Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2831: Wailing of Frost Sword

Chitakisuo and a group of people have been walking high in the sky. It took a full seven days before arriving in the city closest to the place where the bones were buried.

"We need to go down and buy something, otherwise, we can't go in." Old man Huang pointed to the big city below, turned his head to look at Lin Feng, and said with a serious face, "The place where the bones are buried is the division of the Chiyan Mountains and Huangtuzhou. Point, the area here is very large, especially the vast desert outside. We must prepare sufficient supplies."

Lin Feng nodded when he heard the words of Old Man Huang. To save directness, Qian Takisuo directly penetrated the moat formation. Several people fell in the city. Deng Jiajia, Qin Yanran and Qianqian found a rest in a wine shop. Lin Feng is going out with Old Man Huang to prepare things.

There are a lot of things to be prepared, but there is a familiar person like Old Man Huang, and things are prepared very quickly. Just like this, Lin Feng’s spirit stones don’t know how much they have thrown away, but they still need things ready. Up.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the wine shop. Several people discussed it.

Suddenly, the Frost Sword that had been kept by Lin Feng began to tremble violently.

Feeling the trembling of the Frost Sword, Lin Feng frowned, and took out the Frost Sword. The Frost Sword pointed directly at the location of the buried bones, and the trembling eyes even made a little faint sound. Whine.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yanran frowned when she saw the Frost Sword in Lin Feng's hand.

"The Frost Sword seems to be warning, it seems that something has happened." Lin Feng's expression was serious, looking at Frost Sword, and said, "I don't know what happened."

"Is something wrong with Ziyi?" Qin Yanran's brows were tightly frowned upon hearing Lin Feng's words. She placed her hand on the Frost Sword, and the Frost Sword trembled slightly. Telling Qin Yanran that it is like this.

Seeing the appearance of Frost Sword, Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Old Man Huang, and said:

"Old man, can we go in now?"

"No, the burial place at night is too yin qi, we are easy to fall into it, once you fall into it, no matter how good you are, it will be difficult to get out, and it will take some time. If you want to save your friends, you have to We won’t be able to go in until the morning sun rises tomorrow morning."

Old man Huang shook his head, looked at Lin Feng, and said with a certain expression.

Lin Feng closed his brows when he heard Old Man Huang's words.

Suddenly, the whole Frost Sword came to light up and let out a sharp whine. The next moment, it fell on Lin Feng's palm, quietly, and there was no more sound.

"This is?" Seeing the appearance of the Frost Sword, both Lin Feng and Qin Yanran frowned. They were a bit more serious than their eyes. They looked at each other and looked at the Frost Sword in their hands. Got serious.

"I'm serious. Go in tonight. You will only waste time. It's best to go in tomorrow. Let's go in again." Old man Huang frowned and looked at the two people and said, "Go in tonight, even if There is something, and I cannot guarantee that we can enter safely."

"Yeah, yeah, it's not easy to walk around the Burial Land at night." Deng Jiajia also stood up, looked at Lin Feng, and said, "Ms. Yao will be fine. Let's go in early tomorrow. If you hurry, in the afternoon It's the place where the bones are buried."

"Yeah." Lin Feng nodded and stood there frowning. After a while, he raised his head and breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "This restaurant has rooms, so let's live in the restaurant."

"Okay." Old man Huang nodded and took Deng Jiajia away first. Qianqian glanced at Lin Feng's appearance, hesitated for a moment, and went out, leaving Qin Yanran with Lin Feng inside.

Qin Yanran hugged Lin Feng from behind, leaned her head on Lin Feng's shoulder, and said, "Are you thinking of Ziyi?"

Lin Feng didn't answer Qin Yanran's question. He looked outside, his eyes drifting away, his mind completely absorbed in his thoughts.

Qin Yanran held Lin Feng to accompany Lin Feng quietly. For a while, Lin Feng sighed and said, "I killed Ziyi. If it weren't for me, Ziyi would definitely not endure such a thing. "

Lin Feng turned his head, looked at Qin Yanran, and said softly.

"Don't worry, Ziyi will be fine. Believe me, she is one of our friends. Together, we even rushed through the endless sea. The masters in the early Mahayana period were killed. A place where bones are buried, she must be able to Persist in our past."

Qin Yanran concealed her worries into the depths of her heart, looked at Lin Feng, and said seriously, "Nothing will happen."

Lin Feng nodded, gently hugged Qin Yanran into his arms, and sighed with relief, and said, "Thank you, Yanran, thank you for being with me."

"Let’s take a good rest. Tomorrow we will resurrect with full blood, and then we will cross the vast desert into the Burial Ground. The miasma outside the Burial Ground is too heavy, so the Frost Sword can’t sense Ziyi’s position. Maybe Frost Sword can sense it."

Lin Feng nodded, both of them hid their worries, but Lin Feng tightly held the Frost Sword in his hand.

The icy Frost Sword didn't seem to have the coldness of the past, and Lin Feng could feel that Yao Ziyi's breath in the Frost Sword was beginning to fade.

"Ziyi, you must hold on!" Lin Feng clasped the long sword in his hand, looked ahead, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and then immediately fell silent, "If something happens to you, I will I will deal with your slaughter, if anyone dares to bully you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will let him enjoy your pain more than ten times."

Lin Feng muttered quietly in his heart, and as Qin Yanran returned to the room, she sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice.

Seeing Lin Feng's seriousness, Qin Yanran blocked Qianqian's footsteps and said, "Let's go out, let him calm down."

Hearing Qin Yanran's words, Qianqian nodded, and the second daughter cautiously left the room, closed the door for Lin Feng, and opened the restriction. The second daughter did not leave, but Zhan Zian guarded Lin Feng outside, and the worry in his eyes became more and more. The hair is severe.

"Two girls?" Old man Huang moved his head over, and then handed Qin Yanran and Qianqian a foul-smelling jar, and said, "Two girls, dress up in disguise. You two will go in the place where the bones are buried. It will become their target, so it’s too dangerous for us to find someone. You change your appearance and pretend to be a man. In this way, no one will notice us. Don’t worry, this is our exclusive secret recipe. , Change the appearance, very powerful!"

Old man Huang gave a thumbs up to the second woman and said softly.

Hearing what the old man Huang said, the two women were half-believing, but they still applied a little bit on their faces. Under the stimulation of the drug, their faces really began to change. Seeing this, the two women’s eyes were I was surprised that this thing really has this effect!

Seeing the appearance of the second woman, the old man Huang smiled and said: "You have to apply this medicine jar once a day. If you don't apply it, it will return to normal."

Old man Huang looked at the second girl with a bit of pride on his face and said.

"Thanks a lot." Qin Yanran nodded, the two girls painted a layer, and then each took half of them and put them away. WeChat search public account: wmdy66, you are lonely, my sister warms you with movies

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