Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2733: Shocking debut

In the sky, a giant shuttle passes through the clouds. ... !

The disciples of Bai Yu's "door" stood on the shuttle, looking at the scenery below, each of them with excitement and eyes full of admiration.

"Wow, looking at our Baiyu'door' like this, it's so beautiful."

"Yes, yes, look, this is Baiyu City, this is the Scarlet Flame Mountain Range, look, there is still a nest of monsters there."

"I saw it, look, it's so beautiful there, there are so many'flowers' blooming!"

A group of disciples stood on the shuttle, looking down, pointing, and exclaiming in a low voice. They had never stood together and watched the scenery below. They are now standing in Chitakisuo, completely satisfying them. .

A cultivator can fly, but a person is always lonely. Such an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery with everyone, for them, can be regarded as seeing a different kind of beautiful scenery.

of course……

Not everyone has such a flying shuttle capable of accommodating so many disciples. The entire Yanxuan Continent may only be owned by the four major sects and nine families, and the space may not be as large as the one in front of you. .

Therefore, the disciple Bai Yu's'door', after seeing the flying shuttle that Lin Feng took out, was still a little unbelievable. Even if standing at the flying shuttle at this time, there are still many disciples in the clouds and mist, I don't know why.

The people in front are watching the scenery below, and the people below are of course no exception.

The shuttle flew over from the air, and someone looked up inadvertently and saw this huge object.

"Look, what is that?" A cultivator pointed at the sky, his eyes widened in an instant, the corners of his mouth opened slightly, and he said to his companion.

"so big!"

"Yes, yeah, is this the shuttle of the four major'men' sects? But, I have never heard of this thing in the four major'men' sects." Some monks who have relatively high cultivation level and have met the world. Looking at the flying shuttle in the sky, muttered.

"Look, there is a word on the face, it is Bai Yu's'door'."

"What is Baiyu's'gate'?" As soon as she heard the name of Baiyu's'gate', everyone's expressions were instantly lost. You look at me, I look at you, you don't know this Baiyu at all. What is the door?

In Yanxuan Continent, they had never heard of the name Bai Yu's'door'.

But, obviously, this Baiyu'gate' should be a great'gate' school. Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a huge flying shuttle. You know, such a flying shuttle is expensive to build. The most important thing is The thing is, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it!

However, the truth is that they have never heard of the name Bai Yu's'door'!

The people below talked a lot, and Lin Feng was not at all peaceful at this time.

"Master, the spirit stones are used up, you can add one more."

"Master, I know I am greedy for spirit stones, but you can't do that either."

"Master, Master, I'm almost out of breath, Master, I need spirit stones."

A ghost crying and howling wolf sounded constantly in Lin Feng's mind. Chitaki was crying with a face, and his whole body appeared in Lin Feng's mind, looking at Lin Feng with a pitiful face, crying poorly in Lin Feng's mind.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, and turned a deaf ear to Chitaki's words. Does this guy lack spirit stones?

The Puppet Sect is also considered the leader of the Yanxuan Continent’s “door” faction. As a result, the total number of spirit stones of the “door” faction does not even have a billion. The disciples of the puppet sect need no more spirit stones. It can't be so poor.

In the final analysis, it was Chitaki, who took them in with the sheep.

Whether it's the Puppet Sect, the Moon's Gate or the Nebula Holy Land, this guy is ahead.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng closed his mind and isolated Chitaki's voice from the outside. In this way, the whole person was instantly more comfortable.

Chitaki was still chattering in Lin Feng's ear, but Lin Feng could no longer hear Chitaki's chattering. At the moment when his mind was closed, Lin Feng felt that the whole world was quiet in an instant.

"Husband, we are here." Qin Yanran stood beside Lin Feng and pointed to the big city below.

"Go down." Lin Feng smiled and nodded, and then, Feishuo fell directly down.

Below is Liangcheng next to Nebula City, the Holy Land of Nebula.

In Liangcheng, someone had already seen the giant in the sky.

"This...this is?"

"Bai Yu'door'?"

Everyone’s expressions in the city of “Lace” were a bit “confused”. Soon, Fei Shuo stopped at the square in the center of the city, and the disciples of Bai Yu’s “gate” swarmed down. The whole area around the center of Liang city was already Surrounded by people, they are pointing here.

Seeing the appearance of these onlookers, Bai Yu's "door" disciples immediately raised their expressions, and each of them immediately lit up. Looking at the people below, their eyes sparkled with stars.

"Oh my god, so handsome!"

"What kind of "door" is this Baiyu "door"? These disciples seem to be very rich."

"No, look at the crowd, that's so handsome! Goodness!"

A group of young'women' stood on the side, staring at the disciples of Bai Yu's'men' who kept coming out.

No matter when, "flower" idiots always exist, and in the realm of comprehension is no exception, the "flower" idiots in the world of cultivation, the "flower" idiots in the world of cultivation, not only depends on the appearance, but also depends on the ability. , Their "flower" idiots are obviously more advanced.

The disciples of Baiyu's'men' were originally disciples of the small'men' sect. In such a big city, they have always walked with their heads down and even beggars disdain them. Now they suddenly received such a warm welcome. I froze for a while, and then all of them wanted to show their proper attitude~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These disciples raised their heads and walked down the shuttle directly and looked around. Envy, with a somewhat good gaze, all the disciples of Bai Yu'men' all breathed a sigh of relief and became more and more happy.

This kind of treatment is something they never dreamed of.

But now, everything has become a reality.

The disciple of Bai Yu's "door" stood in the square, the steps at his feet were still a little floating, and he couldn't believe that he was already standing in the square at this time, being watched by these people as if they were doing something rare.

Lin Feng finally walked out with Qin Yanran and Qianqian, and Ji Ruoli followed Lin Feng with a smile on his face.

As soon as the four people came out, especially the three beauties, the expressions of the people changed again. Of course, this time it was mainly the hormones of the male cultivator, and I couldn’t control it, Qin Yanran He Qianqian, they are all superb beauties!

Feeling the overwhelming gaze around him, Lin Feng directly closed Chi Takisuo, and glanced around, Lin Feng's aura slowly revealed a little, and the people around were still guilty of "flowers". Immediately it became quiet, and most of his faces were very ugly, as if choked by something.

How could there be such a powerful person beside the beauty?

After the disciples of Bai Yu's "door" felt it, they all began to snicker. These guys dare to covet the beauty of their "door" masters. It's really... a little bolder!

You know, they are sighing that the Lord of the Door is not Amo, and the Lord of the Door is also jealous!

Now, the master of the "door" is Baiyu's famous vinegar jar, and it is still a jar of vinegar that nobody can provoke!

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