Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2065: Sit down and eat

Seeing the scene in front of him, Bai Shuangshuang couldn't believe it at all, and was really completely taken aback.

She couldn't think of it. Not only did the people in the woods do not need to save them by themselves, but they seemed to... have a pretty good relationship with this group of wild wolves.

"This...what the **** is going on?"

Bai Shuangshuang stood there blankly, suddenly feeling a little at a loss.


And the demon wolves who were waiting in line to eat the roast chicken, when they saw the appearance of Bai Shuangshuang, they stared at her with very vigilant and hostile eyes, thinking that she was also here to shoot the roast chicken!

"Don't yell! What do you yell? You guys, if you yell again, I won't give you food."

Lin Feng immediately reprimanded these demon wolves, then turned around and looked at the Bai Shuangshuang who suddenly rushed in to see that this meant to "rescue" his own Bai Shuangshuang.

In fact, Lin Feng himself did not expect that after the demon wolf ran away, he would bring a large group of wolves over, and these wolves did not eat his pheasants in vain, but grabbed them from the forest. He took a lot of pheasants and sent them to Lin Feng, begging Lin Feng to roast them.

Indeed, after Lin Feng’s cooking skills, the taste of these pheasants after roasting is simply incredible.

Especially in this world full of aura, the meat of each pheasant is very delicious, and the oil pops out after eating it, and then sprinkled with many seasonings Lin Feng brought from the earth to let these The demon wolves are going crazy after smelling it.

In addition, these demon wolves almost have some intelligence, so they know that this person in front of them can help them roast pheasants, of course, they are obedient to Lin Fengyan. Otherwise, they would never want to eat such a delicious pheasant in their entire lives.

"You...who are you? Why... why do you roast pheasants here?"

Bai Shuangshuang, who was taken aback for a moment, didn't know what to say, and asked Lin Feng cautiously.

"I am me! Girl, I am going to ask you. Who are you? Suddenly come to my place to save someone? Go back! No one here needs you to save..."

Lin Feng glanced at the Bai Shuangshuang in front of him. He looked pretty good, like a fairy, but he was still far behind his sister Tongtong.

However, the cultivation base of this Bai Shuangshuang is also quite high, and there is also a late foundation building. It just seemed to be relatively innocent. After hearing the roar of the demon wolves, he rushed in desperately to save people.

For this, Lin Feng still admired the girl in front of him more in his heart.

"My name is Bai Shuangshuang, the daughter of the head of the Baiyu Family. I'm sorry! I just heard a wolf cry here and thought someone was killed. Since you are fine, I will...don't bother..."

Bai Shuangshuang was a little embarrassed. It turned out that they were all self-sufficient, and no one needed her help. Suddenly I felt a little boring, so I decided to turn around and leave.

However, during this turn, the roast chicken in Lin Feng's hand just cracked a little by the fire, and the invincible and delicious fragrance immediately swelled out, and immediately got into Bai Shuangshuang's nose. , So that she, the daughter of the head of self-cultivation who had been eating tea and rice since she was young, couldn't help drooling.

"This roast chicken is so... so fragrant!"

When Bai Shuangshuang, who was planning to leave, smelled the scent, he couldn't move around immediately. He looked at the roast chicken in Lin Feng's hand eagerly, and was a little embarrassed to ask for it.

"What? White girl, do you want to sit down and eat together?"

Lin Feng, who had opened the Hero's Restaurant, was naturally accustomed to seeing the greedy eyes of others, and immediately waved the roast chicken in his hand, and smiled invitingly.

"Really? Can it?"

Bai Shuangshuang immediately walked forward with a look of surprise.

But this time, the group of demon wolves who were queuing up obediently were dissatisfied. They had been in line for so long, but someone wanted to jump in the line?


The few wolves of the Golden Core Stage were even more dissatisfied wolves howled, to express their dissatisfaction.

As a result, Lin Feng directly threw a fire stick and smashed it on the head of one of the wolves, and said, "How do you roar? I won't even give you a chicken bone for a while..."


The wolf was taught by Lin Feng and had no temper at all, so he immediately continued to wait in line with his tail clamped.

However, at this time, Brother Wang and the others who followed Bai Shuangshuang came to hear the calls of these wolves, and their hearts became more anxious.

"Senior Brother Wang, it's not good! You hear this wolf cry, it's obviously the head wolf of the Golden Core Stage! Little Junior Sister might be...in danger."

"Yes! Brother Wang, the younger sister's flying sword is much faster than ours. She rushed in like this, we have to hurry up, otherwise she was really injured by the monster wolf, we can't blame it!"


A few disciples of the Baiyu Clan were already anxious, for fear that they would take a breath later, and Bai Shuangshuang would have become the food in the mouth of the demon wolves~www.wuxiaspot.com~Quick! Several juniors, we immediately speed up and break into the woods! When encountering wolves in a while, in any case, first take care of the little junior sister. Although the junior sister has a purple gold umbrella given by her master, she can't stand the siege of too many wolves..."

Wang Pofeng is also obviously anxious. This time he is the leader of the Jindan team. The most important task is to protect the little junior sister Bai Shuangshuang. If there is a loss, how to face the boss?

Since then, a few people swished, speeding up, driving the lower-grade spirit weapon flying sword under their feet, and quickly broke into the woods.

"Little Junior Sister!"

"Where are you? Little Junior Sister!"

"Senior Brother Wang, do you smell it? Why does it smell so fragrant?"

"Look... the wolves are all there..."

"A lot of demon wolves! What can I do now?"

"No! Little Junior Sister... she is also in front, my God! Little Junior Sister is eating with the demon wolves... eating roast chicken?"

"Who is that boy in white clothes? He is so powerful, he has the cultivation base to build the peak."


I don't know if I didn't come in, as soon as I broke in, the disciples of the Baiyumen were all stunned.

They imagined that the scene of Bai Shuangshuang being besieged by a group of demon wolves did not appear at all. Instead, they saw the scene of Bai Shuangshuang happily nibbling on chicken legs with Lin Feng. At the same time... they were even more surprised to find that these were extremely cruel to them. The demon wolf would actually wait in line to eat the chicken bones and muscles thrown out by Lin Feng and Bai Shuangshuang. This is simply...a bit shocking!

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