Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2116: Ask what love in the world is

Seeing Lin Feng's back in the water mirror, Fairy Zixia was shocked, unable to say anything.

"Auntie! Is this this person? The one you are waiting for...is it him?"

Hongxia was also surprised and asked, leaning forward.

However, although Fairy Zixia was quite excited at this time, she still shook her head, and said with an uncertain face: "I don't know! I really don't know, is it him?"

"Who is this person? Aunt, why are you waiting for him?"

Over the years, Hong Xia followed Zi Xia, and every time she mentioned this person, she saw her in despair. Hongxia knew that this person was particularly important to her.

"I... I don't know."

Shaking her head again, Fairy Zixia said to Hongxia, "Go! They are about to reach the end of the canyon. Take my picture and go! Is he the one I hit? Yes... it depends on whether he can understand this picture..."

"Okay! Auntie, Hongxia will go now. I hope that person... is the one you are waiting for, Auntie."

Hongxia was also confused at this time. After all, her aunt had already seen Lin Feng's appearance, but she was still not sure that he was the one she was waiting for, so this made Hongxia's doubts in her heart even worse. .

However, since my aunt gave her orders, does Hongxia refuse to follow her? Immediately holding a picture of Zixia Fairy, headed to the end of the canyon in the second pass.


At this time, Lin Feng and the disciples of Baiyumen had already walked through this long Grand Canyon and came to the second level.

As for the other sect cultivators who came in, they kept a certain distance from Lin Feng and the others. Even if they could surpass them, they didn't dare to take one step forward, and kept following Lin Feng and them so far.

"Senior Brother Wang, take a look... Those people probably know that our fellow Lin Daoist is great. They dare not catch up with them..."

Bai Shuangshuang was also happy when he saw this. Although seeing practitioners from other sects also come in, Bai Shuangshuang felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but seeing them so afraid of Lin Feng made him feel happy in his heart.

"Friend Lin Daoist's strength has far exceeded our imagination. In my opinion, I am afraid that he has only entered the Golden Core Stage for a few days, and it is enough to compete with some Nascent Soul Stage cultivators."

Now, in Wang Pofeng's eyes, Lin Feng was a genius like a monster. Even the genius disciples of the big sects in Middle-earth, I am afraid they are no better than Lin Feng.

However, there is one thing he might be wrong. Lin Feng is not able to compete with the cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage in the Golden Core Period, but can already kill the Nascent Soul Stage cultivators in the foundation stage. Up.

"Here! Brother Wang, Fellow Daoist Lin... You see, this should be the second hurdle to finally enter the Zixia Valley."

When he reached the end of the gorge, Bai Shuang pointed to the mountain wall in front of him and said.

This side of the mountain wall does not seem to be different, but as long as you glance at it with your spiritual sense, everyone can find that all the mountain is fake, just an illusion.

And behind the mountain is a real gate, the gate into the Zixia Valley.

"Zixia Valley is hidden in such a place, it is really well-intentioned! This Zixia fairy is a good method..."

Seeing this, Lin Feng gently placed a formation on the ground, and then let out a breath.


The phantom mountain body seemed to be blown away by Lin Feng's breath, and disappeared in an instant, revealing an iron gate inside.

"This door? Is it really...really Sister Tongtong?"

Seeing that the iron gate behind the mountain was exactly the same as the iron gate on earth, Lin Feng became even more excited.

"It's the gate to Zixia Valley!"

"Great! As long as you enter this door, you can see the fairy Zixia in the legend."

"After seeing Fairy Zixia, I will find a way to ask her to help me refine the magic weapon Feijian..."

"But how can this door be opened and entered? There is even... not even a lock!"


Just when everyone was excited and a little bit hurt, Lin Feng calmly found some iron ore from the Shenshui space, and then refined a key through the fire of vitality.

The appearance of this key was refined according to the structure in the keyhole of that door.

Therefore, when Lin Feng stepped forward, inserted the key into the keyhole, and then unscrewed it directly, everyone present was also surprised.

"Huh? It's open! This...what kind of lock is this? It's actually embedded directly in the door."

"It turns out that the hole is a keyhole! There are such locks in the world, it's amazing! It's amazing!"

"What is the origin of Lin Feng, who is with Bai Yumen? Why can he break the five elements into the valley formation, and still have the key to the valley entrance gate of Zixia Valley?"

"Could it be that this person was originally from Zixia Valley?"


The cultivators who followed were amazed at the wonderful structure of the gate of Zixia Valley, and on the other hand, they were even more amazed at Lin Feng's mastery of the various organs of Zixia Valley. They couldn't help but speculate about Lin Feng and Zixia. Valley relationship.

However, Lin Feng was not in the mood to pay attention to the random speculations of these people at all. Instead, he opened the door and ran inside. He was anxious! He desperately wanted to see the fairy Zixia in the legend, and he became more and more certain that she was Li Yutong, and Lin Feng wanted to see him immediately.

"Lin is down, you slow down! Wait for us..."

Bai Shuangshuang saw Lin Feng rushing towards the inside, and immediately followed him.

The disciples of the Baiyumen quickly entered through the door, and the disciples of other sects followed closely, and their pace couldn't help speeding up.

Behind the gate, there is a very ordinary valley scene, a sea of ​​flowers, and another farmland, just like a paradise. On the other side of this farmland, there is a modern-style villa.


It's really the kind of decoration and style of the villa!

This is similar to the ancient world of cultivation!

How could such a building like a villa appear? Whether it is the ceramic tile material or the overall architectural style ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is completely incompatible with this world of comprehension.


It's Sister Tongtong!

Except for Sister Tongtong, it is impossible for anyone in this comprehension world to build a villa of this style.

Lin Feng carefully identified it. The appearance of this villa was almost exactly the same as that of Li Yutong's in Jinou Community, and it was completely copied.

But when Lin Feng wanted to continue to rush forward, suddenly, a red figure flew in the air, the figure of a beautiful woman.

"Sister Tongtong..."

Lin Feng shouted instinctively, he thought it was his sister Tongtong who came.

However, when he took a closer look, he found that he had admitted the wrong person. Although the man was also a beautiful woman, he did not know him at all.

"Stop! If you want to go on to see Fairy Zixia, you must pass my level first..."

The person who came was Hongxia, holding a set of calligraphy and painting in her hand, and immediately blocked Lin Feng and the others, and spread the calligraphy and painting aloud and said: "Only by correctly answering the question on the calligraphy and painting can you see it. My aunt, Fairy Zixia!"

"Answer question?"

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately looked at the character in Hongxia's hand, and saw seven characters written in graceful fonts: "Ask what love in the world is!"

(Ps: It’s already twelve o’clock when I came back from outside today! I worked hard to write a chapter, too tired! To make up tomorrow... I know I owe a lot! I will pay it back...

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