Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2041: Cthulhu sacrifice, monster beast mutation

In the center of the island, a bright red altar was dripping with water, full of human heads that had just been chopped off.


Through such a special altar, connect the evil gods of different worlds, sacrifice human heads and souls, and then exchange for the power they need.

What an evil force this is!

It is actually obtained by killing innocent people.

"Lin Feng, it's disgusting! Unexpectedly, the people of the other shore sect had taken so many people captive, and in the end they... all killed them as animals to sacrifice to the evil god. This is too cruel! Completely! It's what the barbarians did..."

Xiao Nishang was about to throw up when he saw this.

"Sure enough, it was through this mysterious altar that the Hiranian Sect communicated with the schools of other cultivation stars, that is, the existence called the evil **** in their eyes, and gained so many powers and magic weapons. It's just...I don't understand at all. The thing is, on the other side of the mysterious altar, what kind of cultivation school is it, and what are they doing this for?"

Looking at the **** heads in front of the altar, Lin Feng couldn't bear it too. At the same time, he also had some doubts, these sacrifices on earth should have no effect at all for those high-ranking cultivators!

But why, those cultivators will continuously provide so many powerful magic weapons and powers to the other side religion? Even, provided so many golden cores and Nascent Souls, so that they fit with themselves and become cultivators in the golden core and even Nascent Soul Stages. What is all this for?

"There! It is Lin Feng who is here and surround him!"

"Grab him, the evil **** has the order, kill Lin Feng, and get the treasures from him, you will receive the evil god's blessing and live forever!"


When Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang flew up, the believers from the other side near the altar also found them. There were also several great masters, almost all of them from the Jin Dan stage, flying up one after another, and surrounded them towards Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang.

"Crazy girl, Fengtong sword for you! Today, let's have a good time together! What is the Golden Core Stage? They are just some pseudo-cultivators who are encouraged by the seedlings!"

Throwing the Fengtong sword under his feet, Lin Feng held the blue sword that he had just captured.

"Okay! Lin Feng, we combine our two swords to kill him in a dark place. We will kill these scums that are not human at all."

Holding the Fengtong sword, Xiao Nishang was also able to use it freely, and together with Lin Feng, he slammed toward these archbishops and followers.

Grand Master in Yellow!

The earthly cultivator, Jin Dan stage, a big move, made Xiaodao Mountain collapse.

The green master!

The wood-attribute cultivator, Jin Danqi, waved his hand, and the surrounding trees immediately grew wildly, rolling towards Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang frantically.

The brown master!

The Arch Master of Orange...

The masters who have never shown up before are almost all of the Jin Dan stage cultivation base. Like the blue-clothed masters just now, they have different attributes, but not everyone has a magic weapon in their hands. , Most of them use spells empty-handed...

It was the first time that Lin Feng saw so many cultivators at the same time, and they were all in the Golden Core stage. However, he also had a bottom in his heart. Almost all of these leaders have their own appearances, and they have no cultivation base in the Golden Core Period. In fact, they are not as good as their strength in the base-building period.

Even the powerful Xiao Nishang used the Fengtong Sword to kill these believers and arch leaders, just like cutting melons and vegetables.


"Cthulhu, save me!"

Bang bang bang...

One by one, the believers and masters died under the swords of Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang, and Lin Feng also naturally harvested golden cores one after another.

Although these golden cores are of little use to him, they can be collected and used the same method to help some people around him who can't practice become golden core cultivators.

"Crazy girl! Swordsmanship is good!"

After beheading another archmaster, Lin Feng looked back at Xiao Nishang and found that she actually killed one more than herself, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"Every other! Lin Feng, I won't be despised by you."

Xiao Nishang originally came from the ancient family of martial arts. Although his cultivation is not as good as Lin Feng and Qin Yanran, his actual combat ability is the highest. He wields the Fengtong sword and is invincible all the way.

Just when the two of them were about to kill in front of the altar, one person suddenly walked out from behind the altar.

"Lin Feng! No... I'd better call you the Great Sage, we meet again!"

The visitor was the great red leader who had dealt with Lin Feng several times. She smiled slightly, but with a strange scepter in her hand, she watched Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang all the way forward without changing his face.

"It's you? Your cultivation...what? It's the Nascent Soul Stage?"

After only a few days of seeing him, Lin Feng discovered that the cultivation base of the Great Master of Red Clothes had also used this method to forcefully promote to the Yuan Ying stage, which was the same as the Great Master of Tsing Yi before.

"Today is your death date! You have disturbed Lord Cthulhu's clear dream, Lord Cthulhu asked me... to offer your head and soul..."

With that said, the cardinal in red immediately waved the scepter in his hand, and with a swish, a dozen beasts such as lions, tigers and leopards flew out of it.

"Lion tiger? Lin Feng, what is she going to do? Wouldn't she think that with these beasts in the forest, we can kill us? Even if I am not a cultivator, as long as I am a warrior in the later stage of the day after tomorrow, I will kill these beasts. There is no problem at all!"

Xiao Nishang looked a little confused, her spiritual sense swept over these beasts, and found no abnormal changes. They were all normal mountain beasts on earth.

"Crazy girl, there must be a conspiracy! This woman is very cunning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will definitely not let these beasts out for no reason."

Lin Feng was very cautious, because the cardinal master ran away under his hand twice in succession, which was almost unique. So when she appeared, Lin Feng had already raised one hundred thousand points of caution. coming.

Sure enough, when these beasts were released from the scepter by the cardinal master, she immediately waved the scepter again, and then the entire ground immediately swelled up, and there were actually dungeons underneath. Thousands of blacks escorted over from the African continent, as well as some whites from Western Europe.

"This... what is she going to do? Are these people all sacrifices?"

Lin Feng's eyes widened suddenly, but when he wanted to step forward to save people, it was too late.

As soon as the red-clothed master of the Yuan Ying period raised his hand, the boundless flame instantly swallowed all the blacks and whites as sacrifices.

At the same time, countless grievances and roars strongly stimulated this evil **** altar. The red-clothed arch patriarch put his hands together and called out loudly: "The omnipotent evil god! The person you are looking for is here, please Give us strength! Let these ferocious beasts become our sharpest minions..."

Devout prayers, sacrifices of thousands of corpses and souls.

It was almost completed in an instant, the mysterious altar burst out with a burst of light, and then quickly shot into the body of more than twenty beasts in front of the altar.


The bodies of more than twenty beasts swelled rapidly, and the aura power on their bodies swelled rapidly.

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