Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2054: The whole world is celebrating

"No! Yanran..."

Suddenly opened his eyes, just watching Qin Yanran being pulled into the black hole of the explosive altar, Lin Feng couldn't do anything.

"Lin Feng, no... don't worry about me..."

At the last moment of being dragged in, Qin Yanran saw the heartbroken expression on Lin Feng's face, and was actually still unraveling Lin Feng.

"Yan Ran..."

Lin Feng rushed forward frantically, but the space crack exploded from the altar was completely closed.

In the air, except for the aftermath of some spatial fluctuations, there is no other sign at all.

"No! No, no, no... Yanran! No! You can't be okay, Yanran, Nishang has been seriously injured to save me, you can't be okay..."

Lin Feng was really desperate. He searched frantically in the air, hoping to find an entrance, an entrance for him to find Qin Yanran, but he was very sorry.

No, nothing!


The space crack had been completely closed, and there was no trace of the space teleportation formation that erupted from the exploded altar.

"Master! Master! Calm down, the formation just now is just a spatial teleportation formation. Miss Qin will be fine..."

Yuan Lin, who broke free from the net of heaven and earth, hurriedly comforted when he saw Lin Feng as if he was mad.

"Yes! You reminded me that this is a teleportation formation, so... Yanran should have been teleported to other spaces. What I have to do now is... Yes! I must find ways to find Yanran to be teleported over. The coordinate position.

Relying on the law of space that was felt by the teleportation array for many times, Lin Feng immediately swept his spiritual sense over again, especially on the spot where Qin Yanran had just disappeared.

Because now the breath of the spatial cracks has almost dissipated, only this place still has the last trace of location coordinates.

"No! I can't do it. There are only some vague location auras. I have no way to rely on such a tiny bit of aura to create a spatial teleportation array that teleports to the past."

After repeated attempts, Lin Feng held his head and floated in mid-air until the last bit of breath was completely dissipated, and his mood had completely fallen to the bottom.

Although this time, the headquarters of Bi'an Sect and the lingering leader of Tsing Yi were completely eradicated, but Lin Feng also paid a very painful price for this.

Xiao Nichang was seriously injured and unconscious, and he was frozen in the Shenshui space.

Qin Yanran was sucked in by the teleportation array again, and now he was unsure about his life or death and entered a different world.

"My lord, don't be sad. Miss Qin is now in the Yuan Ying period's cultivation base, and she still holds the emperor pen of the immortal tool and the picture of the mountain and river in her hand. Even if she really gets into the cultivation world over there, she will never You suffer." Yuan Lin quietly accompanied Lin Feng, and then said a word from time to time.

"Yes! Even on a very mature cultivation planet, the cultivators of the Nascent Soul Stage can already be regarded as the elders of the general sect. What's more, Yanran also has the two treasures, the Emperor's Pen of the Immortal Tool and the Picture of Shanhe Sheji. In hand, Yan Ran is even stronger than me. I... shouldn't need to worry about her safety, but... where has she been sucked?"

With a sigh, Lin Feng felt a little relieved, but he was still worried. He had to find a way to find Qin Yanran earlier and bring her back.


It was the intercom satellite phone on the Dragon Group's side, and its call woke up Lin Feng.

"Hey! Elder Wang..."

Lin Feng said weakly.

"Congratulations! Lin Feng, once again saving our entire earth humanity, I represent China and the entire earth humanity, thank you for your dedication to us..."

Elder Wang said with a smile, because they had seen from the remote monitoring of the satellite that Lin Feng had completely wiped out the great leader of Tsing Yi. So far, all the forces of Bi An Sect on the earth have been uprooted and left. Some of the remaining sins are not a concern at all, and can be completely eradicated.

However, Lin Feng didn't feel happy at all on his face, and said, "Thank you! Elder Wang, if there is nothing else to do, let's do this first. I still have something to do..."

"What's the matter? Lin Feng, what's going on? How about you come back to the capital first... I will let Yajun go to accompany you? Elder Wang also noticed that Lin Feng's face was not very good, so he said.

"No need! I want to be alone..."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng surrendered some matters that the Dasheng Group had to deal with to Yuan Lin, and then flew back to his home in Beijing with the Flying Shuttle.

"Parents! I...I'm back."

At home, the parents immediately rushed up affectionately when they saw that the heroic son Lin Feng was back.

"Xiao Feng, it's great. Our earth, thanks to your presence. Otherwise, it would have been destroyed many times~www.wuxiaspot.com~Mu Lin cheerfully boasted, "When I was pregnant with you, I felt like the future He must be a big man, look... it's really good! It's the old lady's genes! "

"Good job! Xiao Feng, you have such a great merit! The ancestral grave of our Lin family is full of green smoke, and you are a great hero in the world!" Father Lin also said cheerfully.

However, Lin Feng shrugged his face, sighed, said nothing, and went back to his room.

At this time, the TV in the living room and the TV in the room upstairs were all showing news about the incident and Lin Feng.

The United States, the United Kingdom, the Japanese, the stick countries, Southeast Asian countries, EU countries, South American countries, Canada, Australia, Russia, Middle East countries, African countries...

People in almost all countries are carnival, celebrating the rest of their lives this time.

The whole world was carnival, but Lin Feng couldn't be happy. Because in this incident, he lost two of his favorite women.

"Crazy girl, Yanran, I...I will definitely save you all."

Listening to the carnival sounds on TV, Lin Feng was very unwilling, driving the flying sword again, swishing out of the window, and flying out.

The sword pointed to the Japanese kingdom, because Lin Feng remembered it, it seems that there is also an altar like Bi'an Sect in the Japanese kingdom, which was used by the Japanese kingdom to upgrade those ninjas.

If the altar of the Bi'an Sect can trigger the teleportation formation to take Qin Yanran away, it is very likely that the teleportation formation of the Japanese Kingdom also has the same ability.

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