Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1983: Get out! The strongest strength!

Mysterious beam attack!

Unparalleled powerful aircraft!

Arrogant declaration!

A threat to countries and people all over the world!

This is not making a movie!

It's not a prank by anyone!

This is actually happening in reality, and more than six billion people around the world are watching what is happening.

Before, everyone thought that this was just a kidnapping case against top scientists, and that it had nothing to do with civilians like themselves.

But now, the master of Tsing Yi of Bi An Sect has released a threat to the whole world, asking countries and people all over the world to surrender and convert to Bi An, which has caused a global sensation and panic.

Through the fragility of the British naval fleet just now, there is no longer any doubt about the strength of the other side religion.

This is just such a mysterious aircraft that can break through the existing scientific and technological radar and missile defense systems, such as entering an unmanned land, then once there are thousands of such aircraft, what can resist them to conquer the world Where's the footsteps?

Even nuclear weapons!

Even atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs!

Such a destructive ultimate weapon!

Who knows that Bi'an does not have similar weapons, or even has a way to deal with atomic bombs?



The whole world fell into a crisis like apocalypse in an instant.

The countries in the world that were still arguing with each other have now become a mess.

Because the strength demonstrated by the Bi'an Sect was too strong, the top scientists in the auditorium saw this scene on the big screen, and they were all stunned.

"Is this a laser cannon? However, such a powerful laser cannon consumes at least tens of trillions of electricity, which is simply impossible to achieve with current technology!"

"How did they do it? There is no way to resist this kind of laser cannon. It is true that the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and destroys the Buddha."

"The speed of emission is the speed of light, and there is no time to react!"

"Physically, such a laser cannon simply cannot exist."

"It's over! Mankind is over..."


Because the scientific and technological weapons of various countries, the most core technology, are basically developed by the scientists here, so they are very clear about the limits of the combat power of various countries.

Compared with this powerful beam attack, it is not worth mentioning, and there is no ability to resist.

In the same way, the leaders of various countries no longer argue about whether to protect the kidnapped scientists. The biggest problem they face now is how to completely uproot the other shore religion on a global scale. get up.

But this is too difficult. First of all, not to mention that Bi'an religion is so widespread, and it has sneaked into so many countries and government agencies. Take the Flying Shuttle in front of them, so far, they have no way to compete, except for nuclear weapons as a means of reservation.

"Since the outside cannot be conquered, then let us U.S. superpowers conquer from the inside!"

The spokesperson of the U.S. military, seeing that the world is at the most critical moment, immediately volunteered and said, "We in U.S. have Super A Grade superpower Sam. He can even fly in the air and has great power. The abilities that inspire the three attributes of wind, thunder and earth are the strongest superpowers developed by our country in the past century."

"If this is the case, we will not keep it in the UK. Superpowers with powerful vampire bloodlines and superpowers with werewolf bloodlines, they also have A-level strength..." Britain was blown up so powerful The navy fleet was naturally anxious and angry, and immediately followed up and said.

"Plus the Shonin of our Japanese country! His Royal Highness, Taichi Yamaguchi, trained by the son of our Emperor's bloodline..." the Japanese representative said unwillingly.

"We Russia will dispatch the strongest genetic warrior of Transcendent A Grade, with the strongest destructive power. Once in the Arctic icy land, living alone for two years, one punch can punch through the steel plate of an aircraft carrier. "The Russian representative also spoke actively.


On the Chinese side, the representative speaking is Elder Song Hongyi. In fact, he has always known that most other countries have one or two top A-level or even Transcendent A-level superpowers, and their strength is basically comparable to him, even Is stronger.

However, now Song Hongyi has broken through a bottleneck again with Lin Feng's help. Recently, because of Lin Feng's guidance, he has entered the Tao with martial arts, and he can be regarded as a true cultivator.

But it is precisely because of this that he feels even more small and weak. Lin Feng had a special and private talk with him some time ago, let him understand the cultivators above the martial artist, and also talked about some magic weapons of the cultivators, so Song Hongyi actually recognized the flying skysuo at the first time. It should be the magic weapon of the cultivator, not any technological product.

Because of this, Song Hongyi was silent ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and did not speak.

"Song! What's the matter? Don't you Huaxia here, don't plan to make a contribution?"

The United States asked.

"Yeah! Song, as far as I know, the strongest combat power in your Huaxia country is yourself. Shouldn't it, are you timid?" The Japanese side did not miss this opportunity and deliberately belittled Together with Ji Song Hong.

Russia, the United Kingdom, and so on, also unanimously targeted Song Hong.

"This time..."

After a moment of silence, in the face of doubts from these powerful countries, Song Hongyi finally decided, "This time, our Chinese Congress will send our country's strongest force, the Great Sage."

"The Great Sage? Is that the Great Sage who has so many of our countries in the African Crow Mine? Ha ha! It seems that he is indeed the hidden power of your Chinese nation."

The representative of the United States snorted and said, "But your great sage, I am afraid that the strength is not enough! Song, he is not as good as you? You just want this great sage to come out and perfuse us, right?"

"This great sage is said to be less than 30 years old? Song, according to the tradition of your Chinese martial artist, isn't it the older you get, the deeper your cultivation base? You actually only sent a little guy who is less than 30 years old. Isn’t it too sincere?" The Japanese side also aggressively said.

However, Song Hongyi said confidently: "As long as there is the Great Sage, everything will not be a problem. Okay! Now that all of us have sent our own forces, then... hurry up and start. Take action!"

(Ps: Compensation update two, the debt has been paid off! I hope everyone can do better in math!)

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