Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2432: effective!


Every time the brown-gray demon gas struck, the silk thread condensed from the demon gas became thinner. Pinshu

If you observe carefully, you will find that every time the demon energy comes into contact with Chitakisuo's surface, a ray of demon energy will automatically merge into Chitakisuo.

Lin Feng, who was engrossed in this scene, observed it, and his expectations grew stronger.

Since it is not excluded, there is no possibility of repair!

One by one, the obscure techniques were constantly changing in Lin Feng's hands.

As Lin Feng's movements became more and more complicated, he would see if someone were there, Lin Feng's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and his face became extremely pale.

This is a sign of serious spiritual consumption.

As a monk, in battle, the two sides will often win due to lack of energy.

But there is rarely a situation where the spiritual sense is consumed.

But Lin Feng did.

Now Lin Feng’s mind only has two or three out of ten spiritual senses left. You must know that what he is using now is the method of repairing immortal artifacts. In Lin Feng’s memory, there are a lot of mysteries in all aspects and fields. Moves or means.

But Lin Feng has never tried easily.

It wasn't that Lin Feng didn't want to learn, it was because Lin Feng knew that none of these moves could be used by a mere cultivator who had not yet ascended.

Once it is used, it will be traumatized at a slight degree, and the consequences will be disastrous if it is swallowed by the vitality.

Just imagine, how can an ordinary cultivator withstand the backlash from the fairy law?

Lin Feng is currently on the verge of danger.

Once the spiritual sense is completely exhausted, and this set of repair methods has not been completed, then Lin Feng is very likely to suffer backlash.

In fact, Lin Feng is also aware of this now, his speed of forming seals has slowed down, as much as possible to make his spiritual sense consumption slower.

Huang Tian paid for the painstaking efforts, and finally, when Lin Feng hit the last seal formula, an eye pupil suddenly appeared in the void, and this eye pupil quickly fell on Chitakisuo.

At this moment, all the demon weapons that still existed seemed to be attracted by something, rushing into those eyes quickly.

In just one breath, the demon energy in the room has been exhausted.

"Finally finished?"

Lin Feng wanted to stand up, but he staggered and sat down on the ground again.

He is so tired.

After completing this set of immortal methods, Lin Feng almost squeezed out his whole body.

But the final result is the most critical point.

Lin Feng sat on the ground for a long time before he felt his mental strength recovered a little bit by 10%.

Although 10% was not too much, for Lin Feng, it was enough for him to see the current situation of Chi Takisuo.

In the unlikely event that this method is ineffective, then this wave will be a big loss.

Lin Feng gently stroked the lines on the Qianlongsuo with his hand, but the spiritual sense had quietly entered it along the surface.

Before that, Lin Feng had checked how serious the damage to Chitakisuo's body was.

Therefore, this time, Lin Feng found the damaged place and probed carefully.

The final result surprised Lin Feng.

Because Chitakisuo's injuries were indeed repaired.

Although the repair was not completed in one go, Lin Feng was very satisfied with the extent of the repair, which was about 20%.

This also means that as long as Lin Feng is willing to spend five days to help Chi Takisuo complete the repair, then in theory, after five days, Chi Takisuo will face Lin Feng with a relatively new look.

The reason for saying this is because the spirit has never been awake, and no one knows when this spirit will wake up.

Although his face was particularly ugly, Lin Feng's mood was surprisingly good.

At the same time, at the gate of Xihua City, an elderly monk with a white beard walked in leisurely.

After looking around, the old man sighed softly, "I don't know how Lin Daoyou is now."

It was the old white-bearded ghost who had a great conversation with Lin Feng in Xunhuanju that suddenly returned to Xihua City.

The old ghost with white beard is a casual cultivator, and the cultivation mansion is not in Xihua City. Therefore, when he comes out to purchase some pills for cultivation, or sell his own harvest, he will take the initiative to enter Xihua City.

At first, the old ghost with white beard was still worried, because he helped Lin Feng said a word that day, he was tracked down by Situ Shaofeng of the Weihai Gang for a long time.

I have also recently heard that the Weihai Gang seems to be holding an auction, and after such a long time, Situ Shaofeng may have forgotten it a long time ago.

What's more, the old ghost of white beard is indeed to purchase resources this time.

Last time, because he helped Lin Feng to speak, the old white-bearded ghost left the city non-stop after leaving Xunhuanju.

The pill and other materials hoarded in the cultivation mansion have all been exhausted. Although there are still a lot of spirit stones, according to the talent of the old ghost with white beard, the cultivation effect of spirit stones is not very good, and it must be assisted in cultivation. Pills, combined with Lingshi, can achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

In addition, in the past month, the old ghost with white beard is lucky and got a top-grade treasure outside, so he is ready to take it directly to see if there is a suitable place to auction it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if it doesn't, then The spirit stone on his body is also enough to purchase cultivation resources.

Want to sell the top grade quotation, it is not that the old ghost with white beard does not need it.

But at the age of the old ghost with white beard, if you don't break through, I'm afraid that the limit is about to come again.

In this situation, even if it only breaks through a realm, it is considered to be a Jedi.

And compared to his own life, what is the precious magic weapon?

Can I eat it?

No way!

And the most important point, once he dies, this top-grade magic weapon will be taken away by people passing by.

After the old ghost with white beard entered the city, he walked in the direction of the auction house.

There were many passers-by along the way saying that today was the date of the auction, and the old white-bearded ghost was taken aback when he heard it, and then was very upset.

Hearing from the passing monks, it seems that this auction has completely ended.

And he is naturally not eligible to participate in the auction.

"Oh, fleeting is not good."

The old ghost in white sighed softly.

If a top-grade treasure is just thrown directly to the auction house as usual, and let the auction house help consignment, then even if the final transaction price will be slightly higher, it will definitely not be much higher.

But auctions are not ordinary. As long as things appear at auctions, it means they have been carefully selected.

And the final transaction price will be much higher than expected.

But now it is too late to think about these things.

Shaking his head, the old ghost in white helplessly walked to the ordinary appraisal window. After all, he should sell it or sell it!

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