Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1971: Domineering shock

"What's the matter? Who are you? How dare you make trouble here?"

John, the manager in charge of the security work of the entire Nobel Prize award ceremony, rushed forward, pointed at Lin Feng, and shouted viciously.

"Am I making trouble? Which one of your dogs saw me making trouble?"

Lin Feng smiled faintly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth had a chilling taste, "I just came to the awards ceremony very simply!"

Indeed, Lin Feng did not "make trouble" at all. He just tried it. The lightning energy absorbed from Alice yesterday was placed around his body. As long as someone dared to approach him at close range, he would be immediately affected by the electric field. Repelled by a sudden ejection.

Therefore, even if you use the live surveillance video to replay, you can only see Lin Feng walking towards the auditorium naturally, while the sloppy security guards rushed to Lin Feng’s side one by one and fell down miraculously. Up.

During this whole process, Lin Feng didn't even move his fingers.

"You know the magic of the East?"

The security manager John saw another security guard rushing up. He was shot out with a bang when he was about to approach Lin Feng, and he suddenly yelled at Lin Feng with a look of horror.

"Haircraft? It's the auditorium for the Nobel Prize. I'm just another science."

That's right, Lin Feng also called his own cultivation of science as science, but it was just another kind of science that ordinary earth people could not understand and do.

"You are arrogant. Your name is Lin Feng. You are the nominee for this year's Nobel Prize in Medical Physiology. With your attitude, I have the right to propose to the Nobel Jury Organizing Committee to cancel your nomination qualification for the award... …" John was a little angry.

However, Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "You now know that I am Lin Feng and I am Nobel-nominated! Just now, it was your subordinate, even if I held the invitation letter, I wouldn't let it I came in. I didn't speak badly, so... I had to walk in by myself..."

"That was a misunderstanding..." John argued.

"A deliberate misunderstanding!"

After speaking, Lin Feng scorned the audience, knowing that everyone from the judges to the ordinary guests was looking to his side, and he smiled and said loudly, "However, Lin Feng is here to tell you. We Chinese people We are not afraid of anything, we Huaxia people are not afraid of any form of discrimination from you, because no matter what you do, I will double it back..."

After Lin Feng said these words, the audience was in an uproar.

Even though many people often hear Lin Feng's name recently, they don't even know what this magical Oriental boy is like.

But now, they finally know that at least this Dongfang boy has a bad temper.

"So handsome! Cool! Alice, did you hear that? This Dongfang boy actually said such domineering words. Oh! If I hadn't already had a Pharaoh, I would definitely go forward immediately. Hook him up..."

Lucy sitting next to Alice said with little stars in her eyes.


Alice had recognized Lin Feng, and now Lin Feng's performance and words gave her a new understanding.

When in the bar, Lin Feng looked like a cynical playboy.

When he was at the Hot Spring Villa, Lin Feng was a sinister villain who took advantage of the void.

When the lightning power exploded, Lin Feng was a real man who had to endure countless pains and had to protect himself.

And now, Lin Feng dares to despise the Nobel Prize Organizing Committee and the world's top scientists present, which is simply something that no one has ever done.

This domineering!

This one is chic and free!

This pride and pride!

It was so appetite for Alice, she actually started to get faintly excited in her heart.

"Wait...who is he? He is the Lin Feng who invented Aiqing Tang to benefit women all over the world?"

At this time, Alice finally realized that Lin Feng was not an ordinary Chinese boy, but a genius boy who had saved countless women from menstrual cramps on the earth.

Moreover, this Lin Feng still confronted her father, Dr. Miller, and even forced the US government's ban on sales to be withdrawn.

"It turned out to be him, he is Lin Feng, it is a legend!"

At this moment, Alice didn't know why, but after knowing Lin Feng's true identity, she felt an inexplicable sense of pride in her heart.

Racial discrimination!

Arrogant Westerner!

Always look down on people of color!

Especially this time, after Millett said hello, of course the security manager John would make things difficult for Lin Feng.

However, what they didn’t expect was that at such a serious and most high-level international conference, Lin Feng actually didn’t put the identities of the people present in his eyes at all. This matter has risen to racial discrimination ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ bullying and fearing hardship!

Even in foreign countries, these high-nose Westerners are just as bullying and afraid of hardship.

If Lin Feng was a little bit more embarrassed and said sorry or gave some low-pitched explanations after breaking in, he would definitely be looked down upon by the experts and guests in the audience, and it is very likely that the organizing committee would cancel the nomination or even win the prize Qualifications.

However, Lin Feng did not back down, but went straight ahead, not giving anyone face at all. He traveled all over the world with reason, even if it was unreasonable, he would come sideways. Who would dare to stand in his way?

Security manager John didn't dare to say anything more, under Lin Feng's majestic gaze. Gritting his teeth, quickly let the security guards who continued to come forward to intercept Lin Feng to retreat.

In the judges' seat, the judges didn't seem to have much opinion, but Lin Feng's move made them all even more impressed.

Instead, in the guest room, Lin Feng's rival, Dr. Miller, gritted his teeth. He hated why the organizing committee would be indifferent to Lin Feng's rude behavior?

"Okay! I'm here now, everyone don't wait! The meeting...no! It should be...awarding! Awarding! It's time to start..."

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit embarrassing. Lin Feng saw that everyone seemed to be shocked by him, so he rarely smiled, waved his hand, and said to everyone.

These words made him seem to be the biggest leader of the entire awards ceremony. The professors and experts of the Royal Swedish Academy in the front row suddenly looked very ugly, and they were all complaining and cursing in their hearts about this ignorant East. juvenile.

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