Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2981: Small fishing village

From Lin Feng's mouth, they have known countless times, and from here, they can return to Earth!

Ever since they were taken to this unfamiliar place inexplicably, they have been looking for a way to go back. Every night they missed their family and friends in the distance. Now they feel that they have finally arrived at the place closest to their hometown. Can't help being a little scared.

Perhaps it was because she had been away for too long, or she had never been to such a place before, or she was close to hometown. After feeling this simple folk customs, the two girls couldn't help but shed tears.

"Why are you crying?" Lin Feng turned his head and saw tears in the corners of the second woman's eyes. She was immediately panicked. He took up the sleeves and wiped the tears on the second woman. He put his arms around the second woman and said: "What's wrong, tell me Me, I will help you solve it!"

"It's okay!" Li Yutong took the lead, took a breath, then wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said: "We just haven't been home for a long time, so I miss it very much."

"Yeah, yeah, it's timid about hometown!" Qin Yanran also nodded, sniffed, and said.

Hearing what the second daughter said, Lin Feng heaved a sigh of relief, put her arms in his arms, and said: "Don't worry, what I promised you will definitely be done. Don't worry, after we arrive in Donghuang Kingdom, we will Going back soon."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Yanran and Li Yutong both nodded, cuddling in Lin Feng's arms, feeling the sound of Lin Feng's powerful heart beating, and the corners of the two girls' mouths evoked a gentle smile.

They haven't had such peace of mind for a long time.

"Lin Feng, can we stop here for a while?" Before going to bed, Qin Yanran raised her head, looking at Lin Feng with sleepy eyes, and asked.

"Well, you sleep, I'll stay with you here." Lin Feng's mouth with a gentle smile, and his arms around the two daughters, turning Po Xunsuo into an ordinary fishing boat. The fishing boat drifts with the waves on the sea, occasionally with fishermen. Lin Feng nodded with the fisherman with a smile, and then controlled Bo Xunsuo to leave.

This simplicity made Lin Feng's entire mind ironed down in an instant, thinking he was there, and he was relieved.

I don’t know how much such a comfortable time can be experienced.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the two daughters in his arms, thinking of Aunt Ping and his women who were still waiting at home, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He finally brought the person back now.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng looked down at the second woman, with a gentle smile on his lips.

Perhaps they are his biggest disaster.

Bo Xunsuo slowly leaned on the shore. By this time it was dusk, Lin Feng took out the boiler and selected a plump spirit fish, cooked the belly and removed the scales, and then cut the spirit fish into thin slices. Put the fish bones into the pot, add water, add a little seasoning and start to simmer slowly.

The fire in the heart of the earth wrapped the cauldron, and Lin Feng carefully controlled the temperature and set aside the fish fillets.

The more stewed the soup became thicker, the more stewed it became whiter, and a faint smell of fish lingered around. Several fishermen who had just returned from fishing couldn't help but look at this side, with a pair of surprised eyes in their eyes. When dealing with fish, it was the first time they smelled such a smell of fish.

It is so fragrant!

Some fishermen smashed the corners of their mouths, walked over, and glanced at their own boat of fish. It was obvious that the harvest was so good, but in their hearts, there was a feeling that they didn’t know the smell of meat. These fish are now in front of them. , Instantly eclipsed.

It's not important anymore, everything is not important anymore.

Several fishermen looked up at Lin Feng while cleaning up their stalls skillfully.

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth was with a smile that asked you, and he felt the eyes of everyone, but Lin Feng did not speak, just lowered his head and continued to prepare, scanning the sea from time to time.

Suddenly, a boat entered Lin Feng's eyes, and a young boy with a bit of frustration on his face, driving the empty boat back to the dock, this time, he did not catch any fish.

"Zhang Zi, didn't you catch the fish again?" The fishermen raised their heads and laughed as they looked at the middle-aged man who returned.

"Yeah, I didn't catch it. I really don't know what's wrong. Why is this fish so hard to fight?" The boy named Zhang Zi sighed, tied the boat, and sighed with envy when he saw the harvest of the fishermen nearby. Sighed.

If only he could catch so many fish.

"Don't worry, you are still young, and you are not proficient now. When you are proficient, you can catch fish." A fisherman comforted the boy.

The boy inhaled his nose, and the scent in the air brought his eyes to his body. Lin Feng was slowly stirring the fish soup, and the scent became stronger and stronger.

"It's so fragrant." The boy washed his nose, his eyes lit up, and his whole mind moved. It was the first time he smelled such fragrant fish!

"Do you want to come over and have a bowl together?" Lin Feng said with a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth, looking at Zhang Zi, smiling.

"Me?" Zhang Zi asked, pointing to himself.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, Zhang Zi hesitated, jumped onto Lin Feng's boat, and glanced at the creamy white fish soup in Lin Feng's pot.

When he arrived on the boat, the scent of the fish soup became stronger. Zhang Zi glanced at the boat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was surprised to see that he only saw the deck of the boat. There was nothing inside? its not right?

Zhang Zi shook his head, and he had to look over, and he saw that it was just a simple awning boat.

Zhang Zi let out a sigh of relief, took the bowl in Lin Feng's hand, drank the fish soup in the bowl in one gulp, and sighed, arched his hand at Lin Feng, and said, "Thank you, it's delicious!"

"This is my token. If you want to one day, you can take this token to find me." Lin Feng placed a token in front of Zhang Zi. Zhang Zi took the token and glanced at Lin. Feng frowned and thought about it, and put the token in his arms.

Lin Feng smiled, waved his hand, and the next moment, Zhang Zi only felt that his body seemed to have lost a little center of gravity, and he fell onto the dock.

"Oh, Zhang Zi, why are you sitting here?"

"Uncle, did you see a boat here just now?" Zhang Zi wiped the corners of his mouth. The corners of his mouth were clean and there was nothing, but the smell of fish soup still remained in his mouth. With a bit of disbelief on his face, he turned to look at the uncle and asked.

"What are you talking about, there's nothing here, Zhang Zi, it's getting late, go back soon, yes, take a few catties of fish back, look at you, you are too thin, so make up for it!"

Zhang Zi took the fish, touched his chest, a token appeared in Zhang Zi's hand, everything just now was not a dream, it was real!

"Fairy!" Zhang Zi shouted and ran straight ahead!

"This kid is really crazy, how could a fairy appear in such a remote mountain village!" Seeing Zhang Zi's appearance, the uncle behind sneered, shook his head, and went on to work. WeChat search public number: wmdy66, you are lonely, younger sister warms you with movies

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