Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2908: Poisonous fog

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng asked with a move in his heart.

"What else is going on? The poisonous fog in this Blue Valley is already heavy. No one has managed it these days. The poisonous fog has become heavier. Even the ice blue grass has no effect. Those people are still there. Stupidly sprinting inside, I see that those people are also stupid, one by one, all seem to be possessed."

A disciple sneered and said, "This way of cultivation is so long. If you lose your life, what else can you talk about gaining the Dao? What about immortality?"

"Hey, what do you know, we monks, we are fighting against the sky, fate, and risky, how can we not go?" Another disciple sneered and said, "But this Blue Valley, we have usually visited. We have cleaned up all the treasures on the periphery. As for that, now that the elite disciples of the four major sects have gone in, it is no longer our turn to get the treasures. It is better to watch outside and make some money!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Several people nodded in agreement. Suddenly, several people looked at me and I looked at you. One of them looked at everyone and said, "Who asked the question just now?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads one by one. Several disciples looked around at the sight of ghosts. They were surrounded by familiar sect masters, brothers and sisters, and there were no strangers at all!

Thinking of this, the bodies of several people suddenly trembled. They all shook, and they all sat on the ground, looking at the entrance of Langu, a few disciples, look at me, I look at you, and stood up silently, facing Back outside, as if I was no longer involved.

"These guys." Lin Feng shook his head. Seeing these guys, he was a little bit dumbfounded. These guys are really...not ordinary greedy for life and fear of death!

Lin Feng appeared inadvertently from the place where several people stood before, and then walked into the blue valley. Along the way, he also saw many disciples of the Baiyu Clan. These disciples were in the blue valley, because there was no prevention from the four major sects. Only a few small sects dealt with them, and they didn't have much danger. Occasionally, when they passed by and saw that a disciple couldn't support it, Lin Feng would secretly help, throwing a few ice orchids and the like.

In this way, Lin Feng walked all the way, listening to these disciples talking about the situation in the valley, and then headed towards the depths.

Blue mist spread everywhere throughout the Blue Valley. The blue mist didn't have any odor, but as soon as it was smelled, the mist entered from the end of the nose and went directly towards Lin Feng's limbs and corpses. Around Lin Feng's veins.


This guy can still be like this?

A flash of surprise flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, and his mind directly penetrated into these blue mists. These blue mists continued to entangle and wrap around Lin Feng, gradually covering Lin Feng's veins and veins. , Compressed towards Lin Feng's veins.

Lin Feng's brows frowned, and the true energy moved towards the mist pressure, but there was no response at all. These weapons were not afraid of Lin Feng's true energy at all, even after Lin Feng's true energy entered, these mists Will quickly swallow Lin Feng's true energy.

"Good guy!"

Feeling this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up and he didn't move in a hurry, but sat cross-legged in the blue mist.

Although these blue mists look simple, soundless and tasteless, they are definitely a weapon to kill people, and they can kill people invisibly. If his spiritual sense is not inherently stronger, he would really be held back by these blue mists. Own body.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mind controlled the blue mist to slowly enter his body, and then transformed the blue mist into the strength he needed.

This is a very long process. After Blue Wu entered Lin Feng's body, it quickly moved towards Lin Feng's limbs, tightly entwined with Lin Feng's meridians, and won't give Lin at all. Feng has too much time to react.

These guys...

Lin Feng gritted his teeth, Lin Feng's mind continued to rise in his body, and the blue mist in his body became more and more, but these blue mist did not mean to enter the Dinghai God Pearl with his mind.

What a trouble!

Lin Feng kept experimenting, and worked so hard to get a little bit past.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He sat there paralyzed and gave a wry smile. It was...troublesome to solve these things.

"Master, why don't you need to refine the demon pot?" Qing Ling stood in front of Lin Feng, looked at Lin Feng, and said softly, "These blue mists are alive. If you use the demon pot, you can definitely give them to you soon. Taken back."

Hearing Qing Ling's words, Lin Feng's heart moved, hesitated for a moment, and greeted the demon refining pot. After feeling the breath of the demon refining pot, Lan Wu began to escape.

Good guys!

Seeing this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately, the aura of the demon refining pot enveloped his entire body, and the blue mist began to rush in its body.

Qing Ling stood aside and looked at Lin Feng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His eyes were a bit strange. He only said that Lin Feng had a high-fake demon refining pot, which had a little smell of demon refining pot, but he did not expect that Lin Feng’s In his body, there is a real, innate treasure refining demon pot.

Thinking of this, Qingling paused, and her figure was a little bit hidden. With Lin Feng these days, she can understand Lin Feng’s character. Lin Feng’s attitude towards herself has always been good, even the following People speak bluntly and he welcomes them.

"Why not throw in your apprentice named Ouyang Bai?" Qing Ling said softly, "The demon refining pot can refine the demon beast, but in the same way, it can also help the demon beast to get closer. Just look for By the way, I survived the demon refining pot. The demon beast absorbed the demon energy in the demon refining pot, and it was bound to be closer to a floor."

Qingling paused and glanced at Lin Feng secretly. The corner of Lin Feng's eyes moved a bit, but most of the time, he was still absorbing the blue mist.

Qing Ling didn't speak any more, but quietly sneaked into Lin Feng's body.

After a while, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, opened his eyes, and felt the blue mist in the Dinghai God Pearl. A gentle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Lin Feng's heart moved, and a little blue mist appeared on his fingers. Sharp, lingering around, these blue mists seemed to be alive, actively avoiding Lin Feng.

Good guys!

Lin Feng continued to move forward. Without the breath of refining the demon pot, the blue mist gathered towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng concocted it according to the law, and soon collected a lot of blue mist. The blue mist was alive. After Lin Feng absorbed a large amount, they seemed to realize this and avoided Lin Feng one after another.

"These guys, is it possible that something in this valley is controlling them?" Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's heart moved a little, standing there, spiritual consciousness spread towards the front of the valley.

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