Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2000: The world is blocking the religion of the other side (part 2)

Today is a very special day for Alice.

In the past, she didn't think there was any real love between men and women.

In the past, she didn't even think that there would be any affection between herself and that inhuman father.

However, in this auditorium, when countless crises collided, she saw the love between Lin Feng and Li Yutong willing to give their lives for each other, and she even felt the affection from her father Miller.

In the end, she understood that if she loves someone, whether it is family or love, she will be willing to give her life for the other person.

"Okay! Alice, everything is over. Now, as long as you live well, I believe it will be Dr. Miller's biggest last wish."

Seeing Alice also cheered up, Lin Feng let go.

However, at this time, Li Yutong's satellite phone received the latest news from the Xiao brothers of the Dasheng Group.

"Lin Feng, the situation is a bit bad! Although the Archbishop of Tsing Yi was killed by us, the Bi'an Church still went to take advantage of his eleven archbishops. They are still raging all over the world. Although the governments of various countries have begun to actively suppress them, But on the US side..."

When talking about this, Li Yutong deliberately lowered her voice, "The President of the United States was assassinated!"

"What? Those cultists of the other side sect are so bold? Even the president of the United States dare to assassinate? Isn't the United States in a mess now?" Lin Feng said in surprise.

"En! I was plunged into a brief chaos, but fortunately, Vice President Soros was sworn in immediately and became the President of Trust in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, but... the remote control that controlled the final nuclear explosion in U.S. fell into the hands of Bianjiao."

Li Yutong told Lin Feng in detail about the current situation.

The remote control of this nuclear explosion is completely controlled automatically through satellites. That is to say, the nuclear weapons in the United States can only be activated through the remote controller kept by the president, and no other person’s commands can interfere with the activation of nuclear weapons.

Once Bianjiao uses this remote control to carry out a global nuclear deterrence, the consequences can be very serious. Even if Lin Feng is a powerful cultivator, he cannot withstand the global nuclear explosion.

"The U.S. has begun to urgently convene experts and the military to disarm the entire nuclear weapons control system, but I am afraid that the other side will go crazy and it will really break the net..." Li Yutong said.

"Well! It's not impossible. The Tsing Yi Grand Master should be the most powerful among the Bi'an Sects. He has the cultivation base of Yuan Ying period. The other leaders are not cultivators. Otherwise, there are only two or more Yuan Ying period today. There are cultivators of, Yuan Lin and I can't even win so easily even with hands."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Where is our Huaxia Kingdom? Are the elders and leaders all right?"

"It's okay! Our Republic's various measures are the most rigorous, and people from the Bian religion can't get in. Moreover, the only wave of Bianism in the country has been quickly wiped out. At present... the elders have already started. Helped neighboring Russia and the Bangzi country to wipe out the Bianjiao in their borders. It can be said that the whole world is blocking Bianyan. The Bianjiao has become a public enemy of the world..."

Just after Li Yutong finished speaking, Lin Feng’s Dragon Group information receiver also received a message from Elder Wang, and also sent a copy of the general information to Lin Feng. At the same time, the Dragon Group also requested Lin Feng. On behalf of China, he went to the nearest European and African countries to help crack down on the raging Bianjiao.

After all, in addition to a few big powers, other small European and African countries have no superpowers at all. Relying on some thermal weapons and soldiers alone, they are not opponents at all against the believers who have special abilities.

"No problem! Sister Tongtong, let's go! Let's go and clean up the remnants of the other side teaching!"

After receiving the dragon group's message order, Lin Feng took a break for a while and was ready to set off. When the superpowers from other countries saw this, they hurried to catch up.

"The Great Sage! Stay here, I... I just received an order from our British Parliament, I hope to invite the Great Sage to come to our UK." The vampire took the lead in flying forward and invited Lin Feng.

"And we Russia, I hope the Great Sage can take time to come!" The Russian super soldier also threw an olive branch.

After all, superpowers like Lin Feng are almost certain to be the strongest on the entire planet. Whether they are superpowers or governments of various countries, they are actually anxious to come to curry favor with Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng now has no time to build a good relationship with these countries. He is eager to level up all the believers on the earth as soon as possible, and then remove the mysterious altar behind them.

Because Lin Feng, judging from the current information obtained by the Dragon Group, the reason why the Bi'an Sect has risen so many powerful forces in such a short period of time is all based on the rapid sacrifice of the altar.

According to Lin Feng's comprehension of the cultivation, behind this altar is definitely a powerful cultivation sect, and even the entire cultivation star. For him, this is a powerful threat, and even for the entire earth, a little carelessness may lead to an even more overwhelming disaster.

"Excuse me! Everyone, our first task is to eliminate all Bian'an believers in the world. I am now ordered to go to Africa to help the local government clean up Bian'an. I will visit my country when I have time..."

After shirking off the invitations of these superpowers one by one, Lin Feng and Li Yutong walked towards the Feitiansuo left by the former Master Tsing Yi.

"Sister Tongtong, the refining of Feitianshuo is very troublesome and cumbersome~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The materials needed are even rarer. And as long as it is refined, it will be at least the low-grade magic weapon level. I always wanted Refining one ship, but unfortunately, because the cultivation base is not enough, and secondly, there is no corresponding refining method and material. I didn’t expect...that the master of Tsing Yi of the other side religion actually owns such a ship..."

When Lin Feng communicated with Feitiansuo, Lin Feng immediately established a connection with Feitiansuo, and then took Li Yutong a step forward, and the two of them completely entered Feitiansuo's space.


The Flying Shuttle, which had been parked in place, started to move again. The scientists and superpowers around were immediately taken aback. They all thought it was the master of Tsing Yi who was back! But when they discovered that Lin Feng and Li Yutong were actually inside Feitiansuo, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time they even more envied and feared the "Great Sage" Lin Feng.

With this Flying Shuttle, it can be much faster than Flying Sword. After all, the flying sword consumes Lin Feng's own vitality power, and as long as the Feitiansuo has enough spirit stones, it can fly at high speed. Obviously, Bi'an Sect has found a lot of spirit stones around the world over the years. Stacked in the flying shuttle.

Started at high speed with full force, and with a whistling speed, it took less than ten minutes to fly from the Atlantic to the African continent and directly landed in the capital of South Africa. There happened to be a large number of black people who believed in the other shore religion and the South African army. Facing the confrontation, when they saw the arrival of Feitiansuo, they all bowed their bodies, knelt on the ground and bowed to worship...

(Ps: third update! I still owe one more, tomorrow!)

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