Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2712: Collect leaks

"I think everyone should know what it is that I called you to come..." on the mobile phone." Lin Feng swept around everyone and said with a smile.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, the disciples of Bai Yu's "door" looked at each other, with a little helpless eyes. Of course, what they didn't expect was that Lin Feng actually called them to pick up the leak. A group of disciples came full of hope. As a result, they were told face-to-face that everyone was going out to pick up the omission.

The so-called leak detection is to collect the deceased's storage bag and take the deceased's property as his own. In the realm of comprehension, it is called leak detection.

"Lord of the'door', it seems a bit bad for us to come out to do such a thing." A disciple stood up, with a look of helplessness, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Have you ever seen someone picking up a leak?" Lin Feng asked with a smile looking at everyone.

"I have seen it before, and many casual cultivators do such things!"

"Yeah, yeah, as long as these people see where there is a large-scale fight, they will immediately pass it, and then take the deceased's storage bag as their own. These cultivators who collect leaks are basically casual cultivators. Face!"

"No, these casual cultivators are really shameless!"

When it comes to picking up the leak, a group of people are ‘essential’ and ‘excited’, and they all start talking. Seeing what this group of guys look like, Lin Feng shook his head. This group of guys still didn’t taste the sweetness.

"Well, everyone listens to the Lord of the'door'!" Huang Yao said in a low voice with a calm face.

Hearing Huang Yao's words, everyone was quiet, standing there, you pushed me, I pushed you, everyone was quiet, looking at Lin Feng, waiting for Lin Feng to speak.

"Okay, I'll give you a task now. This afternoon, there will be a battle between the Lunar'gate' and the Puppet Sect and the Nebula Holy Land Wanfa Guizong. These four'gates' will be sent to fight each other. I’m personally responsible for picking up twenty storage bags."

Lin Feng swept around this ‘Bo’ disciple and said, “Huang Yao will give each of you a small moving talisman, and then, with twenty storage bags, you can come back.”

As he said, Lin Feng waved his hand to the disciples and said, "Of course, if you have poor abilities, you can shoot directly, but I still advise you to take less shots. This battlefield is also the worst. It's time to transform the spirit."

Lin Feng's voice was faint. Hearing what Lin Feng said, a group of disciples, look at me, and I look at you. They stood there, their faces a little ‘pretty’.

Could it be possible that their current ‘door’ master was born in a casual cultivator, and before that, they had always been working for a while? Otherwise, I won’t greet them all to pick up the omissions...

Thinking of this, a group of people looked at each other, and they didn't even know what to say...

Seeing the appearance of a group of disciples, Lin Feng waved his hand and said: "These'men' sects are all disciples of the big'men' sect. Whether it is vision, cultivation level or collection, it is not something you can imagine. Collect these storages. At the same time, it can also help you to open your eyes and deal with the Sanxiu who really picks up the leaks. You can also learn about the outside world and practice. It is never a day to nest in the sect and let the seniors protect You can do whatever you want."

Lin Feng looked at a group of people reluctantly, his expressions were serious, and said.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, a group of disciples bowed their heads, and some silent disciples began to nod.

"Yes, Lord of the Door, I'm going here." These disciples stood up, took something in Huang Yao's hand, and turned around and went out directly.

"Yes, listen to the master of the door, don't worry, the master of the door will not harm you." Huang Yao looked at everyone with a smile on his face, and said, these disciples are in Huang Yao's Under the lead, one by one took the small moving talisman and went out. Lin Feng's face was smiling, looking at everyone who went out, his face finally brought a little fox smile.

Seeing Lin Feng's smile, everyone couldn't help trembling. They trembled, and seeing Lin Feng like this, they all felt that they were here to do coolies, and their employer was Lin Feng.

"Brother, send them to the battlefield at this time, isn't it?" Huang Yao stood in front of Lin Feng, looked at the disciple who went out, and said softly.

"If you don't experience it yourself, you don't know the horror of the war, let them go. Our Baiyu'gate' is still young. If they can't rise quickly, even if I give them thousands of resources, they will not be able to develop."

Lin Feng's expression was faint, he looked at the disciple of Bai Yu's door and said.

"You and Ji Lan go and guard them. If Li is here waiting for them to come back, collect their storage bags and let them leave 20% of their property, which can be stored with you first." Lin Feng Quickly arranged a few people, and said with a smile.

"Yes, Master, don't worry, Master, I will do it well." Ji Ruoli's eyes were shining with stars, and he nodded without hesitation, as if he was eager to try.

"I set up a five-level defensive formation for you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ our disciples are back. You open the formation and let them in. This is the way to open the formation." Lin Feng will open and burn directly. On the'Jade' dish,'Hand over' to Ji Ruoli, said.

Although Ji Ruoli was young, but because of his many experiences, he worked very steadily. This is why Lin Feng assured Ji Ruoli to "hand over" things.

"Yeah." Ji Ruoli nodded, holding Lin Feng's things, Huang Yao and Ji Lan had already followed the young disciples out.

After arranging things here, Lin Feng and Qin Yanran looked at each other, and the two of them smiled at each other and walked outside together.

"Master, where are you going?" Ji Ruoli raised his head and looked at the two people who went out and asked.

"I went for a walk with your wife, and I will be back soon." Lin Feng smiled and said to Ji Ruoli.

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, Ji Ruoli nodded and sat there, looking at Lin Feng’s back, biting his lips slightly, and his eyes became a little more lonely. The young girl was just the age when his love began. At this age, although I can't say how focused on feelings, but in my heart, there will always be countless ideas.

In Ji Ruoli's heart, Lin Feng was her thoughts. When Lin Feng appeared on the island to bring her out, she had already planted a seed called Lin Feng in her heart.

This seed began to ferment continuously in Ji Ruoli's heart, and finally, fermented to a state that Ji Ruoli could not bear. This state persisted for a period of time, and finally shattered.

Because by Lin Feng's side, there was a powerful maid accompanying her.

Ji Ruoli buried his feelings deeply in his heart, and was unwilling to say it. Perhaps, he never had a chance to say it again. Thinking about this, Ji Ruo's loneliness became more serious.

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