Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2004: Red Flame Anaconda

"That's... the red master of the Bi'an Sect?"

Looking at the red dress, Li Yutong also recognized it.

"Yes! It's her, I didn't expect that she was not dead yet."

Lin Feng felt a little familiar with the breath of the golden core in a few puppets just now, but he didn't expect that it would be the spiritual mark of the red master.

"What is the origin of this Hierarchian religion? Why can people who are obviously dead be resurrected? Moreover, they have all become cultivators within a few months?"

Observing from a distance, Li Yutong found that the master in red had already become a cultivator, but he was still in the Qi training period.

"Moreover, they were able to find some treasures so accurately every time. Even if we have Mengmeng this treasure hunter, we can't find many treasures, but the other side religion has found Feitiansuo, bloodthirsty puppets, blood-drinking knives, etc. , There must be something..."

Finding this, Lin Feng was actually quite depressed. The earth was so big, but he didn't have the time to go around, so that so many treasures were actually made stronger by the other side teachers.


Mengmeng seemed to hear Lin Feng mention it, and immediately got out of Li Yutong's pocket.

This Mengmeng didn't know what was going on. After evolving into a golden treasure hunter, he became more and more sleepy. Twenty-four hours a day, there are twenty-three hours and fifty-nine minutes of sleep, and there is no need to eat, so I lie in Li Yutong’s clothes pocket all the time, and open my eyes for about a minute to see the world. It seemed that it was still peaceful, so he fell asleep again.

Sticking out of her small head, Mengmeng blinked her eyes, saw Lin Feng next to her, and jumped into Lin Feng's arms with excitement, and acted coquettishly.

"Mengmeng, you little lazy pig...No! It's a little lazy pig, but I heard Sister Tongtong say that I would sleep all day long, so I don’t do business at all?"

It has been a long time since I saw Mengmeng, but Lin Feng deliberately taught Mengmeng with a straight face.


But Mengmeng was very wronged to get into Lin Feng's arms, as if to say that they are sleepy!

"Lin Feng, look at it, they are going to do something with that python..."

Just when Lin Feng and Mengmeng were tender, the situation changed drastically, and Li Yutong immediately reminded Lin Feng.

"This monster red flame maniac can be said to be the bloodline of the monster beast left over from the prehistoric times. Although it is not very pure, it is also equivalent to the Golden Core stage cultivator. The red master has suffered this time. have eaten……"

Lin Feng and Li Yutong both hid behind a rock beside them, and did not plan to rush out at this time.

Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, when the red-clothed master was almost cleaned up by the red flame mad python, they went out to clean up for her without much effort.


The Red Flame Maniac's body was immersed in the magma, but nothing happened. Its tail swiftly swept towards the red master and his group, and the hot magma was thrown out. , The entire underground space burst into flames.

"Attention everyone! Dodge..."

The red master master was agile, and easily dodged the attack of the Red Flame Maniac Python, and then he held two magic formula talisman in his hand, and suddenly shot at the Red Flame Maniac.

"Water Arrow Talisman!"

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

A series of powerful water arrows slammed into the body of the Red Flame Maniac. The water happened to be the nemesis of fire, so the Red Flame Maniac screamed in pain, and his body twisted repeatedly in pain.

"Water arrow talisman? And the bloodthirsty puppet that was placed at the entrance gate just now. It seems that the red-clothed master has a lot of good things in his hands?"

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng couldn't help sighing.

Then, seeing that the water arrow talisman had an effect, the red master leader took advantage of the victory and pursued it, shooting a dozen powerful water arrow talisman one after another.

The Red Flame Maniac, which was originally covered with hot magma, was cooled by this water arrow charm, and the magma actually solidified on its body, making its body unable to move, as if wearing a piece of stone clothing.

"Okay! Take advantage of it now, Tong Tian Gu!"

After confining this red flame mad python, the red master immediately ordered his subordinates to lift up a guillotine that was several meters wide.

"This guillotine is actually a magic weapon. Although it is only a low-grade magic weapon, its power seems to be quite good! Tsk tusk tusk... The Bi'an Church is really rich and rich, and there are so many treasures. Hehe! But this time, it is all right. It's mine..."

Seeing good things, where are you uninterested? After Lin Feng saw the gleaming golden guillotine, he immediately branded it "Lin" in his heart.


The red master commanded his move, and suddenly threw the huge guillotine over, then he cast a spell and controlled the guillotine with spiritual sense, which happened to fall on the middle part of the body of the red flame mad python, and then used two spiritual stones to drive it. The sky is cut down.


A loud noise!

The Red Flame Mania screamed in pain, and then the whole body of the snake was cut into two pieces from the middle, and then it was constantly twisting on the ground, howling in pain.

"Success! You bastard! I just blocked my Biananjiao from looking for a baby~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and killed so many followers, this is your fate!"

After Tong Tian Gu cut the Scarlet Flame Maniac into two sections with a single knife, the cardinal master triumphantly walked forward and plunged his sword into the struggling snake head.

Suddenly, no matter it was the snake head or the snake tail, he immediately stopped moving.

"The master's supernatural power has killed such a powerful monster!"

"It's this hateful boa constrictor that actually killed our half-dead brother. Fortunately, the leader is here, otherwise, we will probably suffer too..."


The dozens of followers left, all heaved a sigh of relief. After more than a dozen people died, they finally killed the Scarlet Flame and Mad Python.

"Go up, peel this evil animal cramps, and then transport it back to the headquarters with the treasure in a while."

With a light smile, the red master took out another golden compass in his hand and began to distinguish the surrounding directions.

"That compass? It's an innate treasure hunting tray? It is said that even innate treasures can sense a compass magic weapon? It seems that the reason why Bi'an Sect can find so many treasures should rely on it."

Seeing this golden compass, Lin Feng's doubts were half resolved.

However, just as Lin Feng was considering whether he wanted to start shooting now, suddenly the two stationary Red Flame Boa constrictors that had been broken on the ground suddenly froze again, screamed, and immediately snapped them. The heads of two cultists peeling it off.

(Ps: This is the one that has been owed for many days, and it was paid back at two o'clock desperately today!)

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