Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3105: Run forward

The next morning, Lin Feng appeared on the galaxy teleportation square in the center of Tongcheng, standing there, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"True Nima is expensive, this teleportation will clean up all the immortal spirit stones that I have exchanged for killing monsters these days, or the cultivation base is too weak, if it can cross the Mahayana period, it will be great! "

Lin Feng shook his head and gave a wry smile. Standing on the teleportation formation, Lin Feng only felt dizzy in front of him. When he opened his eyes, he had already reached another teleportation formation.

"Hurry down when you arrive, hurry up, don't block the people behind!" Someone in the teleportation formation was constantly urging, and Lin Feng stepped down from the teleportation formation and walked directly out of the hall.

Here is Mercury.

Lin Feng stood outside and looked up at the distant sky. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and the surrounding air smelled of humidity.

Mercury Mercury, as the name suggests, most of the places on Mercury are water sources, these water sources cover about 80% of Mercury's territory, and the remaining 20% ​​of the territory is land.

Lin Feng majored in water, and standing on Mercury naturally felt very comfortable.

Walking on the street, most of the monks were water monks, and Lin Feng only felt that everything around him was more cordial.

Along the way, Lin Feng's speed was very slow, and his mind slowly settled down. The surrounding water spirit power shook slowly with Lin Feng's breathing, and Lin Feng's body gradually disappeared on the street.

Chitaki enveloped Lin Feng, and saw Lin Feng's appearance with a bitter expression on his face.

The master is the master, and on the way, the cultivation started like this, but the master should see the place clearly.

Chitaki was very depressed.

If it weren't for his quick response, after being discovered by the people around him, these people would definitely attack the owner!

Chitaki carefully escorted Lin Feng.

Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped.

The surrounding water spirit power became more and more cheerful, and Lin Feng felt that his own strength was reuniting little by little, the Qi refining period, the foundation building period, the Jin Dan period, the Nascent Soul period, the God Transforming period...

The promotion entered Lin Feng's mind and body again and again, and Lin Feng could feel that his strength seemed to grow stronger and stronger over time. When the strength was accumulated to a certain point, the power switch was suddenly opened. , Lin Feng's momentum changed accordingly.

In Lin Feng's body, the Dinghai Divine Beacon was constantly rotating, and the surrounding water spirit power blended with the divine water in the Dinghai Divine Beacon, constantly washing Lin Feng's body.

"Huh!" After a long time, Lin Feng took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and exhaled the stale air that had accumulated in the chest cavity.

"I said, Master, next time you want to do this, can you inform me and let me prepare?" Chitaki said bitterly to Lin Feng, with a pitiful face.

The master's speed is too fast, he is also very helpless!

"Well, I'll pay attention next time." Lin Feng nodded and answered Chitaki's question very seriously, "Let's go."

"Master, shall we go over now?" Chitaki's footsteps paused, then turned to look at Lin Feng and asked.

"Where can I go? I am poor and white now. After I come to the immortal world, I can only rely on my own hands to get rich!" Lin Feng smiled bitterly, and said, "But Mercury is full of water monsters, so we kill more. Some are sold here, and after the travel expenses are paid, they can be sold in a few galaxies. In this case, it will be before."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Chitaki nodded and shrugged. The point was that they needed to find so many water monsters to kill.

"Everything listens to the master, master, do you need me to do something for you?" Chitaki smiled, looked at Lin Feng, and said.

"Porch is much more convenient than you on Mercury." He immediately waved his hand and refused Chitaki, although he knew Chitaki's question was just a polite question.

"Master, where are you going now?" Compared to Chitaki, Porch was obviously a lot quieter, controlling Bo Xunsuo to appear in front of Lin Feng and asked.

"Let's go, look for monsters in the sea, kill more monsters, preferably scarce monsters, so that we can earn more." Lin Feng smiled and said, shaking his hands, and the whole spirit was lifted up.

Just when Lin Feng was about to go up, a figure attracted Lin Feng's attention.

Shi Ningxue?

Lin Feng stared intently at the past, there were people coming and going on the street, where was Shi Ningxue.

Blind or does this woman really appear on Mercury?

Despite this, Lin Feng couldn't help but muttered, it seems that this woman is really lingering, she has rolled over here.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed.

"Master?" Poch shouted.

Lin Feng came back to his senses, paused, and said, "Let's go." With that, Lin Feng went directly into Bo Xunsuo, and Bo Xunsuo interspersed. Entered the river, and went down the river~www .wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng's mind swept around directly, and after finding the monster beast he needed, Lin Feng was not soft at all and killed it without hesitation.

Lin Feng's shot was quick, and many monster beasts had been slaughtered by Lin Feng before they could react.

Lin Feng's original intention was not to exercise. The purpose was to search for the treasures in the river and the corpses of the monster beasts to make money. Therefore, the number four does not consider the powerful monsters, and often sees the powerful monsters directly from the powerful monsters. Interspersed with the past.

"Master, how many such monsters are we going to hunt down?" Poqi had been following Lin Feng for a long time and couldn't help but ask.

"The more the better, we need a lot of materials in exchange for the fairy stone, Nima's, I've never been so poor before!" Lin Feng gritted his teeth and grunted while working.

"Then master, should you put this atomic bomb into my bullet gun and I will control the launch? There are many fish families in the deep sea, so let's choose those relatively weaker sea races with fewer races. After these three or five, it should be almost the same!"

Boqi hesitated for a moment, and said to Lin Feng.

Hearing what Boqi said, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately, he smiled, and said, "Oh, how come I didn't expect it, but you have undergone high-tech transformation! Okay, let's just go ahead. !"

Lin Feng's body trembled. This method proposed by Boqi was simply too useful!

While talking, Lin Feng had already put all the bullet holes in it. He was full of energy, smiled, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Alright, Porch, I will leave the analysis to you!"

"Don't worry, Master, you just wait to pack your things!" Porch laughed and sprinted to the front quickly, getting faster and faster.

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