Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 255: Full marks

Seeing that Sister Tongtong was hesitant to speak and wanted to go, but hesitated to leave, Lin Feng didn't know where his courage came from, so he leaned down and lifted Li Yutong's veil very aggressively. His lips just leaned forward.


Li Yutong was stunned!

An unspeakable shock, accompanied by Lin Feng's domineering kiss, made her unable to resist.

Feeling confused, Li Yutong never thought that he would be kissed forcibly. Although she stole a kiss to Lin Feng yesterday, she tasted kissing a boy for the first time. But today, it has a completely different feeling.



It's rippling and forgetting!

Li Yutong felt like he had drunk too much now, drunk, and drunk in Lin Feng's strong and gentle kiss.


I really enjoyed this feeling. Close my eyes, Li Yutong didn't mean to resist at all. The whole body softened, and even both hands couldn't help hooking Lin Feng's neck, making a choking noise, as if hope. Lin Feng got closer, got closer.

For Lin Feng, the white veil is full of hazy beauty. The arrogant exquisite figure makes people feel heartbeat. That peerless face like a god, it is impossible to look away.

Kiss it!

Grabbing Li Yutong's thin lips and sucking gently, Lin Feng, who has had several kissing experiences, is no longer as panicked as he did in the previous few times. Moreover, it seemed that Sister Tongtong's reaction was also catering to him, so Lin Feng wanted to stick out his tongue even more boldly.

But at this moment, Li Yutong woke up from this beautiful feeling, thinking that he had only met Lin Feng for a day, and he had broken the line of defense in this way. The reserved and shy girl gave her courage. Using her soft hands, Lin Feng gently pushed away.

Blushing, lowering his head, and covering the veil again, Li Yutong groaned at Lin Fengjiao: "Lin Feng! You little villain, take advantage of my sister!"

This is a sentence of anger rather than blame, so Lin Feng licked his lips and replied shamelessly: "Sister Tongtong, according to this, you took advantage of me last night. Today I am nothing but It's just Sister Xue Tongtong, now we are even!"

"Who is even with you? Hehe... Lin Feng, my sister still has things to deal with today, and I will be free next day! I will come to play with you again..."

Li Yutong seemed to be satisfied with this, and without hesitation, stepped on the gas pedal and drove the car out.

But Lin Feng smiled and watched Li Yutong's back leave, and couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Shen Shui is really a god. Now that Sister Tongtong’s birthmark is removed, who would dare to laugh at Sister Tongtong again? Is it ugly?"

Using Shenshui helped Li Yutong restore his appearance and let the stone in Lin Feng's heart come down. But at the Lin family at this time, Mother Lin cheerfully said to her husband Lin Shengli while washing the dishes: "Lao Lin, you said... how can this Tongtong girl be so beautiful? If it is really our daughter-in-law, more OK!"

"Come on! Guizhu, our family's conditions, Xiao Feng is only 18 years old, it is still a problem whether she can pass the college entrance examination in the future! The conditions of her Tongtong girl are so good, she needs money and money, looks and looks. , How can you look at our Xiaofeng?"

Compared with Lin's fantasy, Lin's father is a little more realistic. Looking at the Chinese cigarettes and Maotai on the table, there is beauty in his heart!

"Guizhu! Look at these alcohol and tobacco, that is Moutai! Lin Shengli, I have drunk a lot of good wine in this life, but this is Moutai. I only heard the name but never tasted it. This is the national wine of our country. Ah! I don't know what it will be like..."

Looking at the gorgeous packaging of Moutai, Father Lin was a little drooling.

But Mother Lin ran out of the kitchen with a squeeze, picked up the tobacco and alcohol and locked it in the cabinet, and solemnly warned Father Lin: "I tell you, Lin Shengli, don't fight these tobacco and alcohol ideas. . Thousands of dollars worth of things, don’t spoil them, find a gift-recycling store and sell them someday..."

"Eh eh eh... Guizhu, how can you give me a drink to make a mess? Besides, the girl Tongtong sent me a piece of heart, and we will sell it again. Isn't that good? Why can you I can’t drink Moutai if I accept their VIP platinum card?"

As a senior drunkard and afraid of his wife, Father Lin didn't dare to refute Mother Lin, but today he looked at the drooling Moutai and said boldly.

"What's the matter? Lin Shengli, want to rebel? What happened to my old lady receiving this platinum card? That Meiyuan Women's Health Club was opened by Tongtong herself. You don't know how expensive these cigarettes and alcohol are? It means there are several of us two. What about his salary! Listen to me, these tobacco and alcohol are sold. At most... I will leave you a small bottle of Moutai at most, no more!"

Although Lin's mother is very strong at home, she is still a little gentle while being overbearing. Knowing that her husband loves to drink, she still leaves him a share of Moutai.

"Hey! Guizhu, I know you are good to me. A bottle of Moutai is enough, I just...just want to taste it...hey..."

Hearing Mother Lin said to keep a bottle of Moutai, Father Lin was so happy! It's as if children were rewarded with sweets by adults~www.wuxiaspot.com~Oh! Look at your promise, when... Our family can really afford a house and drive a car, so we don’t have to worry about Xiaofeng’s tuition and living expenses, just fine! "

Although the Lin family's life was not hard, they were not rich either, and there was almost no balance in the family's savings. Mother Lin thought that Zhang Lizhen's family was changing houses and having a commercial vehicle to travel, but she still felt uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry! Guizhu, I'm all to blame... I'm a truck driver who has been working for more than ten years, and the salary is still so low. Even you and Xiao Feng can't afford it, I'm useless!"

Hearing his wife's sigh, Lin Shengli said guiltily. Although he has been working diligently and diligently for more than ten years, the world is like this now. An honest and diligent person like Lin's father can only get a dead salary, and he can't make a lot of money by reluctantly mixing with a Wenbao.

At this time, in the English group office of Zhi'an No. 1 Middle School, all English teachers were intensively correcting test papers. Xu Minjing had a pile of English test papers in her hand and was seriously correcting her English composition, but suddenly a teacher from the Chinese group ran over and greeted Xu Minjing excitedly and said: "Mr. Xu! It's amazing! There is a classmate in your class. The language test actually got full marks!"

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