Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2097: 1 word! kill! (on)


The Cangyun faction came as soon as it was said, quickly formed the formation, and surrounded the disciples of the Baiyumen.

"Brother Wang, Cangyun sent to kill. I...what shall we do?"

It was the first time Bai Shuangshuang saw such a posture, and asked slightly timidly.

"Don't be afraid! Little Junior Sister, our Tiangang Formation can still resist for a while, and we will fight back after the other Junior Brothers and Fellow Lin Daoist break through the realm."

Seeing the current situation, if it is usual, Wang Pofeng would definitely not advocate playing in place, because the opponent's strength is too strong, and all together, it can be regarded as more than twice as much as his own. Crush them.

However, what gave Wang Pofeng confidence now was Lin Feng, who was still aside concentrating on breaking through the realm.

Lin Feng, who was only at the pinnacle of the foundation stage before, could kill so many Jin Dan stage cultivators so easily. It would be hard for Wang Pofeng to imagine if he broke through to the Golden Core Stage, Lin Feng would be so violent.

Of course, all of this has to be said after Lin Feng breaks through. If... Lin Feng was disturbed or even killed at the critical moment of the breakthrough, then everything is for nothing.

Therefore, Wang Pofeng also tried his best to let the brothers put out the Tiangang array, surrounded Lin Feng in the middle, focusing on protecting him.

"Senior brothers, today... we will fight to the death with these scum of Cangyun faction!"

Wang Pofeng raised his morale again and ordered.

"Follow the orders of Brother Wang!"

"Fight to death!"


The disciples of the Cangyun School who surrounded the White Feather Clan outside were also quite surprised at this time, because almost all of the disciples of the White Feather Clan were of the Golden Core Stage, and the number of them was only a few less than that of their own.

Especially with this shout, the momentum is full.

"Don't be afraid, everyone! Let's attack by force. They are just the people who have just been promoted to the Golden Core Stage, and they don't use the power of the Golden Core Stage very much. As long as we work together, we can easily attack."

Now that they have reached this point, even Ye Qiu, who has always been cautious, can't worry too much, so he directly took out the best spiritual weapon flying sword, and shouted: "Come on! Use our Cangyun Sect's Big Dipper array to break The Tiangang formation to open the white feather gate!"

"Okay! This disciple of the White Feather Clan can break through so many people one after another in a short period of time. It must have been some incredible treasure. We killed them and seized the treasures from them..."

"Vengeance for our dead fellow brothers! Kill the Baiyumen!"


The disciples of the Cangyun faction also acted. As the main force of the Jin Dan stage, they formed two huge Big Dipper formations, and the disciples of the foundation-building stage also gathered together and arranged according to the Big Dipper formation to form a Big Dipper. The Seven Star Ring continuously transmitted its own vitality to the disciples of the Golden Core Stage.


Seeing that the formations were ready, Ye Qiu immediately issued the commander. All the disciples, whether they were in the Golden Core or Foundation Building Period, all exerted their strength together. Suddenly, more than a dozen spell flying swords were listed directly towards the White Feather Gate. Tian Gang array smashed past.


This blow was incredible. The powerful spell directly blasted half of the Tiangang array's defenses, and also caused the space inside the array to vibrate repeatedly.

"Hold on! Everyone hold on..."

Wang Pofeng didn't expect that the Cangyun Sect had actually come so many people, and there were still quite a few of them in the Golden Core Period. Different from the juniors who just broke through, almost every one of these Cangyun Sect's Golden Core disciples is an old Jianghu. They are very strong, and they are still attacking together. With just such a blow, they have already blasted the Tiangang formation. In half.

If there is another blow, I am afraid the entire Tiangang Formation will be destroyed.

"No way! Senior Brother Wang, several senior brothers are injured. If they strike again, we will... either die or hurt!"

Pang Shide also yelled anxiously, with a cold sweat on his head, and hurriedly asked, "How is it with Fellow Lin? Have you been promoted? We really can't stand it anymore. People who can stand it now, Only...only Fellow Lin..."

"No! Now I must not disturb Fellow Lin Daoist. If he is interrupted when he is promoted to Jin Dan, Dan Tian will suffer permanent and indelible damage."

Wang Pofeng resolutely refused, and then took a deep breath, and said to the little junior sister Bai Shuangshuang beside him: "Little junior sister! There is no way now, take out your purple gold umbrella! Hope you can top it again! ..."

"Okay! Brother Wang, why be polite, let's face the enemy together. I hope Fellow Lin Dao will break through as soon as possible..."

After Bai Shuangshuang took out the purple gold umbrella, he looked at Lin Feng, who had been sitting cross-legged for refining, and felt that his aura became stronger and stronger, and he was full of confidence.

Because she believes that the man in front of her can create miracles for her every time and bring her hope in despair. It seems that there is nothing he can't do. As long as he stands up, then all problems... not a problem.


Outside the formation, Ye Qiu of the Cangyun faction saw a blow, and this Baiyumen Tiangang formation was almost unable to withstand it. He immediately rejoiced, and gave the commander even more vigorously: "One more blow! Brothers, here it is. I kill..."

Gather mana!

Condensing the magic circle!

Unleash the spell!


With so many disciples of the Cangyun faction, working together, all kinds of spells and flying swords smashed down.


A purple light flickered, actually resisting the blow again.

"What? A magic weapon!"

"They actually have a magic weapon..."

"It's a defensive weapon! No wonder it can stop our blow..."

"Continue! Their magic weapon will take time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Under one blow, it is impossible to continue..."


Seeing that the White Feather Gate had actually used a magic weapon, the disciples of the Cangyun Sect became even more excited. After all, even a defensive magic weapon was very precious to them and extremely valuable.

"Haha! Brothers, I said they have treasures on them. Come again... the final blow! They completely broke their formation..."

Seeing the magic weapon, Ye Qiu's eyes glowed, and he immediately called on everyone to gather vitality and strength once again, bang, and smashed down toward the formation.

"Can't stand it! Brother Wang, the magic weapon can't be moved in a short time..."


The formation of Bai Yumen was broken open!


Several Jindanqi disciples guarding key positions suddenly vomited blood, and then fell unconscious to the ground.

The aftermath of the spell swept in directly, and the last two disciples who were still in the promotion were attacked by the spell in an instant, and then the meridians of the whole person collapsed, and after a mouthful of blood was spit out, it was almost the last one. The feet were interfered by spells, and they fell short.

At this time, a spell happened to sweep directly in the direction of Lin Feng. Lin Feng, who was immersed in his Dantian breakthrough cultivation base, was also completely unaware of this.

"Not good! Fellow Lin, be careful..." When Wang Pofeng found out, it was too late.

When it was said that it was too late, a slender figure rushed forward, blocking Lin Feng's front, and was hit directly by this spell with a bang.

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