awards ceremony has not yet begun, the world's top scientists in the advanced field are almost all in threes and threes talking with each other.

They have a social circle of their own, as well as scientists from other countries who have good relations with each other.

In the area of ​​international aviation physics, Alice can be said to be the top one. Therefore, many other countries intend to develop scientists in this area. Every time such a gathering will be close to Alice.

However, it is limited to the same female scientists. After all, in the international physics community, Alice is known as a "male insulator".

"Hey! Alice, what's the matter with you today? You know, today's Nobel Prize, if anyone has the most suspenseful chance of winning, it is undoubtedly you. Why are you still so glum?"

Lucy, a beautiful scientist from France, saw Alice looking sad, and asked.

"Lucy, I..."

Among the many scientist friends, the relationship between Alice and Lucy is pretty good, and there was even a period between the two, so she tentatively confided in her heart and asked, "I...not It's you... Have you ever felt the feeling of falling in love with a man?"

"And man? Alice, how could you suddenly ask this question! As you know, my children are five or six years old, of course... I love my husband very much. But... secretly tell you , The man who makes me feel happy as a woman is not my husband."

Lucy smiled smugly when Alice asked.

"Oh? Not your husband? Could it be...Lucy, you betrayed your husband?" Alice asked in surprise.

"How can I say betrayal? I just found the love of my life, he... is an oriental man full of magic..."

When referring to this person, Lucy showed a happy expression, "Fun, humorous, especially... with one-handed magical oriental delicacy..."

"Oriental man? Full of magic?"

Hearing Lucy's words, Alice's heart was shocked, especially the words "Oriental man", which instantly made Lin Feng's hippie smile appear in her mind.

"Yes! I don't know how to describe this feeling, everything is so magical. If you asked me this question a few months ago, Alice, I must have a hard time answering you. After all, you know me and My husband is together only under pressure from the family. I don’t love him, and he just treats me as a tool for procreation..."

Speaking of this, Lucy’s tone turned in a delightful turn, “Until one day, we moved to Baker Street in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, my God! I dare say that this is definitely a lucky and lucky gift from God. Fate. There, I ran into the king, a king from the East. Although he was ten years older than me, the kind of care and tenderness made me...I missed and thanked myself for being a woman... …"


Alice repeated sullenly.

"Yes, Smith King, but... he doesn't like others calling him Smith, and prefers others to call him Old King. If translated as Chinese, it should be pronounced like this..."

With that, Lucy said in very bad Chinese, "Lao Wang!"

"Lucy, are you sure that this is what it feels like to fall in love with a man? Can you... describe it specifically for me?" Alice asked, biting her lip.

"Of course! No problem. I still remember that when my husband and I moved to Baker Street for the first time, we were both exhausted from the move. No one wanted to cook and there was no food at home. Plus that. It's late, and the restaurant outside has already closed for business..."

Lucy was talking, and then her eyes gleamed, "As a result, we smelled a scent from the next door. I can't tell what it was like. It smelled very good. Because I was so hungry, I So he boldly knocked on the door next door, and guess what I saw? It was him...Pharaoh, holding a bowl of fragrant noodles, called'instant noodles' in the East."

Having said this, Lucy couldn’t help but swallowed, and then said: “When we learned that we were the neighbors who had just moved in, and there was no food at home, the old Wang generously invited us both into his house. We demonstrated the magical technique of instant noodles.

You really can’t imagine that in just a few minutes, a bowl of fragrant magic noodles was born. Sorry, please forgive me for calling this oriental instant noodles with magic noodles. This is the first time I have eaten this kind of instant noodles. The taste is very good..."

"Wait... Lucy, you seem to have not said the point yet! Is it possible that just a few packets of instant noodles will conquer you? This is too...your love is too cheap. "

Hearing this, Alice couldn't help but interrupt.

"No, no, no... Alice, this is just the beginning. Since then, Pharaoh has often come to my house to stop by, and he has brought us many superb and delicious oriental food~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and ...I can feel his soft heart from these delicious foods. Finally, once, when I was alone at home, Pharaoh confessed to me, and then...we were together... …"

Lucy still didn’t say what it feels like to fall in love. Alice shook her head and sighed, “You’re not love at all! Could it be that Lucy, you don’t have a single mind What about that person's figure? Then...will you shed tears for that person, and be moved by some of his actions?"

Simply, Alice spoke out what was in her heart.

"Of course it will! I am always the old king in my mind and heart. Of course...my stomach always loves him the most. Every day, he will bring me a delicious food journey..." Lu Xi answered naturally.

"Forget it, Lucy, your answer is not what I wanted."

Shaking her head, Alice said helplessly.

"Huh? Alice, what do you ask this for? Is it possible... You, a woman who is completely insulated from men, are also stunned? Oh! God! Wouldn't you... Wouldn't you also fall into love with a man? Are you in love? Quickly tell me, what kind of good man is it that makes Alice so entangled and troubled?" Lucy immediately beamed her eyes and asked gossiping.

But at this moment, an angry Dr. Miller rushed forward and asked Alice: "Alice, why are you violating the laws laid down by God? How can women not like men?"

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