Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3154: Yunmengze experience (1)

The next morning, the seven people except Zhao Qingluo were waiting for Lin Feng in the square.

Lin Feng walked over slowly, followed by Xiao Bai and Zhao Qingluo.

"Everyone is here, let's set off!" Lin Feng waved his hand, Chitakisuo floated in the sky, and the perfect body drew everyone's exclamation.

This is a flying shuttle!

You know, in the fairy world, there are not many people who can make flying shuttles. Most of them are in the Qianjimen, and Qianjimen things are very expensive!

"Don't refuse my mind!" Seeing these disciples open their mouths, Lin Feng smiled, waved his hand, and directly led several disciples inside. "Boys are in front and girls are behind. When fighting, boys remember to protect Two golden flowers in our class!"

There are only seven first-year students in the Dan Academy, and there are only two girls, one is Dai Jiao and the other is Qin Su.

The second girl's appearance is not very high, but her temperament is not bad, standing there, she is also very seductive.

"Teacher Lin, how many days have we experienced in the past?" Ji Zhao walked up to Lin Feng under the push of everyone and asked with a grin.

"One month!" Lin Feng opened his eyes and took a look, and said lightly, "We will live in Yunmengze for the next month, so if we don't have enough preparations, we should prepare ourselves to be self-sufficient in it. !"

Everyone's hearts beat.

As a disciple of the alchemy, they rarely go out to do things because of alchemy. Most of the time, the disciples of the alchemy stay in the alchemy. Now they heard Lin Feng suddenly arrange for them After such a big task, everyone's looks changed.

"Don't worry too much, I will arrange things for you, so you just wait with peace of mind, ah, besides, every one of them is young people, what to worry about, how to say that, eat Isn't he a master if he is suffering from suffering?"

Seeing a few restless disciples, Lin Feng said with a smile, "This experience is mainly for the competition next month with the Qiyuan. Most of the disciples in the Qiyuan this year are trained. Seeing that they are here to bully people, you will endure the pill that you have worked so hard to refine to be taken away?"

Lin Feng smiled and looked at several people, "We are only seven people, as long as we work together, one month will pass, right?"

"Brother Lin, but when you went out, you didn't say that we would come here for a month!" Xiaobai looked at Lin Feng pitifully and said.

"Don't you know now?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Zhao Qingluo stood by and did not speak. Experience is common for them, even for three to five months a year. Therefore, this month is not really a long time for them, so, Just follow along.

Zhao Qingluo stood in the back casually.

"Furthermore, you see, we still have masters here. What are you worried about?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Teacher Lin, the main reason is that the time is too long." Ji Zhao glanced at the students behind and said, "You know, the alchemist's physique is not very good!"

"Don't worry, isn't my flying shuttle here?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "The space inside is large enough. Although it's a bit smaller, it can definitely live comfortably, so don't worry about it."

Lin Feng refuted everyone both indifferently.

Everyone who was still expectant heard Lin Feng's words, and they all fell silent. Obviously, they had already noticed that Lin Feng just didn't mean to let them go.

"That's enough, enough!" Several first-year students looked sad, but Lin Feng had already greeted Qian Takisuo towards Yun Mengze.

In the outer layer of Yun Mengze, two and three disciples from Qingshan Academy passed from here, some disciples entered, and some disciples returned with a good harvest.

Chi Takisuo fell outside, Lin Feng waved, and said, "Let's go, let's go to the designated place first!" With that, Lin Feng walked directly to the front.

"Let's go, let's go!" Zhao Qing lagged behind and greeted loudly. A group of disciples were in the middle. You looked at me and I looked at you. Obviously, he was not very happy with the forest.

"Don't be haggling, give me a hurry up one by one, don't imagine someone can come to save you, I told you, I have already greeted you, no one will come! The whole day Nest in the pill courtyard, they are almost fat pigs!"

Lin Feng complained and moved forward. After entering the depths, all the disciples dispersed and began to search for herbs.

"It's not that there is a monster that surpasses your cultivation base, just solve it yourself!" Lin Feng said with a smile, and a Fei Zong took Xiao Bai and Zhao Qingluo away.

"Teacher Lin!" A group of disciples were confused by Lin Feng's sudden movements and shouted, trying to keep Lin Feng, but Lin Feng had already left.

Seven students stood there, looking at each other.

Ji Zhao, Zhao Shuping, and Dong Jun stood in front. You look at me and I look at you. They are also ignorant.

What about the vows before coming?

As a result, they left them here and ran away!

"Or, let's go back first?" a disciple said first.

"Don't think about it, the formation has been arranged here long ago. There are a total of 20 monsters in a radius of 30 miles~www.wuxiaspot.com~, ten in the body stage, ten in the Mahayana stage, all killed, you can go back. "A lazy voice sounded, and then a face that resembled Lin Feng appeared in front of everyone, saying:

"Hello everyone, I am Robot One. This time all your experiences will be monitored by me."

Robot One?

Everyone looked at this guy who was similar to Lin Feng, you look at me, I look at you, they don't know what this guy is!

"Please start your experience. I will count the final results of your experience based on your completion. Excellent ones will get a second-level immortal medicine prepared by your instructor. Pieces."

The robot's voice continued. The mechanical voice made everyone have to believe that the guy in front of them was not Lin Feng. Look at me, I see you whispered, and left in twos and threes.

Lin Feng felt the situation inside and nodded in satisfaction.

This group of guys had to come here to check it out early in the evening, and set up the formation here, leaving a few robots to supervise them. Otherwise, these disciples would have left directly!

It's really tiring to greet the students!

Feeling the appearance of these students, Lin Feng sighed, turned to smile, and said: "Let's go, let's go a little deeper, there are a few monster beasts in the middle of the Mahayana period, just to practice Xiaobai for you!"

With that said, regardless of whether Xiao Bai was willing or not, Lin Feng directly carried Xiao Bai, and went directly to Zhao Qingluo for dozens of miles, throwing Xiao Bai away, and Lin Feng left directly.

Zhao Qingluo stood beside Xiaobai, grinning, and said, "Brother Xiaobai, let’s go and experience together. Brother Lin has already set up a formation. Don’t kill these three monsters in the middle Mahayana period, you Can't leave!"

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