Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2075: 1 on the road!

The two thousand and seventy-fifth chapter is on the road together!

"What? Cangyun Sect disciples? They... why did they come here?"

In the joy of immersing himself in breaking through the realm just now, Wang Pofeng didn't find the corpses around him, but now he took a closer look and was taken aback.

Especially those two Jindanqi corpses, their complete strength is not below his current level! And they all have the best spirit weapon flying sword inserted in their bodies. This... such strength, even if he is now, it is difficult to win, let alone kill on the spot.

Looking at the surrounding bushes, the other Cangyun Sect disciples in the foundation building period were all spared, but these people could clearly see that they were killed by the wolf demon.

"Wolves? Could it be that... these people were really killed by Fellow Lin? Besides, there are two Jindan stage cultivators?"

Seeing this scene, Wang Pofeng was truly shocked. He could not have imagined that Lin Feng, a cultivator at the peak of the foundation stage, would have such a powerful strength. He leaped two levels to kill two cultivators of the Golden Core stage. There were so many cultivators in the foundation stage. He summoned the wolves to kill.

Lin Feng possesses this kind of strength, really...I really don't need him, the seventh-layer Golden Core Stage cultivator, to come forward and back.

Thinking of this, Wang Pofeng also felt a little ashamed of what he had just said, but he still clasped his fists to Lin Feng and thanked him: "Friend Lin, how offensive you are, I don't know your strength is so strong. It's simply far away. A super-ordinary Golden Core monk, but... your great favor today, I, Wang Pofeng, can’t repay me, but if you need me to do anything, you can just open your mouth. If I don’t say anything, I won’t frown. of……"

Wang Pofeng, who has been walking around the rivers and lakes for many years, naturally knows that Xinyi and righteousness are the most important. What's more, Lin Feng and him have no relatives, but they have helped him so much.

However, facing Wang Pofeng’s gratitude, Lin Feng smiled indifferently, waved his hand and said, “It’s nothing, Brother Wang, I just did it casually. You can eat all the roast chickens that were grilled yesterday. , It’s just... your cultivation base has accumulated more profoundly, so you can break through so much. These are also the results of your own hard cultivation, and the relationship with me is not big!"

In the realm of cultivation, Wang Pofeng's character is indeed something that Lin Feng feels a little rare. Compared to the scum from the Cangyun School, he looked more human.

Therefore, if people are polite to themselves, Lin Feng will naturally be polite to others. The disciples of the Baiyumen, from the current contacts, are quite good, they are a clear stream in the realm of cultivation!

"That's right! Brother Wang, I also ate this roasted chicken. In fact, it effectively helped us remove the dregs in the meridians, and the effect is limited! It's your own cultivation time when it's time to break through." Bai Shuangshuang also persuaded.

After all, everyone present had eaten roast chicken, and only Wang Pofeng had made such a huge breakthrough.

However, Wang Pofeng himself knew that without Lin Feng’s roast chicken, he would not be able to break through to the seventh level of the Golden Core Stage without a fifty-year penance, so he still insisted on thanking Lin Feng, What did Lin Feng do to feel relieved.

Lin Feng really can't help him anymore. He also had a clever idea in his heart, saying, "If that's the case, why don't you... go find that mysterious woman, and take me with you! I'm just going to see this. How mysterious is this woman..."

"Friend Lin, do you also want to find this woman to build a magic weapon flying sword? No! You already have a very good magic weapon flying sword?" Wang Pofeng looked at the blue in Lin Feng's hand. Jian, couldn't help being a little envious.

"How much a handful? Hey! If possible, I want her to give me a few more punches!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, but the disciples of the White Feather Clan around all twitched their lips. This is a magic weapon Feijian! As a cultivator in the foundation period, isn't it enough to have one? Actually want...more? You know, even the Nascent Soul elders in some sects do not necessarily have a magic weapon flying sword!

"This...this is probably not easy! Fellow Lin, even if we can find this mysterious woman, she is not unconditional to build a flying sword for others. It must meet her requirements, and...send something she likes. That's fine. Generally, they are precious treasures or materials..." Wang Pofeng said in a bit embarrassing manner.

Lin Feng pointed to the campfire that had just been extinguished and said, "Isn't it easy? I'll get her a roast chicken to eat. I believe she will ask for such a delicious roast chicken after eating it. I want to build a flying sword for me."

"Roast chicken? This..."

Wang Pofeng was speechless, feeling that what Lin Feng said seemed very reasonable.

The other disciples and Bai Shuangshuang were also full of black lines in their heads, and there was no way to refute Lin Feng. His roasted chicken seemed... it was really a rare treasure.

"Okay! You guys don't seem to have any comments! Then it's settled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let's get on the road together!"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Lin Feng smiled and pointed at the corpses in front of him and said, "But before we go on the road, are we going to clean the battlefield and count the trophies! Give me the spirit stones in them," I don’t need other spirit weapons and flying swords, you can take them!"

With so many corpses, Lin Feng collected the two Golden Core Stage storage bags and items, and let the disciples of the White Feather Clan take care of the rest.

"Really give it to us? Great! Fellow Lin, thank you! We have long wanted a flying sword of the best spirit weapon."

"Friend Lin! This is the storage bag of the five cultivators in the foundation-building period in the east. Except for the flying sword, they are all inside..."

"Friend Lin! You are such a good person!"


Such an act of being close to the people caused these Baiyumen disciples to eliminate their demonic appearance when Lin Feng killed people just now.

But Bai Shuangshuang was aside, looking at Lin Feng who was laughing and joking, but his eyes were confused.

What kind of person is this fellow Lin Daoist in front of him?

What is his origin?

Why is there such a strong strength?

What is he doing in Baicao Valley?

Is it really a disciple from the hermit sect?

Why is his roast chicken so delicious and so amazing?

These question marks after another appeared in Bai Shuangshuang's mind. In her life, it seems that there is no man like Lin Feng, who is full of mysteries and makes people want to find out...

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