Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2025: Yanran Exit

"En! After all, although Hu Hangyu has some talents, he relies more on his father's skills. And the technology of the National Space Administration, I was completely unprepared."

Nodded, Lin Feng also recognized this. Although he didn't know the technology very well, he knew that Hu Hangyu was just a rocket boy who was packaged by his father.

To buy his company, in fact, it is better to re-organize an aerospace airline, and then buy some technology from the National Space Administration through the relationship!

However, Lin Feng's idea of ​​forming the aerospace industry is not for commercial operation. It is actually related to his own desire to explore outer space and block the enemies that may come from outer space in the future.

"In this case, boss, we don't need to invest in his company at all. On the contrary, it is even more important to have someone. If the boss can win her, it will not be a problem what kind of aerospace company we want to form..."

After returning to the dormitory, Zhang Miaoyi looked through some information about the international aerospace industry and said to Lin Feng.

"Oh? Who is so supernatural?" Lin Feng immediately became curious.

"This person... Alice, Boss, logically speaking, you should have met. She is the same as you, the winner of this year's Nobel Prize. However, you won the medicine prize, and she won Physics Prize..."

Zhang Miaoyi handed the tablet computer to Lin Feng, which happened to be Alice's information.

"Alice? Haha! Miao Yi! You told me to take her down?"

It turned out to be this Alice! Lin Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Yeah! Boss, what? Is it difficult? But...why are you smiling like this?" Zhang Miaoyi said in a puzzled way.

"Because... I already took her down." Lin Feng smiled.

"Isn't it? Boss, you wonder! How did I know that I noticed this Alice when I was studying the international aerospace industry recently!" Zhang Miaoyi said with surprise, "But Alice did not start a company, how do you Did she take it? Did... Did she buy out all of her patent rights?"

"No, no, no... I didn't take her patent rights, but... I took her completely." Lin Feng said happily, "Did you not have the live broadcast against the Master of Tsing Yi in the auditorium that day? Look? The woman who released the Nine Heavens Thunder is Alice."

"Take her people down? No way? Boss, you didn't mean you... Did you take down this foreign girl?"

Zhang Miaoyi yelled out in surprise, and the other people in the dormitory also leaned over.

"I'm going! Boss, what do you mean? Hurry up and talk..." Li Kai came over gossiping.

"That's awesome! Boss, that Alice is a big beauty!"

Ye Bowei and Muronghui also approached with a smirk, gossiping with great interest.

"Come on! Come on...you king-ba-eggs, I almost died in the hands of the master of Tsing Yi over there. You don't care, you know that you care about these messy gossip..."

Lin Feng smiled and cursed, then patted Miao Yi on the shoulder and said, "Miao Yi, just go ahead and do it! Alice, I will do it all."

"Boss, are you really kidding?" Zhang Miaoyi asked again.

"Of course, this is still false? In a few days! I'll go to Europe again and bring Alice Ribbon over by myself."

As he said, Lin Feng glared at Li Kai and the others again, "Don't make a fuss, go to sleep..."

"Go! Boss, that's boring! I don't want to be friends with foreigners..."

"That's right! I'll introduce some Great Yangma to us another day!"

"Boss, you can't be overwhelmed!"


"Fuck you! How about... next time I take you to Russia to play? The women of the fighting nation, that's the authentic Ocean Horse! See if you can stand it?"

Lin Feng also gave a smirk and said.

"Boss, this is what you said! Don't just speak the vernacular, no jokes, as long as you dare to take us there, we will definitely show off our Asian glory..."

Murong Hui bulged his biceps and said in a big tone.

"That's right! Boss, let alone, don't we still go with Viagra?" Li Kai said with a pun and pointed at Ye Bowei, laughing.

"Hey! Brother Kai, I was joking with my name again. No matter, next time the teacher rolls the name in class, I won't help you call it..." Ye Bowei's face sank immediately, and he retaliated.

"Don't! Viagra, I'm wrong... Can't I be wrong if I'm wrong?" Li Kai hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Haha! Anyway, boss, what you said yourself, but remember! Take us to play with Ocean Horse when you have time..." Murong Hui licked his lips, looking like.

"Okay! Whatever you say, don't persuade you then..."

Looking at the smirk of these brothers in the dormitory ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Lin Feng was also happy.

This is college life, and this is dormitory life. The jokes between buddies are still quite interesting, isn't it?

However, Lin Feng knew that such a peaceful day might not last long.

The Bi An Sect did not die, especially the cultivation forces behind the Bi An Sect. At present, Lin Feng still has his eyes blackened. Although he killed the Master Tsing Yi, as long as the cultivation forces behind him are not completely eliminated, then the earth It will never be safe. God knows if there will be any other cultivators in the Nascent Soul Stage?

The next day, early in the morning, Lin Feng just got up from the dormitory bed, thinking about whether to fly to Europe today to have a very "serious" business negotiation with Alice, when the phone rang suddenly.

"Huh? Sister Tongtong called me early in the morning for what to do? Could it be...what happened again?"

Seeing that the caller ID was from Li Yutong, Lin Feng quickly answered the phone, "Hey! Sister Tongtong, what's wrong?"

"Lin Feng, you go home quickly. Yanran... Yanran is out..."

Li Yutong shouted in surprise.

(Ps: The third one! I owe three more. I originally wanted to pay it back in one breath. But the **** thing was introduced to read a book, and it lasted for a day. As a result...it was tears if I said more! This book is really good-looking, I won’t lie to you, and...it’s not a book written by me, let alone advertising. If you don’t believe me, go and read it. The title is "The Strongest Acting Slap System", Nima , This author is also invincible, pretending to be able to pretend to this point, completely blinded me.)

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