Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 248: Shenshui takes effect

Active water!

Can get rid of birthmarks!

do not know why? Li Yutong had a very determined feeling in his heart, that bottle of active water might really have such a magical effect.

Stepping on the accelerator to the bottom, Li Yutong was also overtaking on the main road all the way during the rush hour at noon. When he got downstairs in his villa, Li Yutong didn't even pull out the car key, and went straight upstairs to the bedroom.

Seeing the bottle of active water still on the dressing table, Li Yutong first breathed a sigh of relief, and then carefully picked up the bottle of active water, pressing on his small heart that was pounding.

Unscrew the bottle cap, from the naked eye, Li Yutong could not see the difference between this active water and ordinary mineral water. However, since they all rushed back, Li Yutong would definitely give it a try.

So, she took this bottle of active water to the bathroom and poured all the active water into the basin. Undressing the veil on his face, looking at the half-angel and half-devil face in the mirror, Li Yutong has no idea how many years he has hated.

Holding a breath, Li Yutong closed his eyes, gently held a handful of active water, and wiped it on his left face.

Zi Zi Zi...

There was a very slight noise, and there was a cool feeling on his left face. Li Yutong felt that the active water was infiltrating little by little into his skin behind the black birthmark.

"This feeling is very comfortable! Does it work, or is it... just my own psychological effect?"

Li Yutong didn't dare to open her eyes. She was afraid that after opening her eyes, she would still see the left face with the black birthmark. All this feeling was her own illusion.

Holding up the water in the basin again and splashing it on her face, Li Yutong enjoyed the moisturizing feeling. The feeling of this kind of active water is really different from ordinary water. This time, Li Yutong is really sure that it is not his own hallucinations. The left face feels comfortable and refreshing, and it seems that the position of the black birthmark has begun to change. It got to be smooth.

After hesitating, Li Yutong plucked up courage and slowly opened his eyes to look at himself in the mirror. Li Yutong couldn't believe it was true when he saw the smooth and white faces on both sides in the mirror, as if he was a god.

"Oh! God! This...this...the birthmark is really...really gone?"

With his eyes widened, Li Yutong felt that he was dreaming. The birthmark that had troubled her for more than 20 years had disappeared in just a few minutes.

"My face... is this really my face? So smooth! So white... The left face is exactly the same as the right face..."

Touching her left cheek inconceivably, Li Yutong had never had such an experience. The faces on both sides were the same smooth and white. She was no longer the "half-faced beauty" or the ugly monster in the eyes of others. From then on, she can go out without wearing a veil. From then on, no one will hide in fear when seeing her face again...

At this moment, Li Yutong couldn't help it anymore, tears ran down with two smart eyes. She waited for countless years, finally looking forward to such a day.

If he was reborn, Li Yutong is now a real angel on earth, and a real beauty like a fairy. Her figure, her face, and her temperament are enough to kill any woman called a beauty in seconds.

Weeping with joy, Li Yutong shed tears of joy, tears of excitement, and tears of gratitude. This bottle of active water that can get rid of her birthmark was given to her by Lin Feng.

"Little student Lin Feng, thank you! Thank you so much..."

Looking at the beautiful self in the mirror, Lin Feng emerged in Li Yutong's mind.

"It's no wonder that Lin Feng repeatedly stressed yesterday that I should use this active water to wash my face. It turned out to be effective. Now my face is flawless, and I don't have any terrible birthmarks... Um! I want to go quickly. Find Lin Feng, let him see it first, and thank him very much..."

Li Yutong used to hate looking in the mirror the most, and has never been narcissistic in the mirror like other girls. Today, it was the first time that she experienced what it was like to be a woman, what it was like to be a beautiful woman.

Li Yutong has become more beautiful as a woman who is pleased with herself. She wanted Lin Feng to be the first to see and see how beautiful she was.

However, Li Yutong only saw Lin Feng for the first time yesterday. He did not have Lin Feng's mobile phone number or Lin Feng's home address. Yesterday she only sent Lin Feng to the intersection of Tong'an, not knowing which number it was.

"Right! Look for Minjing... Minjing is Lin Feng's head teacher, she must know where his home is!"

Excited, Li Yutong, like a 13-year-old girl, ran back to the bedroom with excitement, took out his cell phone, and dialed the cell phone of his good girlfriend Xu Minjing.

"Hey! Minjing, give me the address of Lin Feng's house..."

Li Yutong said hurriedly as soon as he answered the phone.

"The address of Lin Feng's house? Tongtong, what are you going to do at Lin Feng's house?" Xu Minjing, who was correcting test papers in the school office, asked strangely.

"Don't worry about this. I know that Lin Feng's house is on Tong'an Road. What is the specific number?"

"Wait a minute! Tongtong, I'll look for it... It seems... I found it, it's No. 25, Tongan Road!" Xu Minjing said after looking through the class's student address book.

"No. 25, Tong'an Road... Got it! Minjing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thank you!"

After getting the address of Lin Feng's house, Li Yutong hung up the phone, took a deep breath, and walked to the bathroom again to put the veil on. It's just that there is no longer any ugly birthmark under the veil, but a huge beauty like a fairy.

"Lin Feng! Sister's veil must be lifted by you! This beautiful face was given to her by you, and she wants you to be the first to see it!"

After speaking to the mirror, Li Yutong randomly picked some expensive alcohol and tobacco from others from the living room. As a gift to thank Lin Feng, he placed it on the back seat of the convertible Mercedes-Benz sports car. When he stepped on the accelerator, he pulled it. The wind drove towards Lin Feng's house.

At this time, Lin Feng didn't even think about the active water he gave to Li Yutong last night. He would never know that Sister Tongtong, who is now beautiful, is rushing towards his house!

Lin Feng's current headache and anger is Chen Xiaodong's family, that Zhang Lizhen and her mother scolded at the dinner table, always showing off their house and car. Although his mother didn't like these things in his retort, Lin Feng felt very uncomfortable when he saw his father lowered his head in shame, and his father Chen Wangfu's superior posture.

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