Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2728: Arrived

Little Crane’s “door” master’s look and “color” is a bit complicated, but the “Jing” English disciples have basically taken refuge in the past, and there are very few level masters at Xiaohe’s door. After persuading, Xiaohe's'men' master came with a group of disciples. .. Mobile terminal m.

He was in the lead, and the other five small'gates' were waiting outside the'gates' of the mountain. If, if they were not true to these disciples, they would attack the mountain themselves. However, they have not yet entered the mountain. There are five over there. The little'men' faction was silent.

The master of Xiaohe's "door" and "door" was a little nervous, and he was a little uncertain about the "door" of Baiyu for a while.

"Welcome to the master of Xiaohe's door and door." Lin Feng stood there with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the owner of Xiaohe's door and door, and said, "Little Crane door and door." Since the Lord is here to surrender, please ask in there, and you can'hand over' it to these disciples outside."

With that, Lin Feng made a gesture of asking.

The owner of Xiaohe'door' raised his head and was taken aback when he saw Lin Feng.

This...Is this too young?

Xiaohe's "door" and "door" master looked at Lin Feng, and stood there for a moment with some doubts, the young man in front of him was really the "door" master of Bai Yu's "door"?

This is the ‘door’ master of the Baiyu’s door that those disciples talked about after they went back? Teasing him

Glancing at Huang Yao and the old ghost with white beard who are supporting Lin Feng, Xiaohe’s “door” master has to admit that this person should be the legendary “door” master of Baiyu’s “door”, Lin Feng, they don’t know , But he still knows Huang Yao and Old Ghost Baixu.

"Zizhu'men' leads his disciples to surrender!"

"Qianyin'men' leads his disciples to surrender!"

"Xiao'men' leads his disciples to surrender!"

"Huang Quanzong leads his disciples to surrender!"

"The Crane Sect leads the disciples to surrender!"

Little Crane’s “door” master hadn’t reacted yet, and five other disciples of the small “door” sect came from the sky. Then, a group of people all rose into the sky. Picked it up, didn't you say he would be the first?

Why are all these ‘men’ sects here?

A bad premonition spread around Xiaohe's "door" and "door" master. Soon, Xiaohe's "door"'s pupils contracted, his eyes rounded and looked at the sky.

A powerful breath spreads in the sky, and the pink ‘colored’ dragons that are several feet long are constantly shuttled around, and there are many snake-human races behind!

Legend has it that both the Snake People and Ruolong were used by Bai Yu's ‘door’, this turned out to be true!

The six “men” masters of the small “men” faction stood together, with some complex expressions looking at the square who were constantly lobbying to join Baiyu’s “men” and the former disciples of the “men” faction. There are some other things in my mind.

What they didn't expect was that, silently, there should be such a powerful ‘door’ faction here, Baiyu’s ‘door’, I am afraid they can compete with the puppet sect!

Thinking of this, the original careful thoughts of the six small ‘door’ schools were gone, one by one honestly lowered his head and pulled out the storage ring from his hand.

This time, they knew that they had completely killed themselves! If you didn't die, they knew that was the case, they didn't dare to send someone over to attack Bai Yu's'door', now it's fine, stealing the'chicken' won't be a loss, on the contrary, they will help themselves.

Who ever thought that this "door" of Bai Yu, who kept his self-sacrifice, had hidden so many masters!

Look at me and I look at you from the six “doors” of the “door” school, each with a bit of sorrow.

Haven't you visited this place beforehand? The eyes of the six small ‘door’ masters are all conveying such speed.

The Jiuhe Sect was destroyed and was subdued by Huang Yao and the old ghost with white beard. They believed it. After all, the disciples of these small'men' sects were also qualified. If there is a group, it is best for them, but, What they didn't expect was that these disciples seemed to have taken some miraculous'medicine' overnight, and they all changed.

However, everyone can only shrug their shoulders helplessly, not because they haven't thought about it, but about what they want to think about. It seems that the matter is almost over.

A group of people stood there with their heads down, one by one very sad.

"Okay, since a few of you have come to surrender, let's go inside and talk about things outside, naturally someone will take care of it." Lin Feng's mouth with a gentle smile, looking at the hands of these'men' groups,'door', smiling Hehe said.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, the heads of these ‘door’ sect’s ‘doors’ were a little reluctant, but they still followed the steps one by one, and followed Lin Feng directly to the chamber.

"The master of the'door' is really amazing!" Huang Yao said with a thumbs up, looking at Lin Feng's back and admiring his face.

"Do you think that this matter seems a little overwhelming?" The old ghost with white beard looked at Lin Feng's back, with a bit of groaning, turning his head to look at Huang Yao, and asked.

"What the hell, I think the way the'door' master handles things is'very' powerful. If it were me, I would definitely not be able to do so well." Huang Yao waved his hand and said with a smile, looking at Lin Feng From the back, the whole look looks a little silly.

Old Ghost White Beard shook his head. He had been following Lin Feng for a long time, and along the way, the original contempt and carelessness were completely gone after the time spent with Lin Feng.

However, how does Old Ghost White Bear feel that as long as there is Lin Feng, there is trouble?

Thinking of this, Old Ghost White Beard shook his head, probably because he was thinking too much, or, because there happened to be ‘chaos’ and ‘chaos’ appeared ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng just moved in.

In the next few days, the entire Chi Yanling was quiet.

This silence was completely broken after a few days. Originally, there were seven small'men' schools in Chi Yanling, but one night, Xiaohe'men', Zizhu'men', Qianyin'men', Xiao' Gate’, Huangquan Sect, the six small factions of the Xianhe faction have openly joined the Baiyu’s “gate”, and the spirit veins of the original six small “gate” factions have also moved directly into the “gate” of Baiyu, and the six distant “gates” The'men' faction each occupies a hill, becoming the six factions of Baiyu'men'.

The news came off guard. After the puppet sect was killed by the Nebula Holy Land, Chi Yanling was panicked, and all the practitioners were watching. Now, in just a few days, Chi Yanling The'door' faction shuffled the cards themselves.

The news came so quickly that the cultivators in Chi Yanling, including casual cultivators, had their eyes widened, and they ran one by one, looking for the reason.

However, the reason has not been found out. Another major event broke out again, that is, led by Lanyue's Gate, Liuligu and Wanfa Guizong joined the cooperative three factions alliance, and directly fought on the territory of Nebula Holy Land. , The three factions all attacked the Nebula Holy Land with an indomitable momentum.

The change of the little Chi Yanling suddenly became the past tense. Everyone gathered towards the Nebula Holy Land, one by one, with good expectations and even a bit of gloat, and rushed to the Nebula Holy Land.

At this time, the Nebula Holy Land is bound to be in chaos. At this time, it is a good time to fish for oil and water!

Especially those who are in casual cultivators, one by one, the ‘essence’ is invigorated. If they can obtain a book of spiritual cultivation from the Nebula Holy Land, they will make a lot of money! Maybe it can be even better!

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