Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2007: Weird stone room

Still lack the experience of playing against cultivators!

Lin Feng realized that he was really too careless. He simply thought that by pointing at the opponent with a flying sword, he could completely control the situation.

But I didn't expect that other cultivators would also have various means of escape. This space teleportation talisman is one of them, as long as it is activated, it can be teleported to the designated location in an instant.

The distance ranges from tens of kilometers to millions of kilometers. The farther the transmission distance, the more aura that needs to be consumed and the greater the spatial fluctuation.

Lin Feng can judge from the spatial fluctuations just now that the red master must have fled tens of thousands of kilometers away, so he couldn't catch up even if he wanted to chase him.

"Huh! Don't let me run into you again next time, otherwise, I won't give you a chance to escape again. I will definitely deal with you with a single blow."

Putting away the Fengtong sword, Lin Feng said angrily.

This red master is really not so simple, it can be said that he has escaped twice in Lin Feng's hands. Lin Feng still doesn't quite understand, how did the red-jacketed leader escaped to life last time? Obviously they have been killed by their own stagnant water!

"Lin Feng, even though the red master has run away, but... we are not without gain!"

The quick-minded Li Yutong said after observing for a while.

"Harvest? What can you gain?" Lin Feng asked suspiciously, "Sister Tongtong, do you mean Mengmeng had a meal of snake soup?"

"Of course not! Lin Feng, have you forgotten that the red master just came here to find the treasure with a treasure hunting compass! And, as far as I know, the more powerful the treasure, the more it is around It is very likely that there are powerful monsters watching over."

With that said, Li Yutong pointed to the snake skin on the ground and said, "No! I guess this red flame wild python is the monster guarding the baby..."

"Yes! Sister Tongtong, what you said is very reasonable. If this is the case, the cardinal master has no time to find the treasure, so we will try to find it for them!"

As soon as he heard that there was a baby to dig, Lin Feng was also excited, and immediately hugged Mengmeng in his arms, and said softly: "Mengmeng, now it's time for you to make achievements, hurry up... use your nose Smell it, is there any treasure around here?"


Mengmeng received Lin Feng's order, and now that it was full of strength, immediately jumped down, and after sniffing a few noses to the ground, she immediately ran towards a passage in the northeast direction.

"I found Mengmeng, Sister Tongtong, let's follow Mengmeng on the treasure hunt together."

Looking for treasures, that's cute housekeeping skills! As long as a small amount of precious energy leaks, Mengmeng can be found thousands of meters away. Although this underground magma world is full of sulfur, it still can't stop Mengmeng from smelling the baby.

Because the red flame wild python guarding the baby has been eaten by Mengmeng, the next part of the road is completely unimpeded. After a while, Mengmeng brought Lin Feng and Li Yutong to a very mysterious stone room. .

In this stone room, it seemed that there was nothing but bare walls on all sides, which were built with a strange black turning head.

"Mengmeng, why did you bring us to such a ghost place? There is nothing here?"

As soon as Li Yutong walked in, the situation in the stone room was completely clear, and he asked Mengmeng with a strange expression on his face.


But Mengmeng looked excited, bumping around in the stone room.


I don't know if Mengmeng suddenly bumped into some mechanism. Suddenly, the entrance when Lin Feng and Li Yutong came in was suddenly blocked.

"Isn't it? Mengmeng, you little scam, after doing it for a long time, did you bring us to a trap?"

Following along all the way, Lin Feng was still very confident in Mengmeng, but now that I saw the surrounding area, the place he went out was completely enclosed. This time, he was taken into the pit by Mengmeng.


Mengmeng yelled very aggrievedly, because she really found this stone room based on her feelings for her baby. Who knew that there were organs in this stone room, so she immediately sealed the way out.

"Lin Feng, let's hurry up and take a look..."

Li Yutong hurriedly started, trying to lift up the entrance that had just fallen, but found that he couldn't use any strength at all, it was too heavy.

"It's useless! Sister Tongtong, the stone that fell just now is the Broken Dragon Stone, weighing hundreds of thousands of catties, and there is no way to lift it up by force. If you want to go out now, the only way is to find it out. The mechanism, only when the mechanism is turned on can this broken dragon stone rise again."

This is the end of the matter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng can only use his brain and observe the surrounding walls, trying to find some clues to go out.

I saw that the surrounding walls were not bare, but there were many murals, with characters and landscapes, and even these characters were connected together to see the clues of some events. To put it bluntly, it is a bit like the kind of small comic book Lin Feng read when he was a child, except that the pictures on it were rougher and more obscure.

"Lin Feng, look at it, here... this painting seems to be talking about our current situation. Two people and a mouse are trapped in a dark stone room..."

Li Yutong held his mobile phone to light it up to see more clearly, pointed to a mural, and said in shock.

"What? Sister Tongtong, are you sure we are on the painting?"

Hearing Li Yutong’s words, Lin Feng hurried over. When he saw the mural on which he and Li Yutong actually painted two people, and a golden mouse on the ground, he was shocked. Up.

"How is this possible? This painting looks like it was left at least thousands of years ago. Could it be that someone calculated thousands of years ago that we would fall into this stone room today? This is also...this That's too mysterious, right?"

Even if Lin Feng is now the most mysterious cultivator in the world, he has seen all kinds of mysterious things, but he still finds it hard to believe that there will be someone who has already calculated it thousands of years ago that he will fall into this place today. In the stone room, that person also specially carved this picture on the stone wall.

This is simply incredible, this is simply too unscientific!

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